Real Estate Grad School Llc



Launch your career to the next level through Real Estate Grad School live coaching, webinars, online courses, workbooks and resource materials. Implement proven systems and tools used by top Agents across North America.


  • What Mega Producers Do

    26/02/2020 Duración: 10min

    What are the things that Megaproducers do that you don't? How do they talk to their clients? How do they manage their day? How do they stay in touch? How do they communicate with sellers or buyers? What do top agents put on their calendar? Do they have consistent days? Rich goes through the top activities of a top selling agent and how they work on their business. Take ten minutes to improve your business and join us on the podcast. Learn more at

  • What's More Important Than An Agents Business Plan?

    24/02/2020 Duración: 20min

    What do you need to build even more than your business plan? You may have the best ideas on paper but if you don't work on this you won't grow the way you've dreamed. Don't limit your success. Let go of the frustration and build these tools to grow your business.  We want you to add $50,000 or more to your income this year. Learn the tools to grow your real estate business every week, every month and all year to reach the goals you've always dreamed of. Learn more and get our resources at

  • The Five Categories of Systems

    19/02/2020 Duración: 11min

    Every real estate agent that wants to ad $50,000 or more to their business every year has to build a system. You need to constantly work on that system and improve it. We at Real Estate Grad School know how to build these systems and can help you get sense of purpose building your systems. Rich will go through the top 5 categories and also extra tips to build your business. Learn how to build these systems and follow through to create the growth you want in your business. Learn more and sign up for our coaching system at

  • Paradigm Shift

    17/02/2020 Duración: 16min

    What are you struggling with this week? I've spent my entire career taking time to reduce struggle for myself, my agents and my clients. Do you want to raise your income by $50,000 this year? How about $100,000? All you need to create this is a paradigm shift. It's a shift in how you think and what you do. Your income doesn't necessarily need to be a roller coaster. You can create consistency by breaking the cycle of up and down.  Learn all the steps you need to do to create a consistent income. Learn more at

  • What is Your Monthly Review?

    01/11/2019 Duración: 19min

    Every agent wants to succeed. To succeed you need systems. If you think systematically you can create unlimited growth. Systems create confidence. A confident agent can create amazing opportunity. There are 5 foundational systems. Rich will lay them out and tell you how to use each one to build your business. Let Master Coach Rich Levin help you create your sales breakthrough. Find out in today's podcast. Learn more at and join us on Facebook and and on Instagram @REGradSchool

  • Every Agent wants to Succeed...

    31/10/2019 Duración: 19min

    Every agent wants to succeed. To succeed you need systems. If you think systematically you can create unlimited growth. Systems create confidence. A confident agent can create amazing opportunity. There are 5 foundational systems. Rich will lay them out and tell you how to use each one to build your business. Find out in today's podcast. Learn more at and join us on Facebook and and on Instagram @REGradSchool

  • Building Systems to Build YOUR Business

    30/10/2019 Duración: 16min

    Every agent that wants to build their business needs to build systems. Just like you get ready for the day your day needs a system to move forward.  If you want a quality of life outside your real estate business you need systems. Systematization comes naturally to some agents but not everyone is like that. We're here to teach you the systems you need to build your business beyond your wildest dreams. Find out in today's podcast. Learn more at and join us on Facebook and and on Instagram @REGradSchool

  • Doesn't it Make Sense?

    29/10/2019 Duración: 18min

    Doesn't it make sense that one key action should organize your business? What is the one thing that will kick your business into gear? Doesn't it makes that that key action needs to be done every day? Every person who manages a business has multiple priorities. They take key actions every day. Find out in today's podcast. Learn more at and join us on Facebook and and on Instagram @REGradSchool

  • Prospecting Adds to Your Income

    28/10/2019 Duración: 17min

    What are you using to prospect? Do you have a prospecting plan? Our agents are using the tools at to track their prospecting and gaining new clients every week. Rich calls this the "evergreen" business plan. His marketing ideas can help you find clients. His prospecting plan will always work because it is evergreen. Are you confused on prospecting? Rich breaks down the misconceptions and helps you stay focused on the tools that work. Learn more at and join us on Facebook and and on Instagram @REGradSchool

