In This Together With Dr. Josh + Christi



Becoming Families who Live, Love, and Lead Well


  • The Heart of Meaningful Connection with Bill Lokey (Part 2 of 4)

    21/12/2023 Duración: 28min

    In loving memory of our friend, mentor, and father figure, Bill Lokey, we're releasing this four-part series, recorded in 2020, to share with you again Bill's insights on leadership, connection, and trauma.Bill joins Josh for part 2 of our 4-part series, and this week, we talk about something we all tend to struggle with: meaningful connection and how we show up with those we love.In part 2, Josh and Bill talk about:The barriers to meaningful connection and how we can overcome themShame as a bad motivator for changeHow to silence shame so we can connect deeply with othersHow self-medicators keep us from intimacyWhat it feels like to spend time with someone who really likes youHow to show up for someone you really like spending time withSpiritual disciplines for meaningful connection with GodShow Notes: Apply now for The Leader's Heart Men's Cohort, Feb. 26-29, 2023! up for MyKidsEQ Winter Cohort: in

  • The Heart of Leadership with Bill Lokey (Part 1 of 4)

    15/12/2023 Duración: 37min

    This past year we lost one of our dearest friends and mentors, Bill Lokey. As we close out the year, we were listening back to some of his wisdom and gold nuggets and thought it would be a tremendous gift to re-release a series we did together in 2020. He was a gift to us, and his insights, wisdom, and influence will continue to echo across generations, no doubt. In his honor, we're releasing this four-part series, recorded in 2020, to share with you again his insights on leadership, connection, and trauma.In part 1 of the series, we begin with the heart of leadership. Because no matter our stage, we lead people. As a parent, you lead your kids. As a spouse, you lead your husband or wife. At work, you lead your employees, congregants, soldiers, clients, and teams.How would each person you lead describe your ability to connect to their reality? And how much do we pay attention to those realities versus focusing solely on our own? As Bill describes, the quality of how well we lead rises or falls on our inner wo

  • Simplifying an Overwhelmed Schedule: Moving from Priorities to Priority

    07/12/2023 Duración: 37min

    Did you know that the English word "priority," when it came into the English language, stayed singular for 500 years? Not until the 1900's did we make it plural. As Greg McKeown suggests, the result is quite dangerous. When everything is priority, nothing is priority.As we evaluate our overwhelmed schedule, this one simple exercise has helped us cut through the noise. What is the priority (singular)? This evaluation has led us to make some intentional adjustments, which Christi shares on this week's episode.Here are some takeaways:Practical ways to simplify an overwhelming scheduleHow to not only give yourself permission to do less, but other people around youThe preciousness of time and how we won't get these years back with our kidsWhy Christi is taking a step back and what that looks likeShow Notes: Apply now for The Leader's Heart Men's Cohort, February 26-29, 2024: a copy of 25 Days of the Christmas Story: An Advent Family Experience

  • Authenticity, Contentment, and Finding Significance: An Interview with Christi Straub

    01/12/2023 Duración: 38min

    In honor of Christi's birthday, Josh talks to her about what this milestone means and how she's processing the feeling of entering a new decade of life. Christi shares valuable lessons she's learned over the last several years, what she plans on leaving behind, and what she wants to bring with her into her 40's.Here are some takeaways:Christi's practice of learning to release a high achieving mindset and just let herself "be"How to discern if you're living in your true authentic self, or from your false selfHow refreshing it is for everyone around you, when you can be real and let go of what others think of you, or what you think others think of you.The upside down kingdom of God, and how He makes significant what the world finds unpopularShow Notes:Apply now for The Leader's Heart Men's Cohort: a copy of 25 Days of the Christmas Story: An Advent Family Experience a copy of Famous at Home by Dr. Josh and Christi:

  • Living From a Whole Heart with Matt Redman

    25/11/2023 Duración: 50min

    Grammy Award-winning singer / songwriter, worship leader, author, and all around incredible human being, Matt Redman, joins us to talk about living a wholehearted life. Matt is one of those rare souls, a man who not only lives whole-heartedly, but who pursues a congruent life both on and off stage. We talk about how to prioritize our emotional health while navigating the often lonely, fast-paced, and unrelenting world we live in. Our emotional and spiritual well-being often hangs in the balance of leading at work and showing up at home.We also talk about the Leader's Heart Cohort, what it means to be famous at home, and leadership as an act of worship. Matt describes how to identify your first "yes" when it comes to showing up well at home.Show Notes: Apply now for The Leader's Heart Men's Cohort: Order a copy of 25 Days of the Christmas Story: An Advent Family Experience Learn more about Matt Redman: Listen to Matt Redma

