Running: A Fever

RAF350: The Sound of my Voice



Welcome to the 72nd in our series, Shattering the Yoyo. Episode 100 was a lot of fun to do. It's a real milestone for a podcaster. Years ago, I heard that the average podcast lasted about seven episodes. It is probably even less than that now. So, there's a sense of accomplishment that goes with sticking with it long enough to see this milestone. Of course, by now, I have over 350 episodes, and I have no intention of stopping. We've also been going for over six years now, and things have changed a lot. We lived through COVID and despite the effort put into this series I have been victim to the yo-yo effect, such that now I am near my all-time highest weight, and am trying to get started on the right path back to a healthy weight. Read the full post at Wide image by Thirdman: