The P.t. Entrepreneur Podcast



The PT Entrepreneur Podcast with Danny Matta brings you interviews and insights from top physical therapy business owners. Topics range from starting and running a cash physical therapy practice to creating digital products and even physical products. The PT Entrepreneur Podcast gives you an inside look of the minds and businesses of some of the most successful physical therapists today. No empty fluff.... just actionable, helpful information you can use TODAY.


  • Ep423 | 4 Keys To A Cash Practice Turnaround

    12/08/2021 Duración: 19min

    To date, our company, PT Biz, just cracked 1,000 businesses that we have worked with in some sort of capacity.  I felt this was a great opportunity to talk about the frameworks we see that lead to great turnarounds in cash practice.  Enjoy!   PT Everywhere: Do you enjoy the podcast?  If so, leave us a 5-star review on iTunes and tell a friend to do the same! Are you a member of our free PT Entrepreneur Facebook Group?  If not, head to the link below and join the community!

  • Ep422 | Should You Move To A Stand Alone Space?

    10/08/2021 Duración: 57min

    We are seeing a massive amount of growth in the businesses we work with.  Many of our clients are moving to stand alone facilities or purchasing buildings.  Yves and I share out advice on moving to a stand alone space or purchasing commercial real estate as you continue to grow your practice.   PT Everywhere: Do you enjoy the podcast?  If so, leave us a 5-star review on iTunes and tell a friend to do the same! Are you a member of our free PT Entrepreneur Facebook Group?  If not, head to the link below and join the community!

  • Ep421 | The Key To Transitioning From Self Employed To Business Owner

    05/08/2021 Duración: 12min

    If you are wanting to take that next step from creating a job for yourself to becoming a true business owner, this episode is for you!  Everyone that starts a business should build it in a way that they can one day exit that business, even if they don't want to.  I discuss why that it in this episode.  Enjoy!   PT Everywhere: Do you enjoy the podcast?  If so, leave us a 5-star review on iTunes and tell a friend to do the same! Are you a member of our free PT Entrepreneur Facebook Group?  If not, head to the link below and join the community!

  • Ep420 | Social Media Secrets

    03/08/2021 Duración: 52min

    This episode is from a Facebook Live from my partners Yves Gege and Jerred Moon.  They take a deep dive into their social media secrets and what has worked for them.  Enjoy!   PT Everywhere: Do you enjoy the podcast?  If so, leave us a 5-star review on iTunes and tell a friend to do the same! Are you a member of our free PT Entrepreneur Facebook Group?  If not, head to the link below and join the community!  

  • Ep419 | Three Profit Centers To Add To Your Cash Practice

    29/07/2021 Duración: 18min

    On this episode, we are talking about ways to improve profitability in your cash practice that don't involve seeing more patients.  One of the huge values of a cash practice is that it allows you to have a relationship with your client in a way that they know you are going to get them the absolute best outcome that you can.   As long as you do the right things in terms of engaging with them and making sure they are clear on the goals you are wanting them to achieve, you will have successful outcomes in your practice.  Enjoy!   PT Everywhere: Do you enjoy the podcast?  If so, leave us a 5-star review on iTunes and tell a friend to do the same! Are you a member of our free PT Entrepreneur Facebook Group?  If not, head to the link below and join the community!  

  • Ep418 | Student Debt and How To Increase Your Earning Potential With F Scott Feil

    27/07/2021 Duración: 48min

    Today, I am excited to be joined by my friend, Dr. F Scott Feil.  We engage in a fairly informal conversation about our profession, and student debt in particular and how people can start to chip away at their debt in much better ways. Dr. F Scott Feil is a physical therapist and educator focused on improving the lives of individuals in the geriatric space. He began his career in 2007 as a traveling physical therapist taking contracts in Texas, Hawaii and North Carolina.  Enjoy!   PT Everywhere: Do you enjoy the podcast?  If so, leave us a 5-star review on iTunes and tell a friend to do the same! Are you a member of our free PT Entrepreneur Facebook Group?  If not, head to the link below and join the community!

  • Ep417 | What My Friend Learned From Dying For 4 Minutes

    22/07/2021 Duración: 13min

    On this Thursday episode of The P.T. Entrepreneur Podcast, I have a crazy story to share with you all.  It's about a friend of mine who I used to Crossfit with and what happened to him after literally dying for four minutes!  I think this story will give some perspective on life, your relationships, and how you view what you are doing.  Enjoy!   PT Everywhere: Do you enjoy the podcast?  If so, leave us a 5-star review on iTunes and tell a friend to do the same! Are you a member of our free PT Entrepreneur Facebook Group?  If not, head to the link below and join the community!