  • What Christmas Really Means to our Kids

    18/11/2023 Duración: 33min

    *Warning: In this wholesome conversation with our children, we talk about Santa Claus. The phrase in our home is, "Santa is pretend, and in our home, we pretend." For that reason, and that reason alone, you may want to guard little listening ears.In this heartfelt episode, we invited our two oldest kids, Landon (11) and Kennedy (9), to talk about our family devotional, 25 Days of the Christmas Story, and to share their perspective on what Christmas really means to them. Sometimes, what we think matters to our children, isn't at all what they care about. We hope this conversation offers an open door for you to talk to your children what Christmas means to them. We also share practical ways you can create lasting memories with your family during this holiday season.Show Notes:Order a copy of 25 Days of the Christmas Story: An Advent Family Experience now for The Leader's Heart Men's Cohort: in group coaching with Josh or Christi?

  • A Conversation About Grief, Loss, and Serious Illness with Jane Butler

    10/11/2023 Duración: 40min

    Sickness, grief, and loss are inevitable. All of us will experience or walk with close loved ones through sudden loss, or the complexities of a serious or life-threatening illness.Jane Butler, our dear friend, graphic designer for Famous at Home, and Co-Founder of Near, joins us to talk about her husband's brain cancer, how they navigated two brain surgeries, and how she manages to continue to walk alongside him and her young kids as they face hard things.In this episode, Jane shares her deep passion and wisdom about the intersection of life, marriage, parenting, serious illness, and grief and her new passion as the co-founder of Near, an organization offering support for those going through difficult times. Here are some takeaways:When someone you love receives a diagnosis and you don't know what to doSupporting and organizing care for our hurting friends during a crisisHow to shy away from "toxic positivity"and not dismiss someone else's painThe best way to show compassion for someone experiencing a crisisH

  • Discerning God's Voice for Today: Straub Family Adventure Part II

    03/11/2023 Duración: 30min

    Have you ever worried that you might have missed what God was trying to tell you? Maybe you didn't hear Him correctly? Maybe you even wonder if there's too much noise around you to hear His still, small voice? In this episode, we give an update on our new family adventure, but more importantly, talk about what we've been learning about discerning God's voice in the day-to-day.Here are some highlights: How God has been speaking to us in our current season of adventureHow to bring God into your season of grief, loss, and lonelinessWays to pay attention to what God has for you each dayThe difference between confusion and mysteryWhy God longs to speak to us each dayShow Notes: Apply now for The Leader's Heart Men's Cohort (limited spots available): in group coaching with Josh or Christi? Click here for interest form: a copy of Famous at Home by Dr. Josh and Christi: our podcast

  • Families Who Celebrate the Good Stuff

    26/10/2023 Duración: 20min

    Instead of seeing the "good stuff" right in front of us, we often hold a mental checklist of what will get better "someday." The impact this has on our children cannot go unnoticed. In this episode, we talk about the fruit that comes from seeing and celebrating the good stuff God blesses us with each day.Here are some takeaways:The rhythm God started in Genesis 1 of celebration and reflection, "It is good."Practical ways to reflect on "the good" of each day as a familyHow we can emphasize more on celebrating what's "good" as a family in light of the Halloween seasonHow the knowledge of our heavenly home can give us perspective on the goodness in our current circumstancesShow Notes: Apply now for The Leader's Heart Men's Cohort: in group coaching with Josh or Christi? Click here for interest form: a copy of Famous at Home by Dr. Josh and Christi: our podcast a review to help

