Rescue Radio With Marjorie Cole

RESCUE RADIO: ”Faith That Works” with Marjorie Cole



Faith is only as good as what you have faith in. The one true living God and His Word is the only solid basis of faith. True faith in God is expressed and proven by obedient actions.  Believing Vs Knowing - we have trouble holding faith firm in our mind because our minds are vulnerable to the Enemy. Our mind is like a room with several doors, doors that are opened to options, possibilities and considerations that have come in to be considered as solutions to the current dilemma or problem we are facing. We must discern which ideas are from God and which are futile imaginations put forth by the visitors who have come into the room of our mind to deceive and distract us. Only God's Spirit bearing witness with my spirit will give me wisdom to know the right thing to believe. Check out Taking The Devil To Court at the Life Recovery Store. "Because There Is A War For Your Soul"