  • Stay in Touch with Your Leads

    23/10/2019 Duración: 19min

    Are you keeping track of all of your clients? Let master coach Rich Levin help you make sure you're not leaving anyone behind. Learn more at and join us on Facebook and and on Instagram @REGradSchool

  • Generate Listings in a Tough Market

    22/10/2019 Duración: 19min

    A lot of agents share ideas with me and one brought up the topic of listing agents that need to find homes for buyers. What do you do with clients who want to sell but can't find anything to buy. Find out from our master coach, Rich Levin! Learn more at and join us on Facebook and and on Instagram @REGradSchool

  • Maximize Every Listing Opportunity

    21/10/2019 Duración: 19min

    Everyone wants more clients and more business. What's your average commission? Would you like an extra commission every month? With a little work you can increase your monthly income which will help you make more for the year! Learn more at and join us on Facebook and and on Instagram @REGradSchool

  • Why you NEED to Generate Listing Leads!

    18/10/2019 Duración: 17min

    Listing leads work! Generating leads is simple but it looks scary. Once you get past the scary part it gets easier. When you focus on listings you create a strong client list and an even stronger business. Part of having a sales breakthrough is diversifying your leads. If you make the choice to generate listing leads you win BIG. Learn more at and join us on Facebook and and on Instagram @REGradSchool

  • Review your Business every month!

    17/10/2019 Duración: 17min

    Do you take a break every month for a review? If you're not keeping track of your business, who will? Take a step towards your real estate breakthrough with our master coach, Rich Levin! Learn more at and join us on Facebook and and on Instagram @REGradSchool

  • Keep Your Mindset Strong

    01/05/2019 Duración: 17min

    What do you do every day to keep your mindset strong? How do you strengthen your mindset throughout the day? Today is the day to make decisions. What can you do today to get ahead of your goals? How much work can you get ahead on today? You have the chance now to pivot to end your week with a little extra. What can you do today to feel even more accomplished on Friday? Set the pace for the week now and get ahead of your goals. Your future self will thank you. Learn more at and join us on Facebook and and on Instagram @REGradSchool  

  • How to Wrap up Your Presentation and Get Signatures

    12/04/2019 Duración: 17min

    You've set the stage, asked questions, presented marketing, now it's time to close the conversation. It's time to get signatures and decide on a price. Do you have the confidence to close? What if you knew before you asked if they'd say yes or no. Rich Levin teaches listing skills on today's episode. Learn more at and join us on Facebook and and on Instagram @REGradSchool  

  • How Do You Deal with Market Wear?

    11/04/2019 Duración: 17min

    You've prepared your CMA, you've look at the comparables, now it's time to present your results. The market value is something that can prevent the home sitting on the market too long. Are you ready for clients who may be unrealistic about their price? Rich Levin covers this part of your listing presentation on today's podcast. Learn more at and join us on Facebook and and on Instagram @REGradSchool  

  • Powerful and Clear Visuals for Your Listing Presentation

    10/04/2019 Duración: 16min

    We've gone over the listing presentation and the steps you need to take for success. You've taken control, now how are you going to show them you're a great agent? Rich Levin goes over all the visuals and the ways you can use visuals to win listings. Learn more at and join us on Facebook and and on Instagram @REGradSchool  

  • Emails That Matter and Get Opened

    09/04/2019 Duración: 15min

    Rich discusses the pieces of an email that people want to read. What kind of good information makes people open an email? Also, Rich discusses parts of the listing presentation that create success.  Learn more at and join us on Facebook and and on Instagram @REGradSchool   

  • Daily Routines to Find you Success

    08/04/2019 Duración: 16min

    The best agents stay in touch with their past clients and friends. Not for any specific reason except to be in touch. Learn this skill and all the ways to put success into your Real Estate system. Learn the daily routine of the masters from Rich Levin Learn this system and more at and join us on Facebookand on Instagram @REGradSchool 

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