  • Ep416 | Interview with Zac Lynch (Success in a Small Town)

    20/07/2021 Duración: 47min

    Find out how Zac grew his cash practice in the smallest county in Tennessee. Zac loves what he does. He loves his small town and really wanted to bring a performance-based practice to his community. He took the leap and found out really quickly that people were craving something like this. They want to feel better. They want someone to help guide the process of their health and fitness journey. Today, you'll learn how Zac has grown to multiple employees (and more being added soon!), how he adds online programming/ training to his services.   PT Everywhere: Do you enjoy the podcast?  If so, leave us a 5-star review on iTunes and tell a friend to do the same! Are you a member of our free PT Entrepreneur Facebook Group?  If not, head to the link below and join the community!

  • Ep415 | Inflation And What You Can Do About It

    15/07/2021 Duración: 17min

    On this installment of The P.T. Entrepreneur Podcast, we are talking inflation.  Whether you like it or not, it is here.  I wanted to give you three things I would do to control your own destiny.  Thank you so much for listening and enjoy!   PT Everywhere: Do you enjoy the podcast?  If so, leave us a 5-star review on iTunes and tell a friend to do the same! Are you a member of our free PT Entrepreneur Facebook Group?  If not, head to the link below and join the community!

  • Ep414 | The Top 5 Business Lessons From The Past 7 Years Running A Cash Practice

    13/07/2021 Duración: 34min

    Welcome back to the P.T. Entrepreneur Podcast!  On this episode, I will be reflecting back on 7 years of owning and operating a cash-based practice.  Some of these lessons I have learned are super important not only for me, but I think for the clinicians we also work with with Physical Therapy Biz. Also, if you want to be around a community of clinicians like yourself, don't miss the chance to join us in September at our live event in Dallas!  Hop on a call with one of our team members today!  Head to the link below!   PT Everywhere: Do you enjoy the podcast?  If so, leave us a 5-star review on iTunes and tell a friend to do the same! Are you a member of our free PT Entrepreneur Facebook Group?  If not, head to the link below and join the community!  

  • Ep413 | How Should You Charge For Personal Training In Your Cash Practice

    08/07/2021 Duración: 11min

    In this episode, I give a brief update on our upcoming Mastermind Live Event in Dallas in September.  I also get into a common scenario we see especially with people early on in their business.  That scenario is being a personal trainer along with being a physical therapist.  I get into how this can be a good thing and where you can dig yourself into a hole when trying to scale this up.  Enjoy!   PT Everywhere: Do you enjoy the podcast?  If so, leave us a 5-star review on iTunes and tell a friend to do the same! Are you a member of our free PT Entrepreneur Facebook Group?  If not, head to the link below and join the community!

  • Ep412 | 4 Keys To A 5-10K A Month Side Hustle

    06/07/2021 Duración: 33min

    The infamous side hustle! Performance-based clinicians have been using this for years to dip their toes in the water bc let's be honest most of us are too scared to burn the ships (and rightfully so).  We've got families to take care of. Student loans to pay. And we really don't know what we are doing!!! So...ENTER the side hustle- The low-risk easy way to start getting some proof of concept before diving in. I would say out of the hundreds of successful cash practices we work with 90% or more started in side hustle mode. So the question is how do you make your side hustle spectacular so not only can you earn some extra revenue but also feel confident enough to take the next step, quit your current job, and go ALL IN!!! PT Everywhere: Do you enjoy the podcast?  If so, leave us a 5-star review on iTunes and tell a friend to do the same! Are you a member of our free PT Entrepreneur Facebook Group?  If not, head to the link below and join the community! https://www.facebook.

  • Ep411 | The Real Benefit To Taking A Chance On Yourself

    01/07/2021 Duración: 10min

    What you're going to hear today is a message to me from one of our Mastermind members.  We use an app called Voxer to constantly keep an open line of communication with everyone we work with.  This episode is two messages between myself and one of our members who I will not name but you may recognize his voice!  I wanted you all to hear not only the early success this individual is having, but also how much energy he now has after making this pivot in his career.  Enjoy!   PT Everywhere: Do you enjoy the podcast?  If so, leave us a 5-star review on iTunes and tell a friend to do the same! Are you a member of our free PT Entrepreneur Facebook Group?  If not, head to the link below and join the community!

