In This Together With Dr. Josh + Christi



Becoming Families who Live, Love, and Lead Well


  • #53: Dr. John Townsend: How to Not Raise Entitled Kids

    18/04/2018 Duración: 39min

    Entitlement, according to Dr. John Townsend, is "a belief that I am exempt from responsibility and that I am owed special treatment." Unfortunately, you don't have to look too far today to find entitled kids--and adults!As Dr. Townsend states, "This isn't a generational problem; it's a human problem."In this episode, Dr. Townsend helps parents learn how to not raise entitled kids. An incredibly practical discussion, you'll learn the three antidotes to entitlement and hear Dr. Townsend explain the following three ways to apply the antidote: * Change your language * Do hard things first * Keep inconvenient commitmentsDr. Townsend encourages us, "Kids need to grow up at a dinner table where mom and dad are doing interesting things." Here's to being parents who take responsibility, live well, and show our kids how to be grateful.Show Notes: Learn from a Role Play Coach. Join TownsendNOW today!To learn more about Townsend Leadership Program, click here.Learn more about earning a Master's degree through the Townsen

  • #52: Mom Set Free: A Special Release with Jeannie Cunnion

    16/04/2018 Duración: 56min

    With Mother's Day just around the corner, we wanted to do something special for moms, so I (Christi) decided to host an online Bible study!The study is called Mom Set Free by our friend Jeannie Cunnion, it begins May 17, and it's good news for moms who are tired of trying to be good enough.We love Jeannie and wanted you to have a special opportunity to get to know and learn from her!This episode describes the details of the upcoming online Bible study and also includes our original interview with Jeannie where she talks about "wrestling with the wild grace of God," so she could learn to overcome shame and give grace to her kids in their weaknesses and brokenness.To learn more about the online Bible study and to sign up, click here!Show Notes:Click here to sign up for the FREE online Bible study.Have more questions? Check out the Online Bible Study FAQs.To pick up a copy of the Mom Set Free Bible study book, you can order online or pull off the shelf from your local LifeWay Store.

  • #51: How Emotional Safety is the Key to Raising Kids Who Live, Love, and Lead Well

    11/04/2018 Duración: 46min

    Does parenting sometimes feel complicated to you?You can't even leave the hospital before having to make a decision on whether or not you're going to immunize your child. Think about some of the other choices we have to make as parents in the twenty-first century.~  “Is it okay that our baby sleep in bed with us?”~  “Should we let our baby cry it out?”~  “Is spanking okay? Or should we do time-outs?"~  “How do I respond to a temper tantrum?”~  “Wait, we're supposed to do time-ins? What's a time-in?"~  “Should I stay home with the kids or put them in day care?”~  “Should we homeschool or send our kids to a private or public school?”~  “How much screen time do I let my kids have?”To be quite honest, we were exhausted. That's why we decided to start with the end in mind. With the outcomes we most desire in our kids when they become adults. What we found is that emotional safety—more than any other factor—is scientifically linked to raising kids who live, love, and lead well.In other words, the posture from which

  • #50: 10 Great Dates with David + Claudia Arp

    04/04/2018 Duración: 48min

    In the spirit of interviewing people who influence us personally, this episode features marriage mentors of our own, David and Claudia Arp. Married for 55 years, their insights on marriage have influenced the types of conversations we have in our marriage today.In this episode, David and Claudia share the secrets that have kept them enjoying their marriage for more than five decades. In addition, they introduce us to their research based marriage program, 10 Great Dates!Here are some insights you'll hear from them in this episode: * The story of their greatest period of emotional disconnection in their marriage (hint: it was when their kids were young!) * How they overcame this season and the lessons they learned from it * Why having fun in marriage is serious business * The beauty of an anger contract * How both spouses can be right * Why it's important to walk down memory lane * The amazing benefit of intimacy couponsFinally, we had the privilege of being a part of David and Claudia's updated 10 Great Dates

