Rescue Radio With Marjorie Cole

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editor: Podcast
  • Duración: 435:49:37
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RESCUE RADIO "Because There Is A War For Your Soul"Nothing boring or too political or super spiritual. Just probably some of the most revolutionary and useful information you will find on radio.Join us live Tuesdays at 10AM CST or catch us on the run. Its time to talk straight about the war between God and Satan that is going on in our souls. And though the battle is the Lords and has already been won, the Enemy still seems to have a lot to say that has left too many of us doubtful and confused about what is going on and what can be done about it. It is time to talk back and tell it like it is! Hosted by Marjorie Cole, founder of Life Recovery, Inc., and author of Taking the Devil to Court with Jarry Cole, Pastor of True Light Church as the featured guest pastor and roving co-host. Special Guests include youth leaders, spiritual leaders, health and nutrition advocates, experts in the new age, giants, the Bible, and numerous other subjects relevant to the perilous times in which we find ourselves. Along with a team of warfare specialists Jarry and Marjorie will offer you an opportunity to find real answers to tough questions.Jesus told us it would get dark and difficult in the days before His return. He told us not to be deceived. Rescue Radio is here to help you sort through the lies and respond to the spiritual challenges of serving Jesus Christ in this desperately wicked world.


  • RESCUE RADIO: ”Deaf & Dumb” with Marjorie Cole

    28/09/2021 Duración: 38min

    The Mute spirit silences us in our expressions of our selves, our gifts and our ability to articulate our thoughts. The Deaf and Dumb spirit works with the Mute spirit. Together, they are very effective in locking us up inside of ourselves, but are rarely identified as the culprits in resolving the issues of neurological disconnections, cell communication disruptions, the flow of information within the body, or personal interaction with one's self or others. The inability to "take in information" (Deaf) and the inability to "express information" (Dumb), are the primary function of the Deaf and Dumb spirit.  Check out "Why Can’t I Concentrate?" and "A Case For Healing" at the Life Recovery Store. "Because There Is A War For Your Soul"

  • RESCUE RADIO: ”Love Of The Truth” with Marjorie Cole

    21/09/2021 Duración: 39min

    The lie is the only option left for those who refuse the love of the truth. "For the coming of the lawless one is according to the working of Satan with all power, signs, and lying wonders...among this who perish, because they did not receive the love of the truth that they might be saved." Satan is growing impatient. He is taking off his mask of pretending to be our friend. The days of high-level blackmailing and bribery are coming to an end. He is resorting to pushing and shoving, and bullying and intimidating and threatening to get the rest of those reluctant to fall in line, to comply. He doesn't care any more that his lies contradict each other and his prescriptions for "safety" change daily.  But the Day of the Lord is at hand. Stand and having done all Stand in the truth of God's Word and you will be safe.  Check out "Taking the Devil To Court" at the Life Recovery Store. "Because There Is A War For Your Soul"

  • RESCUE RADIO: ”Fiery Trials” with Marjorie Cole

    07/09/2021 Duración: 35min

    Are you in the midst of a fiery trial? Is God mad at us or waiting to punish us for sin? If we do not understand the spiritual war and the rule of yielding our consent, nothing makes sense. We must put the Enemy in the equation and know that both God and Satan are working in the same place at the same time to do the opposite thing. Satan is wanting to use the trial and our response to it to accuse us in the court of Heaven. God is using the trial to refine our faith and prove it strong in following after Him.  God is faithful to complete the work He has begun in us! Check out "A Case For Justice".

  • RESCUE RADIO: ”Spirit Of Divination” with Marjorie Cole

    31/08/2021 Duración: 40min

    Spirits of sorcery and divination are pervasive in our world today, even in “the church”. Jesus warned us about their powers to deceive. How do we clearly recognize these spirits and what do we do when we discern their activities? "Because There Is A War For Your Soul"  Also check out Marjorie Cole’s book “Cravings”.

  • RESCUE RADIO: "Run for Your LIfe" with Marjorie Cole

    17/08/2021 Duración: 37min

    Jesus Warned us “But take heed to yourselves, …lest that Day come upon you unexpectantly. For it will come as a snare on all those who dwell on the face of the whole earth” Luke 21:34-35. People will freak out. They will run with no place to hide. They will be so desperate they will call upon the rocks to fall upon them and hide them from the face of the Lord’s wrath. But where can they run? Our hope is in the Lord. “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in time of trouble. Therefore we will not fear, though the earth be removed and the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea; … The LORD of hosts is with us; the God of Jacob is our refuge.” “Ps. 46:1-2,7 “Be still and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth! The LORD of hosts is with us; the God of Jacob is our refuge. Selah” Ps. 46:10-11 "Because There Is A War For Your Soul"

  • RESCUE RADIO: "The War On Truth" with Marjorie Cole

    10/08/2021 Duración: 39min

    We are in the days when liars listen to liars (Pr. 17:4) and truth is fallen in the streets, (Is. 59:14). Truth has been trampled and targeted by the enemy who twists the lie to look like the truth and the truth to look like “disinformation”. When justice is turned back and those who depart from evil make themselves a prey, the time is come for a divine intervention. Who is on the Lord’s side? The truth will reveal the intentions of our heart – whether we accept or reject the Word of God and the Son of God. We are in the life and death grip of the Liar who is mounting his final ascent to the control the world. Do not be deceived, Jesus warned. Do not be caught up in the apathy or the strong delusion of those who believe the lie. Surrender to the love and forgiveness of God and be followers, lovers of the Truth. Jesus Christ is the truth. He is our only hope and our salvation. Check out A Case for Righteousness , a daily devotional and guide to following the truth and identifying the lies that hold many of

