Today's Business Leaders With Gabe Arnold



Don't get stuck with analysis paralysis, instead tune into Today's Business Leaders (TBL) for actionable advice from entrepreneurs around the world.


  • TBL Episode 57: Making the Most of a Learning Curve on Your Entrepreneurial Journey

    15/08/2018 Duración: 47min

    From music to bagels to helming a successful podcast, David Wolf has run a variety of vastly different businesses. Along the way, he has learned a lot, and he recently shared his entrepreneurial story with his old friend and fellow podcaster, Gabe, in this latest installment of Today’s Business Leaders.Trial by FireDavid ran a music company before deciding to completely change course and work at a bakery run by his family. By the time David started working at the family bagel business, the company was in a dire state and had declared bankruptcy. David helped the business navigate through bankruptcy court and worked to turn things around. While there was some level of success, ultimately David reached the end of the line with the bagel business. After eight years, with no money left to invest into the business, David filed bankruptcy and started the search for his next adventure.Small Biz AmericaDavid realized he had all of this experience from his time running the bagel business, and he decided to put his

  • TBL Episode 56: How Disengaging with Your Business Can Lead to Growth

    08/08/2018 Duración: 23min

    Jesse Miller realized as a teenager that he was wired differently from everyone else and he wanted to do things his way and be a business owner. During a recent interview, Jesse explains how he turned his traumatic early childhood experiences into motivation to move forward and drive him to where he is today. Born to be an Entrepreneur Early in his career, Jesse held several jobs, and at each, he worked directly with the business owners. Through this experience, Jesse learned firsthand the ins and outs of running a business. “I looked at that theme, and it was always that I was working directly with a business owner and I got to understand what makes a business work and what makes a business fail. That, in a nutshell, is what got me to where I am today,” Jesse explains. Simple Concept Jesse took the leap and bought an existing business in 2005. In one year, he doubled the business. He admits this took a lot of hard work, but more importantly, he focused on the simple stuff, and he realized the simple stuff

  • TBL Episode 55: Lessons of Entrepreneurship

    01/08/2018 Duración: 45min

    Les Cowie has had a long and varied career, and along the way, he has learned many valuable lessons in entrepreneurship. He spoke to Gabe about these lessons and his experiences for this most recent episode of Today’s Business Leaders. Starting Out In his late twenties, Les had a great job, and things were going really well. A family tragedy changed this momentum, and Les moved his wife and children out of Johannesburg. As per his wife’s suggestion, Les took the skill and knowledge he had from his previous job and got into multimedia training. Les learned a lot during this first go at video training, and he was able to perfect the process going forward. At this point, Les learned what he deems the first lesson of entrepreneurship: build it once, sell it many times over. Stay True to Your Calling Throughout his career, Les continued to learn more lessons about entrepreneurship. As he changed jobs and continents, Les found new ways to assetize his products to build his business. He also soon realized that cash

  • TBL Episode 54: The Value of Authenticity in Storytelling

    25/07/2018 Duración: 26min

    Eric Schudiske took everything he learned during the 12 years he worked as a reporter and launched his own public relations firm. He shares his story, along with plenty of actionable and valuable advice with Gabe for this installment of Today’s Business Leaders. Crossing the Finish Line Looking back, Eric is able to make connections between his job as a reporter and being an entrepreneur. In both instances, he had to deliver, but now he delivers for himself, instead of a boss. When working as an employee or an entrepreneur, there are deadlines that one way or another, must be met. Whether it is making his slot as a reporter, or helping his clients tell their story, failure is not an option. “You have a finish line and you’re going to cross it even if you have to drag everyone across with you. Having that mindset translated well into what I do now,” Eric explains. Following Passion Eric’s career led him to working at a PR firm, but it wasn’t where he wanted to be. When an opportunity to go out on his own cam

  • TBL Episode 53: The Value of Being Intentional With Your Time as an Entrepreneur

    23/07/2018 Duración: 44min

    After being let go from a job, Marisa Cali was essentially forced into entrepreneurship, and several years later she wouldn’t have it any other way. For this installment of Today’s Business Leaders, Marisa talks to Gabe about mistakes she made early on, how she responds when she receives ‘no’ as an answer, the value of referrals and more.Prioritizing Creative TimeInitially, Marisa was so caught up in working for her clients that she neglected her own marketing. She has now learned the importance of working on her own business and allowing herself the time she needs to be creative. “If you’re a creative person, it’s good to have that time [to create]. I think entrepreneurs are naturally creative, and sometimes our best ideas come to us at the most random times, so it’s good for us to make sure we fulfill that part of our being,” explains Marisa.Finding Her NicheMarisa was drawn to social media marketing and shortly landed a job handling the social accounts for a local soccer team. During her tenure with the te