  • #49: Your Questions: Marriage, Sex, and Not Being on the Same Page with Your Spouse

    28/03/2018 Duración: 41min

    Welcome to our second Q & A episode! Thank you for submitting your questions.In this episode, we address questions specifically related to marriage, sex, and what to do when you and your spouse are not on the same page.Here’s a review of the questions we discuss in this episode: * How can I stop from feeling wrong and dirty about sex with my spouse? * What do I do when my spouse isn't "on the same page." * How can I encourage godliness in my son when his dad isn't actively growing in his faith? * What is the best way to help our kids heal after years of marital turmoil we are now trying to fix?The questions:From Amanda: My husband and I have been married for about 4 1/2 years and have had sex about 4 times. Every time I begin to feel good I also feel incredibly wrong and dirty. I believe this may stem from my abstinence, true love waits upbringing, but in marriage it's now time to stop waiting. Mentally, I can grasp this concept but I'm having a hard time letting my body catch up. Are there any resources

  • #48: Making Easter and the Resurrection Real to Our Kids

    21/03/2018 Duración: 35min

    The resurrection of Jesus changed everything. But how do we help our kids understand the resurrection in a concrete way? How can we communicate to our kids the power that Christ has in our life?Don't get us wrong, we love chocolate and Easter eggs, but how can we make sure Easter isn't just another holiday for our kids.In this episode, we clarify four ways we can turn the abstract message of the resurrection into a concrete message our kids can begin to understand. * Live out the resurrection for our kids. * Use resurrection eggs. * Raise caterpillars. This is our favorite. * Die to something that has power over you.Being families who live, love, and lead well begins with the resurrection. Let's not allow Easter to slip by as just another holiday. Instead, let's be intentional about walking daily in the authority and resurrection of Jesus. Our kids are watching, and always learning.Show Notes: To purchase Resurrection Eggs, click here.To purchase caterpillars, click here. For the blogpost, How I'm Dying in my

  • #47: Screaming Data–How to Hear Your Kid's Passions and Strengths By Observing Their Actions with Frank Tate

    14/03/2018 Duración: 58min

    If you love stories that lead to practical truths, this episode is for you! Frank Tate is one of Josh's closest friends on the planet. Even more, his insights as a dad have revolutionized the way we parent our kids.Growing up as a foster kid, Frank came to know "invisible Jesus" as his dad. During that time, Frank began asking Him what good dads do. Then, in Sunday School as a little boy, Frank remembers learning that wisdom cries aloud in the streets (Proverbs 1:20). With this newfound truth, Frank ventured into the world looking for "screaming data" on what it takes to be a good dad, because he never wanted his own children growing up the way he did.The "screaming data" Frank learned through the years and the stories he tells will leave you wanting more. One of the most invaluable truths Frank discusses is that, as parents, we can't hear screaming data if we're screaming data. Too often, we don't listen to our kids' passions or see their strengths. That's because we're too busy trying to make them into the

  • #46: Parenting Girls with Purpose & Intentionality with Jonathan + Wynter Pitts

    07/03/2018 Duración: 46min

    Jonathan and Wynter Pitts have four beautiful girls. At one point, three of them were in diapers at the same time. As you can imagine, Wynter was overwhelmed. But in the middle of the exhaustion and discontentment, she found purpose and contentment. During this time, the Lord revealed to her a need he wanted her to fill for girls in today’s culture.Today, she leads a ministry called For Girls Like You, a magazine for girls that unravels the heart of God for them. Her passion for raising girls who find their identity in Christ is contagious.In this episode, Wynter, along with her husband Jonathan, who serves as Executive Director for the Urban Alternative (the ministry of Dr. Tony Evans), describe practical ways they shepherd the hearts of their girls.Fellow dads, you also want to listen to what Jonathan has to share. The conversation in this episode is so rich and applicable to each of us, but to dads especially, Jonathan will encourage you.Here are a few highlights from this episode: * How to see the art of