  • How Unnecessary "Yeses" and Busyness Rob Our Joy

    19/10/2023 Duración: 33min

    We've been on a journey of simplifying our lives. While it hasn't been the easiest path, we're discovering unexpected beauty along the way.This week, we share what we're learning during this time of scaling back and embracing a quieter season, how it's bringing more clarity to our family's purpose, and how it's also unearthed a newfound joy for our family. When we as parents find our God-given lane, and stay faithful to pursuing it without getting distracted with unnecessary "yeses" and busyness, we give our kids a gift. In this episode, we talk about stripping down the self-imposed pressures, tasks, and busyness we've accumulated along the way, so that we can experience a more fulfilling, purposeful lifestyle that God intended for us.Here are some takeaways:How our busyness, fear of missing out, and people-pleasing tendencies impact our kidsPractical ways to make decisions based on your body's signals and needs How daily scripture reading changes how you view the worldThe tension, differences, and rewards be

  • When Your Kids Need More of You Than You Can Give

    13/10/2023 Duración: 30min

    Our nervous system's main job is to protect us, but what happens when it's our kid's need for more of us (more time, more play, more food, more...more...more...) that makes us feel unsafe? How do we recognize it? And how do we take care of ourselves while also letting our kids know that their needs matter?In this episode, we share practical ways to discern between when it's necessary to take care of ourselves when we feel unsafe, and also how to prioritize our kid's needs so they feel safe.Here are some highlights:The nervous system and how our bodies react when we have nothing left to give our kidsPractical ways to come out of fight, flight, or freeze so that you can be present with your kidsWhy scheduling command-free time with your kids throughout the day is gold for your relationshipPhysical touch as a way of showing your kids that you are presentThe critical reality of letting your yes be yes and no be noHow to model repair and forgiveness with your kids when you don't get it right, as a means of emotion

  • Living in the Now

    06/10/2023 Duración: 37min

    How can we live more in the moment? Besides, the here-and-now is a gift, which is why it's called being "present" (see what we did there?!?)Philippians 4 models for us what it looks like to truly live in the present and receive His peace, which surpasses understanding. However, due to our phones, to-do lists, and stress levels, our minds leave our bodies, leaving us the inability seek calm, pray, and live in peace.In this episode, we talk about how to get back into our bodies in moments of overwhelm, so that we can shift the atmosphere of our home and cultivate a spiritual growth environment for our kids.Here are some highlights:How to notice when things feel "off" and discern the signs of the timesPractical ways to get back into your body in the here-and-nowThe calming of your brain and the gift it is to your children when you live in the presentThe power of speaking truth and gratitude aloudGetting in the routine of trusting God more than you trust yourselfUnderstanding gentleness as your "power under contr

  • Families Who Dream

    29/09/2023 Duración: 30min

    God placed eternity in our hearts (Ecc. 11), and along with that, dreams and desires for using the gifts He's given us. Yet, somewhere along the way, we succumb to the belief that our dreams will never become reality. What is it that holds us back from believing, in faith, for those dreams as a family? In this episode, we talk about how to utilize dreaming as a means of renewing our mind. Here are some highlights: Being curious about your "why" in dreaming and if you are actually running from somethingHow to come alongside a spouse who worries about the future and step into dreaming togetherUnderstanding the freedom we have to make choicesPractical ways to rewire your brain to hope againWhy our kids need us to dreamShow Notes: Interested in group coaching with Josh or Christi? Click here for interest form: a copy of Famous at Home by Dr. Josh and Christi: our podcast a review to help others find out about it: https://podcasts.a

  • When Your Life Feels Like a Thousand-Piece Puzzle

    21/09/2023 Duración: 35min

    Have you taken a thousand-piece puzzle and dumped it upside down on a table? Pieces everywhere. Some right side up. Others right side down. Border pieces mixed with middle pieces. That's what our lives feel like as we try to find where all of the pieces fit. Have you ever been there? Perhaps you're there now. In this episode, we talk about the toll the fast-paced western industrial complex has on our souls, and what we're doing to take care of ourselves so we can show up well for our loved ones.Here are some highlights:How to lengthen our fuse when it's running shortPractical ways to find soul rest in the day-to-day hustlePractical ways to put your body back in regulation The most effective strategies to get the outcomes you desire in your kids Awareness and repentance as a gateway to freedomShow Notes: Interested in women's group coaching with Christi?