  • TBL Episode 52: How Following Your Gut Can Help You Along Your Entrepreneurial Journey

    18/07/2018 Duración: 50min

    After working a corporate job, Ian Healey realized he actually didn’t want everything he had been working towards. He was sitting in a cubicle and miserable, so it was time for a change. In this installment of Today’s Business Leaders, Gabe chats with Ian about the draw of positive energy, the benefits of shifting perspective, why you need to just show up and more. California Dreaming Ian realized he is too creative to sit in a box and do whatever he was told to do, so he picked up and moved to California with friends. After arriving, Ian realized the energy in California breeds creativity and collaboration. Ian has learned to balance his new dreamy California lifestyle with his hustle work ethic. Since settling in on the West Coast, Ian has started several businesses, but he is passionate about one in particular. Getting Back What You Put Out Ian has worked with mentors and gained valuable insight that has helped him learn and grow. He even points out that he is still learning and Ian plans to always keep

  • TBL Episode 50: How to Transition from Job Junkie to Entrepreneur

    12/07/2018 Duración: 44min

    Danny Veiga wasn’t always sure what he wanted to do for a living, but he knew he wanted to work for himself. He went from being a self-declared job junkie, working 22 jobs between the ages of 16 - 22, to now running his own agency and helping others through a series of courses and coaching. Learning from Experiences Danny tried his hand at a variety of work-from-home jobs and began to pick up freelance web design jobs. He didn’t always enjoy the work, but he gained lots of valuable experience, and the exposure these jobs gave him has served him well with his own business. Finding the Reward in Risk A series of family setbacks and a couple of cross-country moves caused Danny to lose all his clients on more than one occasion. However, he hustled and worked and always rebuilt. When Danny realized it was time for a change, he took the arguably risky move of dropping his clients to start over. “Most people don’t want to take those risks, but those risks are going to allow you to propel your business in whatever

  • TBL Episode 51: The Value of Entrepreneurial Hustling

    11/07/2018 Duración: 01h02min

    Ben Matteucci started a successful marketing agency and is now making it on his own terms. He recently spoke to Gabe about how he navigated his way into entrepreneurship, the reward of planning a successful event, the three E’s of creating quality video content and more, for this episode of Today’s Business Leaders. Finding a Better Way Ben was working his way up in a successful job, but he decided he wanted to be in control of his destiny, so he quit his job and started selling door-to-door. Through this adventure, Ben learned a lot about sales and himself, and this simple act of quitting his job put him on a path towards success. “I was tired of spending my time to make money, so I wasn’t enjoying what I was doing, and there wasn’t really an opportunity for growth. I didn’t want to go to school - I didn’t have any passion for it. I wanted to go and make money the way I wanted to do it, which was selling,” Ben explains. Creating Opportunity While recovering from an accident, Ben was unable to knock on door

  • TBL Episode 49: How to Launch Your Entrepreneurial Business

    09/07/2018 Duración: 36min

    Jeet Banerjee is back to share more actionable advice and in-depth information about his entrepreneurial journey for this latest installment of Today’s Business Leaders. Jeet was featured in an earlier episode and shared a broad overview of his career to date. This go around, Jeet focuses more on the process of launching a company. Riding High on Success By age 21, Jeet had launched several successful businesses which were generating revenue, and he even sold one of these businesses. When his next idea came around, Jeet decided that instead of playing things cautiously, fleshing out his client profile and bootstrapping his budget, he would go all in and invest $50,000 to get his venture started. “I was very lucky, and I was riding that cloud of being successful and achieving this stuff. I had just sold a company prior to starting this one, so I had a good amount of cash, and I just felt cocky and arrogant, and I thought anything I touched I could make happen,” Jeet explains. Finding Value in Failure This pa

  • TBL Episode 48: Allowing Yourself the Permission to Explore and Find Your Passion

    02/07/2018 Duración: 41min

    Upon reflecting on when he knew he was an entrepreneur, Akbar Sheikh joked that he was brainwashed by his father into becoming an entrepreneur. The way of the entrepreneur is the only way he knew, so he was destined to take that path. During a recent chat with Gabe, Akbar reflects on his entry into entrepreneurship and shares some very insightful comments along with plenty of actionable advice for this episode of Today’s Business Leaders. Finding His Way One of the reasons Akbar became an entrepreneur is because after applying everywhere, he could never get a job. He owned a car dealership for a while and eventually found his way helping other entrepreneurs scale their businesses. He now understands that in order to succeed at business you need to feel passionate about that business. “You have to enjoy the business you are in. I think a lot of people give up on it because they are in the wrong business,” says Akbar. Control Your Circle of Influence With so much noise, it can be hard to know who to let in an