  • #45: Your Questions: Parenting Young Children

    28/02/2018 Duración: 40min

    This is our first Q & A episode! Thank you for submitting your questions.In this episode, we address questions specifically related to parenting young children.Here's a review of the questions we discuss in this episode: * What are good, practical survival tips for our marriage? * How do I hit the reset button after blowing up at my kids? * I struggle with setting limits on technology. * I'm a single mom and I'm all alone.The questions:From Jody: In September, we will be welcoming into the world our fourth child in 5 years. We are very excited. But it is definitely tough because we have zero help from grandparents and are on our own. What are some good practical survival tips for our marriage in this season to keep it "till death do us part and not till kids do us part?"From Jenny: Two sick toddlers + one sick mommy = a terrible, horrible morning today. After the dust settles though, how do I come back from that? My kids recover more quickly than I do. How do I hit the reset button after blowing up at my

  • #44: Jamie + Aaron Ivey: Shame, Vulnerability, and Identity in Christ

    21/02/2018 Duración: 59min

    Jamie Ivey's Happy Hour podcast was Christi's gateway drug into the podcastosphere. So you can imagine what a joy it was to have Jamie, and her husband Aaron, join us on our podcast.We love these two human souls because they embody healthy authenticity. Jamie's new book is called If You Only Knew: My Unlikely, Unavoidable Story of Becoming Free. The title itself is a fitting description of our conversation. As parents to four children, Jamie and Aaron have navigated ministry, marriage, and adoption. Once Jamie navigated her way through her own story, finding identity in Christ, she became free to lead--as a wife, as a mom, and as a successful podcaster.And that's what you hear throughout the interview: a message of freedom. Jamie and Aaron give us the permission to tell our stories and the importance of doing so for our family. So we can champion our marriage. Get rid of shame as a mom. Be present as a dad.So many of us want rid of the nagging feeling of shame. We desire vulnerability. Jamie and Aaron share h

  • #43: 5 Ways to Create a Culture of Forgiveness in Your Marriage

    14/02/2018 Duración: 45min

    Why is it that our natural tendency is to become hard and insensitive toward the person we love the most? Rather than being quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to become angry (James 1:19), we're quick to defend ourselves, quick to cast blame, and slow to understand—a recipe that keeps us enslaved to self-righteousness, and too often, unable to forgive.In this episode, we talk about 5 ways you can create a culture of forgiveness in your marriage: * Forgive from the heart but set boundaries on behavior. * Don't defend yourself. * Clothe yourself in gentleness, because bitterness is unattractive. * Pray this one prayer each day for your spouse. * Take the Golden Rule and replace the word "do" with the word "understand."We also reveal the first three actions we give to a couple who call us because they feel stuck in their marriage. If you feel stuck, forgiveness may be the first place to begin.Show Notes:For counseling referrals in your local area, enter your zip code in one of the links below:Focus on the

  • #42: Losing Patience, Feeling Inadequate, Discipline, and Not Enough Time: Parenting Struggles 1-5

    07/02/2018 Duración: 54min

    We asked families in our 22:6 Parenting audience this one question: What’s your #1 struggle as a parent? We had over 700 responses.Last week we covered struggles 6-10. In part 2, we talk about the top 5 struggles of today's parents. We also offer some practical insights on how we can overcome these struggles.In this episode, we talk about the top 5 struggles:5. How do I disciple my kids?4. I lose my patience.3. I feel inadequate.2. How can I get my kids to obey? (Discipline)1. There's not enough time.Also, we invite YOU to ask us questions and be on the podcast. We will have Q&A episodes this season. Just click here to ask your questions or submit your topic. Show Notes:Be on the podcast! Submit your question / topic here!Christi's article: A Shame-Free Approach to Teaching our Kids About Jesus written by Christi StraubSafe House: How Emotional Safety is the Key to Raising Kids Who Live, Love, and Lead WellOther books mentioned in this episode:Daring Greatly: How the Courage to be Vulnerable Transforms th