  • Ep410 | Going From Mobile To A Stand Alone Practice With Kingsley Yew

    29/06/2021 Duración: 44min

    Today, you get to meet a long-time vet to the Cash PT game. He is one of the original mastermind members and now is one of the Accountability coaches in the mastermind program. He's a badass practice owner who gonna share all his secrets! Kingsley Yew is in New York, started fully mobile, and after a few years added a practice inside of a gym. He's now running both successfully, and is onboarding his first new hire who was also his student! Oh yeah, he also works for the The Ready State producing amazing content. Kingsley has so many lessons learned from his experiences being mobile, selling 5k+ post knee TKA packages, and growing his gym practice. He is very intentional with time balancing his mobile clients and clients at the gym all while marketing and doing workshops. PT Everywhere: Do you enjoy the podcast?  If so, leave us a 5-star review on iTunes and tell a friend to do the same! Are you a member of our free PT Entrepreneur Facebook Group?  If not, head to the link

  • Ep409 | Why You Must Set Non Business Goals

    24/06/2021 Duración: 14min

    What goals are you setting outside of your business goals?  For the clinicians that we work with, the very first thing we run them through is a goal setting course.  We see much better outcomes in business for people who are setting personal goals outside of their business.  Focusing on the metrics of your business is without a doubt key for success, but if you aren't addressing things outside of that, there is a downside.   PT Everywhere: Do you enjoy the podcast?  If so, leave us a 5-star review on iTunes and tell a friend to do the same! Are you a member of our free PT Entrepreneur Facebook Group?  If not, head to the link below and join the community!

  • Ep408 | How To Turn On An Unlimited Source Of Leads

    22/06/2021 Duración: 56min

    The number one question we get is how to generate consistent leads in your practice.  Today, we'll give you principles and strategies on how to do just that! PT Everywhere: Do you enjoy the podcast?  If so, leave us a 5-star review on iTunes and tell a friend to do the same! Are you a member of our free PT Entrepreneur Facebook Group?  If not, head to the link below and join the community!

  • Ep407 | My Two Most Important Leadership Lessons

    17/06/2021 Duración: 11min

    I recently joined a new Mastermind group and today I wanted to share a story on leadership that I will also be sharing with the new group I am a part of.  Enjoy!   PT Everywhere: Do you enjoy the podcast?  If so, leave us a 5-star review on iTunes and tell a friend to do the same! Are you a member of our free PT Entrepreneur Facebook Group?  If not, head to the link below and join the community!

  • Ep406 | Digital Content Mastery

    14/06/2021 Duración: 55min

    Learn exactly how to get new patients from using your own organic digital content with Yves Gege and Jerred Moon.  Enjoy!   PT Everywhere: Do you enjoy the podcast?  If so, leave us a 5-star review on iTunes and tell a friend to do the same! Are you a member of our free PT Entrepreneur Facebook Group?  If not, head to the link below and join the community!

  • Ep405 | Why It's So Important To Grow Past Yourself

    10/06/2021 Duración: 10min

    This past weekend, we hosted Toko Nguyen from Institute for Athlete Regeneration.  Toko's organization put on a sports manual therapy course and it was awesome!  Toko is an amazing instructor and I highly recommend looking into taking one of his team's courses.  Our staff is amazing because they view what they are doing as an art and they are always looking to improve their skillset.  Today, I talk about why this is so important to always look to grow past yourself.   PT Everywhere: Do you enjoy the podcast?  If so, leave us a 5-star review on iTunes and tell a friend to do the same! Are you a member of our free PT Entrepreneur Facebook Group?  If not, head to the link below and join the community!

  • Ep404 | Starting A Cash Practice In A Hair Salon With Courtney Morse

    08/06/2021 Duración: 54min

    Courtney Morse is an interesting guy.  He's done it all and currently owns a multi-clinician cash practice.  He's also one of our head coaches in PT Biz and I'm excited to share his story. PT Everywhere: Do you enjoy the podcast?  If so, leave us a 5-star review on iTunes and tell a friend to do the same! Are you a member of our free PT Entrepreneur Facebook Group?  If not, head to the link below and join the community!

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