  • TBL Episode 47: Investing in Yourself on Your Entrepreneurial Journey

    27/06/2018 Duración: 48min

    While in college, Scott Theaman was introduced to network marketing and this experience opened his eyes to entrepreneurship. For the next two years, as Scott sold energy drinks, he learned a lot about sales and met many great people. After school, Scott moved on to other forms of sales before eventually landing to Internet marketing. Scott shares his story, along with loads of actionable advice with Gabe for this episode of Today’s Business Leaders. Manifesting Success Scott always wanted to be successful, and he has continually worked hard and learned from his experiences to make his own success. After walking away from a lucrative network marketing model, in which Scott had 1,100 distributors, he moved on to selling solar panels and ended up selling water filtration systems. During this time, Scott was able to fine-tune his sales skills. However, he noticed several friends who were using online marketing to boost their sales. The Pull of Internet Marketing At this time, Scott was unfamiliar with Internet

  • TBL Episode 46: Learning How to Trust People to be Successful in Life and Business

    20/06/2018 Duración: 45min

    For many years Amy Smith juggled two drastically different jobs: her ‘real’ job as a nurse and a side gig designing websites. For ten years she was caught between both, and while she liked her nursing job, she was passionate about design. At the beginning of the year, she decided it was finally time to take her design job fulltime, and she hasn’t looked back since. The Struggle is Real Amy enjoyed photography, but her mother insisted she take the more traditional path of going to school and earning a degree, so she did. Amy earned a degree and worked as a nurse. All along, on the side, she continued to work on photography and got into design. For many years, Amy struggled with the decision to leave her job and focus exclusively on her side gig, partly due to guilt that she was going against her mother’s wishes. Amy also worried about the prudence of basically throwing away her nursing training and certification in order to pursue a field in which she had no formal education. Amy has not regretted the decision

  • TBL Episode 45: Do What Gives You Energy and Passion

    13/06/2018 Duración: 54min

    After working several corporate jobs, Jaime Jay decided it was time for a change and that the entrepreneurial lifestyle was the way to go. Since then, Jaime has launched several successful businesses and is even on the verge of closing one down in order to pursue more profitable opportunities. For this installment of Today’s Business Leaders, Jaime speaks with Gabe about the gut-wrenching decision to close down a business, the acronym he uses to concentrate and how to unravel the mystery around knowing when to hire staff. Finding His Way Jaime started out selling golf balls and lemonade as a kid. As a young adult, he got off the entrepreneurial track, only to get back on after working 12 years in various corporate jobs. Ultimately, Jaime likes being his own boss and making his own decisions, so there was an appeal to becoming an entrepreneur. Becoming a Great Leader Most entrepreneurs do everything themselves in the beginning. Identifying when to hire staff and even how to go about finding the right staff i

  • TBL Episode 44: Working Without a Script

    11/06/2018 Duración: 43min

    Jeremy Slate has run a gamut of diverse jobs on his journey to becoming an entrepreneur. He started out teaching high school, sold life insurance, worked as a personal trainer and even sold products on Amazon before landing a role with a marketing firm. At that point, everything just came together, and Jeremy has been able to find his niche and entrepreneurial success. Learning About Entrepreneurship In 2013, Jeremy’s wife introduced him to a network marketing opportunity. That didn’t work out, but he was exposed to the concept of entrepreneurship. This set Jeremy on a path that eventually led to partnering with a friend at a marketing firm. While working as the CMO at a marketing firm, Jeremy hit his stride. It didn’t take long before Jeremy jumped into podcasting. These days, through his business, Command Your Brand, Jeremy helps fellow entrepreneurs tell their story through podcasting. He has merged a storytelling process with an email sequence and opt-ins to help clients expand the reach of their brands

  • TBL Episode 43: How to Empower People to Empower Others

    06/06/2018 Duración: 47min

    Stacey Howe-Lott is back on the show to speak with Gabe about how to empower people to empower others. Catch up on Stacey’s earlier episode to learn how her business helping students came about, and pick up some real-world advice. Stick with this episode to learn how to structure your talks or speeches to empower your listeners. Finding Cupcakes Stacey became involved with Seth Godin’s altMBA program and this lead to the creation of a teach-and-learn program, with Stacey spearheading helping people learn to make the most of these talks. When the notion of planning an in-person event came up, Stacey was there and scheduled to be the first person to speak. Her talk centered around cupcakes but it soon became a much larger message. Lead with Action Whether you are speaking at an industry event or giving a sales pitch, understanding how to lead people into action is a valuable skill that just may lead to world domination. It is important to filter things down and keep things simple, so your listeners are left w

