Running: A Fever



My journey from a sedentary, unhealthy lifestyle to a physically fit lifestyle through running.


  • RAF320: Could Have Eaten

    10/08/2022 Duración: 08min

    We have been experiencing a bit of a heat wave here in Northwest Arkansas, many consecutive 3-digit temperature days. Sunny days are nice, but at those temperatures, no one should be outside, and the electric bills skyrocket with the air conditioning constantly running all day. One of the things on my long-term to-do list is getting some shade trees planted. I planted some privacy trees a couple of years ago, but they will never be tall enough to provide shade. Long-term to-do list is a nice way of saying things I continually procrastinate. So I mainly just don't go out in these temperatures, but even if it gets down to the chilly 80s, and I'm talking Fahrenheit here, for you people in Europe and any other places where you use Celsius as a temperature scale. In that case, it would be somewhere around 25-30 degrees. Even if it gets that cool, the advice here is good, drink plenty of water, wear loose clothing, and dog tags may help too, so if you die of heat exhaustion, whoever finds you will know where to sen

  • RAF319: The Foot Bone is Connected

    03/08/2022 Duración: 06min

    Yeah, my body, bones, tendons, and muscles are kind of a mess right now. Interesting that the archery bow image was used back then. My podiatrist used this when he explained the fascitis that I started experiencing as soon as the cast came off my ankle. There's a song about the foot bone being connected to the leg bone etc. And it really is all connected. So the very tight Achilles tendon I had could have been taking pressure off the fascia, which is a ligament that runs along the bottom of the foot from the heel to the toes and forms the arch. Now that there's more play in my Achilles, I'm feeling the tightness of that ligament, which is probably what is causing the pain on the bottom of my heels. Whew! Yeah. So I still think flexibility is key, and I even sort of made a pact with a friend to get into yoga or something. History repeats itself if I don't learn from it. Those annoying old sayings are old for a reason. There's truth there. And the truth is what we seek. Read the full post at http://RunningAFEVE

  • RAF318: Weight Management Economics

    27/07/2022 Duración: 05min

    Guess what? There ARE training robots? I put a bunch of links in the show notes; check 'em out. Episode 80 is a good one for me to hear now. Back then I was in physical therapy, and I've got some similar things going on right now, aches and pains and all that jazz. I am actually in physical therapy again as well. So this week I had a covid false alarm and had to cancel PT. Hoping to get back to my three-a-week schedule starting Monday. Both knees are stiff now, and I have the same arm pain that led to the situation I was in in episode 80. So now I know what it is. I stopped doing traction every day, and I stopped doing all those PT homework exercises they had me doing back in '18. The sedentary life I've led for the past couple of years has not helped either, so I am pretty much back at square one. Read the full post at Photo by Lukas:  

  • RAF317: Worst Injury EVER!

    20/07/2022 Duración: 08min

    Achilles was a mythical great Greek warrior, the son of Peleus and the sea nymph Thetis, who, upon his birth, dipped baby Achilles into the River Styx, making him invincible. However, she neglected to let the water cover the heel by which she held him. And so, this was the only part of his body that was vulnerable to injury. He eventually died when he was wounded by an arrow which struck his vulnerable heel, which is why we refer to a person's weakness metaphorically as his "Achilles heel". I've never heard of anyone else dying from a heel injury, which also makes him pretty special, I guess. Read the full post at Photo by Kindel Media:  

  • RAF316: I Finally Got COVID

    13/07/2022 Duración: 08min

    Friday, June 11, 2022, a date that will live in infamy, is when I started having symptoms of covid-19. After 2 years of living cautiously according to CDC guidelines, and a full 2-1/2 years after we first hear about the SARS-COV-2 virus, it's finally happened. Read the full post at   Photo by Michael Davis Media  

  • RAF315: Stats and Action

    06/07/2022 Duración: 06min

    Keeping stats is a good idea. It helps me to see my progress and identify areas that need improvement and importantly, areas where I'm doing well. It's important to recognize when you're doing a good job. Read the full post at   Photo by Andres Ayrton:  

  • RAF314: Bulking, Cutting, and the Six Meal Plan

    29/06/2022 Duración: 06min

    At this point in episode 78 I'm focusing a lot on building muscle mass, which is a good part of an overall health plan I think. It can be overdone, as my cardiologist has repeatedly told me. It's a slow process, and I think the keys are to get enough protein and overall calories and just workout every single day, or most days, for a long time. The bulking-and-cutting process I briefly refer to... well I never really got to that point, but I think my idea of just trying to maintain a steady weight while changing my body composition was right on target. If you're a bodybuilder and your high bodyfat number is 10-15, bulking may make sense. But I've never broken 20. And bulking is hard for me to control. Read the full post at Photo by The Lazy Artist Gallery:  

  • RAF313: Workout Meals to the Extremes

    22/06/2022 Duración: 06min

    Don't go to extremes. This is something I'm at times not very good at, for example, the exercise extreme that got me into my current ankle injury. At other times I'm probably too good at it. I make changes at a glacial pace. So I didn't start with a whole regimen of supplements, before-and-after-workout shakes and snacks, and so forth. So don't worry if you're overwhelmed when I talk about these things, I am too. Read the full post at Image by zuzyusa from Pixabay

  • RAF312: Changing What You Like

    15/06/2022 Duración: 05min

    Once I went to my primary care physician Dr. Bicak. I told him about my dietician, who kept forgetting I didn't like avocado. He said I could learn to like it. And I think that's probably true. But my dislike for it pretty much precludes that because I can't bring myself to eat it. Not the end of the world, I think, but after all, I am on a health journey, and I can't ignore something just because I don't like it right now. The dietician says it is a superfood, like oatmeal or beans. So it is probably worth the effort. And I'm thinking of ways I can make that happen. Read the full post at Photo by from Pexels

