I'd Eat That Podcast

Episode 11 - Perfecting Thanksgiving Turkey with Chef Ashish Alfred



Episode 11 - James Beard Chef Ashish Alfred comes on as a guest to go through the steps of cooking a turkey. He also talks about other ways of cooking a turkey. Chef Ashish Alfred is the chef and owner of Duck Duck Goose, George's Chop House, and Loft at 4935. Chef Ashish was awarded 2019 Maryland Chef of the Year, and featured on The Today Show, Baltimore Magazine, and The Washington Post.Restaurant Websites:Duck Duck Goose Bethesda: http://www.ddgbethesda.comDuck Duck Goose Baltimore: http://www.ddgbaltimore.com/George’s Chophouse: https://www.georgesbethesda.com/Social MediaFacebook: Duck Duck Goose Bethesda: https://www.facebook.com/ddgbethesda/Duck Duck Goose Baltimore: https://www.facebook.com/ddgfellspoint/George’s Chophouse:https://www.facebook.com/georgeschophouse/Instagram:Duck Duck Goose Bethesda: @ddgbethesda Duck Duck Goose Baltimore: @ddgbaltimore George’s Chophouse: @georgeschophouseChef Alfred: @ChefAshishAlfred Audbile Offer: audbiletrial.com/ideatthat