  • TBL Episode 42: Following Your Passion to Live an Authentic Life

    04/06/2018 Duración: 45min

    Curran Alvarez found himself in the unemployment office at 22-years-old and thought, “What am I doing here?” After some soul-searching and a chance encounter with a coworker who would later become his wife, Curran found his way and began his entrepreneurial journey. “That’s when my entire life shifted, and I was introduced to this crazy thing called network marketing,” Curran explains. Curran shares his story, along with lots of useful and actionable advice with Gabe for this episode of Today’s Business Leaders. Finding His Way Curran struggled to find his way and make ends meet, and he eventually ended up taking the leap and becoming an entrepreneur. The decision was ultimately very easy for him because he believed in the product he was selling. How to do Network Marketing Right Based on his own very successful experiences, Curran is able to narrow down the basic steps to launching a successful network marketing business. 1. Don't be distracted by the marketing that's out there. There is no insta

  • TBL Episode 41: How to Leverage a Mindset Shift to Adjust to Life as an Entrepreneur

    30/05/2018 Duración: 49min

    Most entrepreneurs either know right away that they want to be their own boss, or they work a job and quickly realize they don’t want to work for someone else. Liz Pifko falls into this second group. After working at a large law firm for six years, Liz wasn’t feeling challenged. She quickly determined she needed to get out and do her own thing. Liz recently shared her experiences around becoming an entrepreneur along with useful legal tips around forming a business with Gabe for an episode of Today’s Business Leaders. Calculated Move Instead of jumping right in once she decided to start her own business, Liz took a more calculated approach. She spent the next two years learning everything she could. Law school taught her how to be an attorney, but she didn’t learn about marketing or business, and these are skills she knew she would need on her own. After eight years with a firm, Liz packed it in and said goodbye. Learning to Accept the Mindset Shift Running your own business can be stressful and challenging

  • TBL Episode 40: Help People Help You As You Undertake Your Entrepreneurial Journey

    28/05/2018 Duración: 01h04min

    He didn’t realize it right away, but Jeff Hunter has always had an entrepreneurial spirit. He grew up surrounded by his parent’s computer store and learned early on that being his own boss afforded a variety of perks he simply would not find working a corporate gig. Jeff is the latest entrepreneurial phenom to share his journey and experiences with Gabe for this installment of Today’s Business Leaders. Learning to Outsource Jeff always had an interest in computers and IT, and this led him to work as a project manager in a major corporation. He had his breakthrough idea when he began outsourcing specific tasks to virtual assistants. By unloading the menial, but still completely necessary functions related to his job, Jeff was able to refocus his efforts and make tremendous strides with his work. Launching His Business Jeff saw an opportunity in connecting entrepreneurs with talented and skilled virtual assistants. At the same time, his corporate bosses were not too thrilled with the amount of time he was spe

  • TBL Episode 39: How to Use Motivation to Become an Emboldened Entrepreneur

    23/05/2018 Duración: 34min

    Every time Amber Pember has reached an important fork in the road, she has relied on her instinct and gone with her gut. Over the course of her career, she has learned the value of learning and the importance of staying true to her vision. Amber’s entrepreneurial journey hasn’t always been easy, but she wouldn’t have it any other way. Gabe recently had the chance to sit down with Amber and interview her for Today’s Business Leaders. Find out how Amber got her start, how she refined her 90-minute pitch and why she is packing it all up to travel the country. Early Introduction to Business Despite her reservations, Amber started out working corporate jobs. Things didn’t exactly go well, and even though she gave the work her all, Amber was let go. This was the first of many turning points, and Amber made the call to do things her way from there on out. Working for Herself Amber had the drive and an idea for a business, so she got to work making it happen and practicing her pitch. She refined her presentation skil

  • TBL Episode 38: Learning to Roll with the Punches on the Entrepreneurial Journey

    21/05/2018 Duración: 28min

    In many regards, Preston Howard’s entrepreneurial journey is just getting underway. In the brief time he has been hustling, he has made tremendous progress, and he is on track to accomplish even more. Gabe interviewed Preston for Today’s Business Leaders to find out how he has managed to gain his maturity and what’s next for this Memphis native. Continue to Dabble Until Something Works Preston comes from an entrepreneurial family, and this instilled a sense of self-reliance. “If I wasn’t relying on myself, I couldn’t perform to the best of my abilities,” explains Preston. This foundation in entrepreneurship did not ensure smooth sailing. Preston went to college for a semester, moved around the country, got into trouble and struggled to find his way. After a turning point, Preston moved back to Memphis and eventually got into digital marketing. Learning How to Stack Value In the midst of things, Preston’s experiences did not always feel positive. However, he was able to learn and identify when things were no

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