  • Core Essentials for Family Connection

    14/09/2023 Duración: 36min

    It's the time of year for new rhythms, school routines, and activities. But that also comes with the subtle feeling of disconnection with everyone going in separate directions. In this episode, we talk about how the invention of the clock, light bulb, and iPhone are influencing each of us at a personal and familial level today. We also talk about how you can identify the core essentials that bring your family together, why less is more, and how to "try on" what works for your family. Here are some highlights:How to identify the "less" you need in your lifeHow to identify what a good 'ole fashioned "sigh" means for cultivating peace and connection in your homeHow to battle of fear of "being still" and embracing silence so that you can discern what God might be speaking to youShow Notes: Order a copy of Famous at Home by Dr. Josh and Christi: a copy of Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of Less by Greg Mckeown: our podcast a review to help others find ou

  • Discovering Your Family's "Why"

    31/08/2023 Duración: 34min

    Summer coming to a close inevitably means new routines. But have you considered where those routines are taking you? How those routines today, if continued, will shape your children's hearts a decade from now? How these routines even shape your family's identity? In this episode, we talk about your "why" and the gift of involving your kids in a purpose greater than themselves.Here are some highlights:What it means for the household to partner with Jesus for the restoration of all thingsThe generational influence of our kid's purposeMaking those under your roof feel seenLiving with a "there you are" confidenceSetting values today that impact your family ten years from nowShow Notes: Order a copy of Famous at Home by Dr. Josh and Christi: a copy of The Household and The War for the Cosmos by C.R. Wiley: a copy of The Gospel Comes with a House Key by Rosaria Butterfield: us a review to help others find out about the podcast:https

  • Navigating Life Transitions Well

    25/08/2023 Duración: 40min

    In last week's episode, we revealed the news of our big life transition as a family. Though this particular move was a big one for us, you've likely faced life transitions of all sizes. The end of summer and the beginning of school. Job loss. A new child. The death of a parent or grandparent. No matter how big or small, all transitions feel important. That's why so many of us want to know that we're hearing from God as we discern what He's doing and pray through next steps and the days ahead. In this episode, we share a behind-the-scenes look at our recent decision-making process and how we discern when God just might be up to something. We talk about: Why transparency with God makes all the differenceWhy it's important to pay attention when something feels "off"How to recognize what you might be idolizing and discerning if your decisions are in their purest formHow to make the little ones under your roof feel seen and loved in the middle of transitionShow Notes:Thank you for giving and partnering with us in

  • You Did What?! The Straub Fam's New Adventure

    17/08/2023 Duración: 28min

    In the last few months, you've likely heard us talk about our desire to prioritize biblical simplicity and hospitality in our home. This week, we share a couple of big, emotional, yet exciting announcements, as we take leaps of faith into the next level of simplicity as a family. And, we invite you on this journey of hospitality with us, as we look forward to what God has in store for this adventurous new season.Show Notes: Have podcast topic ideas or simply want to drop us a note? We'd love to hear from you!

  • Fighting for Peace in Your Home

    10/08/2023 Duración: 44min

    One of the most frequent questions we're asked is how we maintain a spirit of peace with a family of five and all we have going on. "How do you carry such calm in your interactions with each other?" wrote one long-time listener. To begin, peace doesn't come without a fight. In a world of instant gratification, we too easily settle for moments of peace; but anything that doesn't last is counterfeit. In this episode, we talk about practical ways you can war for and cultivate peace in your home.  We talk about:  Why our bodies feel safer in chaos than peacePrayer as a weapon for the war for peaceWhy it's important to take dominion over what God has given youKeeping short accounts of sin in our livesPlaying the long game in the day-to-day overwhelm Show Notes: John Eldredge's Daily Prayer (Head of Household)Do you have questions you want us to answer? We want to hear from YOU! Submit your question today.Leave the podcast a review to help others find out about itOrder a copy of the Famous at Home book by Dr. Josh

  • Parent Q & A: Toddlers, Discipline, Divorce, and Loss of Relationships

    04/08/2023 Duración: 41min

    We love hearing from you, our podcast family, and talk about the topics you care about most. This week, we address questions related to raising toddlers, disciplining kids, walking your kids through divorce, and processing the loss of relationships. Here are some highlights:  Practical ways to regulate emotions instead of shutting them out or losing your mindInsights from Psalm 103 to help your kids feel seenHow discipline sets the tone for the environment of our homeWhy it's important we hold grief and joy at the same time Show Notes: Do you have questions you want us to answer? We want to hear from YOU! Submit your question today.Leave the podcast a review to help others find out about itOrder a copy of the Famous at Home book by Dr. Josh and ChristiWatch this episode on YouTube Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at

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