  • #41: Single Parenting, Technology, Independent Kids, Communication and Respect: Parenting Struggles 6-10

    31/01/2018 Duración: 53min

    Welcome to season 3!Last month, we asked families in our 22:6 Parenting audience this one question: What’s your #1 struggle as a parent? We had over 700 responses. Trust us when we say, you’re not alone.In the first two episodes of season 3 we talk about the top 10 struggles of today's parents. We also offer some practical insights on how we can overcome these struggles.In this episode, we talk about struggles 6-10:10. Single parenting9. Technology8. Raising kids to be independent7. Communication6. RespectFinally, in season 3, we are going to focus on topics YOU deal with in your family. That's why we want to invite YOU to ask us questions and be on the podcast. We will have Q&A episodes this season as well. Just click here to ask your questions or submit your topic. Show Notes:Be on the podcast! Submit your question / topic here!You can download the electronic nuptial agreement by clicking here.You can also check out The Screen-Balanced Family workbook and digital video series written and produced by Jos

  • #40: 7 Ways to Prioritize Your Family in the New Year

    13/12/2017 Duración: 48min

    Welcome to our 40th episode!What an incredible and fun year it's been for the podcast.Having not yet been at this a year, we have learned a lot from each of you. Thank you for becoming a part of our family and making this journey so enjoyable.We thought it would be fitting to close out season 2 by talking about ways we can prioritize our family in the New Year. As the saying goes, "The days are long, but the years are short."In this episode, we light-heartedly go behind our own crooked picture frame to discuss how we have prioritized--or failed at prioritizing--one another. Throughout the discussion, we also offer practical ways you can have fun with your spouse and make memories with your children in the New Year. In addition, we offer tons of bonuses in the show notes to help you get started.As a fun addition for season 3, we will have specific episodes where we answer listener questions. Therefore, we invite you to ask questions, give us feedback on topics you'd like to hear about, and share the podcast wi

  • #39: Overcommitment in Marriage – Dealing with the Stress of Always Saying Yes

    06/12/2017 Duración: 30min

    When is the last time you and your spouse argued about being too busy? Or maybe you didn't argue. Perhaps the busyness meant you just passed one another by, like ships in the night. That's how overcommitment usually begins in our home. It's not until we feel the stress of trying to manage it all that we begin to argue. That's when we "see" one another floating by.Let's face it, overcommitment is plaguing today's families. Unfortunately, the first casualty is usually our marriage. Whether it's finances, work, kid's school activities, or even church, we all feel stretched. Without intentionality, our family life will simply go wherever the winds take it.That's why we decided to make this episode a special one!We were invited to talk about overcommitment in marriage as a part of "marriage week" on Dr. James Dobson's Family Talk. This is a conversation we want to invite you in on, especially with the demands of the holiday season upon us.Our hope is that after you listen, you and your spouse are able to recognize

  • #38: Christmas Hot Topics–Entitlement, Gift-Giving, Santa Claus, and Traditions

    29/11/2017 Duración: 46min

    There is nothing we want more than to experience the joy of Christmas. Unfortunately, Christmas can leave our time feeling pressed and our wallets stressed. In addition, the holiday also brings along with it some baggage, especially when it comes to our children and the traditions we hold dear.In this episode, we go behind the lens of our own crooked picture frame to discuss some Christmas hot topics. We tell stories about how we were raised and what we implement today in our own family. We also discuss topics like: * Is my gift-giving out of control? * What does an entitled child look like? * Is it okay to lie to my kids about Santa Claus? * What will my kids really remember about Christmas? * How can we truly make it about Jesus' birth? * Is the attitude I'm modeling for my kids at the holidays one of gratitude or grumbling? * What role do traditions play in our family?As you listen to this episode, think about your own family traditions, values, and what you model for and teach your kids. And be sure to en

