Underground Usa

Nullification Can Be Applied To A Lot Of Things



Before we get into this segment of The Captain's America: Third Watch, I wanted to announce the launching of my new book, Nullification: The Case For Decentralizing The Federal Government, now available at Amazon.com in both print and digital editions for Kindle.It's an important argument that I've been talking about a lot on Matt's show and in my writing. Utilizing nullification can help the states claw back power from an overreaching federal government. It is a tool that our Founders and Framers knew was valuable going all the way back to Madison and Jefferson. They argued for this ability. They argued to reserve the right of nullification for the states so the states could say to the federal government, “No. Your infringing on the 9th and 10th Amendments to the Constitution and we are not going to honor your authority in that vein.It's something the states can use today and, as I say in the book, California, Illinois, and New York have already set the precedent for the use of nullification in the way they'