Eft/tapping Q & A Podcast W/ Gene Monterastelli - Emotional Freedom Techniques

"I'm gentle and easy with myself..." – My favorite tapping phrases (Part 5) (Pod #554)



Our healing journey doesn't always go as planned. Sometimes we stall. Sometimes progress is slower than we'd like. And sometimes (heaven forbid) we actually backslide. Hitches and delays are an inevitable part of the healing and transformation process. How we respond to these moments determines how quickly we return to the healing path. This week, as we continue the My Favorite Phrases Series, I am sharing the tapping phrase I find most valuable when things are not going as planned, why it is such a hard phrase to say out loud, and why that is actually good news. It is a phrase I use daily when tapping on my own and with my clients. Support the podcast! Http://tappingqanda.com/support Subscribe in: Apple Podcast | iPhone | Android | Google Podcast | Spotify | Pandora | Amazon Music | iHeartRadio