  • RESCUE RADIO: "Life Or Death" with Marjorie Cole

    03/08/2021 Duración: 38min

    The human race is in a desperate crisis! People are either condemned or saved, lost or found. Those who truly believe in Jesus are the rescue squad to bring others out of eternal death into eternal life.  "Because There Is A War For Your Soul"

  • RESCUE RADIO: "The Secret Place" with Marjorie Cole

    27/07/2021 Duración: 36min

    In the midst of the barrage of evils coming against us day by day, we have a consistent place of refuge, safety, freedom and strength in God. "Because There Is A War For Your Soul" 

  • RESCUE RADIO: "Roots Of Addiction" with Marjorie Cole

    20/07/2021 Duración: 30min

    Addictions come about due to our attempts to manage our lives, relieve our pain or fill a void. We identify with our addiction, and what we use to attempt to gain control of our lives ends up controlling us. Treatment programs may promise solutions, but only Jesus Christ and the revelation of His truth and love can set us free from the roots of addiction! "Because There Is A War For Your Soul"

  • RESCUE RADIO: "Dealing With Addictions" with Marjorie Cole

    13/07/2021 Duración: 35min

      "Because There Is A War For Your Soul" 

  • RESCUE RADIO: "Real Freedom" with Marjorie Cole

    06/07/2021 Duración: 35min

    Personal freedom is not found in political ideologies, living by our opinions, or doing what we think will satisfy us. All of us have thoughts, cravings, beliefs, and behaviors that bring us into bondage. Jesus Christ is the only way out of our seemingly hopeless condition into real freedom. "Because There Is A War For Your Soul"

  • RESCUE RADIO: "Roots Of Anxiety" with Marjorie Cole

    29/06/2021 Duración: 36min

    So many of us are so anxious about so many things. Fears of all kinds can take hold of us can control us in a variety of ways. Discover how realizing God’s love for us and adjusting ourselves according to His Word releases us from tormenting fears. Be sure to check out "THE TRUTH ABOUT FEAR, ANXIETY AND PANIC ATTACKS" cd at "Because There Is A War For Your Soul"   

  • RESCUE RADIO: "To Offend or Be Offended" with Marjorie Cole

    22/06/2021 Duración: 39min

    There is an acceleration of demonic spirits of offence operating in our world these days. What are some of the disastrous effects of our being offended? And how can we not absorb the hurtful things that come against us because we are standing in and for the truth? "Because There Is A War For Your Soul"

  • RESCUE RADIO: "I’m Offended" with Marjorie Cole

    15/06/2021 Duración: 34min

    Jesus said in the last days “…many will be offended, will betray one another, and will hate one another.” (Mt. 24:10) In a world where everyone is super set on edge these days, it seems that everything is set up to create an offense. So what are we supposed to be offended at now? We are caught in all kinds of snares set up by the spirit of offense and the spirit of insanity to be offended at everyone all the time.  "Because There Is A War For Your Soul"

  • RESCUE RADIO: "When Life's Not Fair" with Marjorie Cole

    08/06/2021 Duración: 43min

    When life is not fair, which is all the time because the god of this world does not want anything to be fair - ever! He uses hurt and pain and injustice to train us to believe lies about ourselves, others, and God. The truth sets us free. Join us in reviewing the steps to getting your life, identity and purpose back.  "Because There Is A War For Your Soul"

  • RESCUE RADIO: "Until He Returns" with Marjorie Cole

    25/05/2021 Duración: 33min

    When is Jesus Christ coming back? Is He really? The fact of His return is more important than the time of His return. What are some of the hazards we face before He comes again, and what are we to be doing until then? "Because There Is A War For Your Soul"  

  • RESCUE RADIO: "Bloodguilt" with Marjorie Cole

    18/05/2021 Duración: 30min

    THE SHEDDING OF INNOCENT BLOOD (AND THE TRANSFER OF BLOODGUILT) The curious "side effects" of many of the things we are suffering from are the direct effects of Demonic Retribution. Satan’s law of an “eye for an eye” is the code of justice he uses to bring upon us the punishment for disregarding God’s law. The curse without a cause does not come, Pr. 26:2. We are reaping the consequences of the "blood for blood" snare the Evil One has caught us in. We must come before the Court of Heaven and present our case for mercy and restoration.  "Because There Is A War For Your Soul"  

  • RESCUE RADIO: "Courage in the Fight" with Marjorie Cole

    11/05/2021 Duración: 38min

    In these days of intensifying spiritual warfare, it is more important than ever that we are wide awake as to what is going on in the battles between the Kingdom of God and the kingdom of darkness. How we need strength, courage and love from the Lord as we move forward in following Him!   "Because There Is A War For Your Soul"

  • RESCUE RADIO: "Satan's Setup" with Marjorie Cole

    04/05/2021 Duración: 38min

    Many of us have been taught to believe that God is all powerful but if He is so good why doesn't He help me? We do not realize the way Satan has set God up to look bad to get us to think God is mad at us for sinning and that is why He is not helping or healing us. We have trouble trusting God and become confused about His love and goodness. that is Satan's whole point, to confuse us about the love and goodness of God. It is time we know the truth about this spiritual war we are in and what it is all about. Satan is trying to make God look untrustworthy and our relationship with Him unreliable. Love heals us and truth sets us free.  "Because There Is A War For Your Soul" 

  • RESCUE RADIO: "It Runs In The Family" with Marjorie Cole

    27/04/2021 Duración: 43min

    There are patterns of iniquity that run in families. Just as each of us have a genetic inheritance, so we also have a spiritual inheritance of blessings and curses. Even as New Testament believers in Jesus Christ, generational curses can still plague us, until we confess them, and use our authority in Christ to bring us into freedom. "Because There Is A War For Your Soul"

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