  • RAF311: T-Shirt Sizes

    08/06/2022 Duración: 06min

    In the corporate world, I hear this buzzword. It's not a major buzzword or buzz phrase, like "outside the box", "unconscious bias", etc. But in my world, I hear it now and then. It refers to a range of choices. You generally cannot get a size 48 t-shirt. Instead, you get an extra-large. Instead of 50 sizes, you get 4 or maybe 6 choices. Sometimes this kind of thinking helps when a business is trying to streamline and be more efficient, though the customer may prefer a wider range of choices. And the fewer sizes available, the less accurate the sizing becomes. Read the full post at   Image by Johanna Pakkala from Pixabay

  • RAF310: The Temptations

    01/06/2022 Duración: 06min

    I am better able to handle temptations when I am healthy. That's not exactly obvious. On its face, that statement might be seen as a mistake that should be stated the other way around: when I am able to handle temptations, I am healthy. In fact, both are true. Read the full post at Photo by Doris Morgan on Unsplash

  • RAF309: Blessings in Disguise

    25/05/2022 Duración: 06min

    Makes me sad, I can't deny it. I want to live a happy and healthy life and I'm not healthy now and not happy. Why? I can't walk. I love walking. And I'm wracking my brain trying to figure out something I can do with this whole bone spur/Achilles injury. Patience. Read the full post at Photo by Adam Kontor from Pexels

  • RAF308: The Foot Doctor

    18/05/2022 Duración: 07min

    Perhaps you've heard me talk about how I can't exercise, walk, etc lately and have wondered why. I suppose this is a good time to say I've been seeing the podiatrist again. Last year I came in with the callus, I was calling a corn in episode 72. A procedure he recommended, short of serious surgery, I had in January since I wanted to wait until I had a fresh deductible. Read the full post at Photo by Tima Miroshnichenko:

  • RAF307: Maintaining a Stable Weight

    11/05/2022 Duración: 08min

    Looking back, I got some really good advice from the dietician when I was having regular appointments with her. I know that experience drove the advice she gave me. She had seen plenty of people lose weight too fast and blow their metabolism all to hell, unable to maintain a healthy weight no matter what they ate. Read the full post at Photo by Ketut Subiyanto:  

  • RAF306: A Variety in Exercise

    04/05/2022 Duración: 04min

    I think this was a great sort of directional adjustment in my exercise routine. I began regular resistance workouts, took shorter walks. These days I yearn for the times when I had so many activities to choose from. But I have to be patient. That will come again. Read the full post at Image by Kevin Phillips from Pixabay

  • RAF305: Recovery Foods

    27/04/2022 Duración: 06min

    In both episodes 68 and 69, I mentioned recovery foods, and it's a good reminder not to starve myself, even though I'm not exercising near as much as I was when this episode was recorded. Not only will I not gain muscle when I don't eat well, but I can lose muscle as well. Read the full post at   Photo by Allan Mas from Pexels

  • RAF304: Music as a Motivator

    20/04/2022 Duración: 05min

    In episode 68 I was really trying to move beyond the biggest loser contest, and fill out some gaps in my diet or supplement regimen. That contest was not healthy in the sense that to win it I had to just basically starve myself for 12 weeks. That's not a healthy lifestyle. The one thing that did come of it, other than learning what NOT to do, was that I had an external motivation to move me along. Read the full post at Photo by Vinícius Caricatte from Pexels

  • RAF303: Knowledge and Power

    13/04/2022 Duración: 05min

    This is a great statement of how you don't have to go crazy. Unfortunately, a lot of information you get is tied to supplemental products that you really don't need. If you're trying to do this and make money, that's the kind of thing you have to promote. Fortunately, you have Running: A FEVER, amateurs that we are. We have no such alignments. Read the full post at Photo by Karolina Grabowska from Pexels

  • RAF302: Caloric Deficit

    06/04/2022 Duración: 04min

    It's good to get all the nutrients you need to stay healthy nutritionally and to burn enough calories to have a healthy body composition and a healthy weight. But immediately what comes to mind is one of those blue zone concepts discovered by Dan Buettner. Specifically, staying in a caloric deficit. Perhaps at first glance, it doesn't make sense. After all, if I consume fewer calories than I need, you would think that eventually, I would die from malnutrition. But that's not necessarily the case. As we get older, we burn less energy and can get by on fewer calories. Also remember that metabolism is tied to caloric intake, so a reduction in calories means lower metabolism, allowing us to get more from the calories we consume. This is why short-term extreme dieting doesn't work. I suppose, like everything, we need a balance. Read the full post at Photo by Dominik Martin on Unsplash  

  • RAF301: Knowledge is Not Enough

    30/03/2022 Duración: 04min

    The point of this series is to learn from my previous success, and also failures. But I said in episode 65 that it isn't about knowledge, it's about just doing it, and it's not easy. That thing about how overcoming an obstacle makes it easier to overcome the next one, so one success is a lot bigger than it may look at first. If I can get through a week without overeating, if I can get through a week counting all the calories from every meal, those things are huge, and the next week it's that much easier, and because of that, I can go further, until eventually, I feel as I did in episode 65, that I can do just about anything. You don't get there overnight and you don't get there easily. It's hard work one day at a time, and one success at a time we finally do get there, and hopefully, stay there. Read the full post at Photo Credit: Photo by Suzy Hazelwood from Pexels:

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