  • #37: Blended Families, Step-Parenting, Widowhood, and Holiday Step-Stress with Ron Deal

    22/11/2017 Duración: 53min

    Over one-third of Americans live in, or are a part of, a blended family. So many questions abound for stepparents. Fortunately, in this week's episode, our dear friend and expert on blended families, Ron Deal, answers many of these questions.Ron serves as Director of Family Life Blended and is the author of The Smart Stepfamily, The Smart Stepmom, The Smart Stepfamily Marriage, and The Smart Stepdad. After listening to this episode, you'll realize he's smart too. What's even better, his approach to blended families is honest, but full of grace. He answers questions like: * What does the Bible say about stepfamilies? * I'm trying to instill good values with my kids but my ex-spouse doesn't. How do I handle that? * What do I tell my kids when they have a new aunt, uncle, grandparent, etc. * How do we deal with loss during the holidays in our family? * We just divorced and now we are both getting remarried. What do we tell our kids to call our new spouses? * How do we decide whose house to go to for the holidays

  • #36: Proactive Ways to Enjoy the Holidays

    19/11/2017 Duración: 39min

    Cooler weather. Peppermint mochas. Hallmark movies. The holidays. For many, it’s wonderful. For others, this time of year can be quite chaotic. The pressure of figuring out what to buy. Making travel arrangements. Deciding which family members to spend the holidays with.We try—emphasis on “try”—to talk about the upcoming holidays ahead of time. We pray and think through how we can make the most of it as a family. Having little kids can make it a bit more chaotic for us, but it can also make it a lot more precious too.What #TeamStraub has found out is that, without a plan, it’s too easy to allow the chaos and busyness to rob us from being truly present with those we love most, especially one another.In this week's episode, we talk through the acronym E.N.J.O.Y.I.N.G., and discuss eight proactive ways we can enjoy the upcoming holiday season as family. Some of the topics we discuss include: * When and how to say "no" * How to navigate Christmas gatherings with extended family * Ways we can be proactive with pot

  • #35: Candace Cameron Bure–Staying Stylish: Cultivating Confidence in Your Family, Style, and Attitude

    08/11/2017 Duración: 49min

    Do you sometimes feel like you live in a fishbowl? Especially as a parent of young kids, your every move feeling scrutinized by glaring eyes in the grocery store. Or your teenager's every post on social media a reflection of how you parent?For many of us, the peanut gallery just adds insult to injury. We don't need the added pressure of the critics or the perfect family on social media to feel like we're not living up to the expectations we have of ourselves. One person who lives with these feelings heightened to the nth degree is our friend and America's beloved "DJ Tanner," Candace Cameron Bure.In spite of living in the fishbowl of Hollywood, Candace lives, loves, and leads with a confidence so many admire. In this episode, she graciously invites us behind the picture frame of her own family. With candor, Candace describes how she filters out the noise of the critics and who she allows to have access to her heart.Based on her new book, Staying Stylish: Cultivating a Confident Look, Style, and Attitude, Cand

  • #34: Taking Care of Yourself as a Parent

    01/11/2017 Duración: 51min

    Nobody can really prepare us for the chaos, unpredictability, and self-imposed guilt that accompany becoming a parent. Well-intentioned people may try to prepare you for the sleepless nights, colic, and grocery store tantrums, but let’s be honest, you can’t really be prepared until you encounter them.Instead, it was something subtler, yet much deeper, that nearly took me (Christi) out as a momma. Something nobody else warned me about—I lost my identity.In this episode, we talk about what taking care of ourselves as parents looks like from our own picture frame. Rather than remaining stuck in the ongoing cycle of guilt, shame and feelings of depression, together, we are finding a way out. The reason this is so important to us is because research consistently shows that it's not necessarily what we know about parenting that matters most for how our kids turn out, but who we are becoming as adults.If you too have lost yourself in parenting, this is a conversation we think you’ll find quite refreshing. We not onl

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