Rppr Actual Play



Role Playing Public Radio's recorded RPG sessions


  • Wild Talents: Age of Masks at Gencon 2009

    03/03/2010 Duración: 02h58min

    CLICK HERE TO SUPPORT RPPR AND THE NEW WORLD CAMPAIGN! GET 10 PREVIEW ACTUAL PLAY EPISODES. HAVE YOUR CHARACTER WRITTEN INTO THE NEW WORLD CAMPAIGN. LISTEN TO CODY’S UNEDITED READING OF MY IMMORTAL! A group of vigilantes must uncover the mystery surrounding the death of the Silver Scarab but in doing so, they uncover a dark conspiracy that threatens the fate of the world. This was run during Gencon 2009 and while I did have a sign up sheet for the players, I lost it. So if you played in this game, please let us know in the comments.

  • 4E Dungeons and Dragons – The New World Campaign Game 20: I’m on an (air) ship

    25/02/2010 Duración: 03h26min

    CLICK HERE IF YOU WANT TO LEARN HOW TO GET 10 PREVIEW EPISODES OF RPPR ACTUAL PLAY! OVER 30 HOURS OF ACTUAL PLAY CONTENT! In this episode, the Water Barons enlist the aid of a rival adventuring party, the Ironhearts. The Ironhearts have an awesome air ship and the players use it to scout Cortez's army marching on the colony. Of course, there's a slight complication or two from this foray...Find out what gets in their way and learn of the prophecy to defeat Cortez's horde! Special thanks to Ean Moody for the art!

  • World of Darkness: The Arcadia Signal

    16/02/2010 Duración: 03h35min

    The town of Arcadia has a unique boogeyman, the Signal. Since 1947, a weird voice can be heard only at a certain house, currently owned by Winslow. The voice claims to be an alien and seems almost omniscient. It is written off as a trick, a type of stage magic. A few months ago, one teenager killed two of his friends then himself in Arcadia. It was officially blamed on drugs. However, the teens had recently visited the House and listened to the Signal. This attracted the attention of the Paranormal Exploration Society, a group of amateur ghost hunters. What is the truth behind the signal? Find out in the Arcadia Signal!

  • 4E Dungeons and Dragons – The New World Campaign Game 19: Let’s make a deal (with a Vampire)

    11/02/2010 Duración: 02h51min

    The dungeon delve in the colony's sewer continues! Watcher makes a deal with Bodica, leader of the vampires, an action that may prove to be problematic in the future. There's also a nasty battle with a flesh golem and all kinds of craziness. Listen to get all the gory details!

  • Call of Cthulhu: Room B12

    03/02/2010 Duración: 02h46min

    Goddamnit Aaron what are you doing Another foray into Call of Cthulhu with Tom at the helm. A 1920s scenario set in New York City, Aaron and I play investigators looking into a strange series of events. Let's just say unpleasant forces at at foot. I play a morally dubious legbreaker and former anarchist while Aaron plays a highly moral doctor as we delve into the secrets of room B12.

  • 4E Dungeons and Dragons – The New World Campaign Game 18: Let’s make a deal (with a Minotaur)

    27/01/2010 Duración: 03h29min

    Hello I am a reasonable minotaur. Let's talk about this. Finally! A proper dungeon crawl for the water barons! Our brave heroes descend into the sewers below the colony to deal with a group of vile vampires with dark plans for the poor colonists. So our heroes disguise themselves as slaves to sneak by the guard. However, the plan changes when they confront a wandering minotaur guard. Words cannot describe how the ensuing negotiation works out. You have to listen to find out.

  • Monsters and Other Childish Things – Candlewick Manor as run by Ben Baugh

    15/01/2010 Duración: 03h09min

    At Dragoncon 2009, Ben Baugh, the author of Monsters and Other Childish Things ran a session of his campaign, Candlewick Manor, an orphanage of kids with creepy supernatural gifts. Think the X-men as written and drawn by Edward Gorey. There's monsters of course, but they are a bit more reclusive and friendship must be earned. I was lucky enough to play, along with Shane Ivey and two other players. This session begins with a tutorial on the One Roll Engine, so if you were curious about how it works, check this AP out.

  • 4E Dungeons and Dragons – The New World Campaign Game 17 – Buy my Otyugh!

    07/01/2010 Duración: 02h41min

    The war between the Water Barons and Cortez's horde continues, but this episode will be infamous for one scene where Locke hires some goblins to build a fortress for new ogre allies. The salesmanship of Balgron the Fat, the goblin chieftain is legendary and for good reason. He will sell you anything, even an otyugh if that's what you need. Why the players need an otyugh...well that's complicated. Just listen in and find out just how depraved the Water Barons get. This is a prime example of 'gamer logic' the crazy dream logic that gamers use to justify their insane actions in-game.

  • Call of Cthulhu: Well of Sacrifices

    31/12/2009 Duración: 02h03min

    A scenario from Mysteries of Mesoamerica from Pagan Publishing, it is described as "a legend around Pagan Publishing. Playtested again and again, the scenario gained the nick-name The Boneyard." A group of archeologists check out a fabled Mayan site only mentioned in a dead explorer's notes. Run as a pick up game at Gencon 2009, I run the scenario for Greg Stolze, Shane Ivey, James Knevitt, Tom, Aaron, and Andy. Find out who lives and who dies in this aptly named adventure! We had a blast with the scenario and if you want to run it, pick up a copy of Mysteries of Mesoamerica. Great art, writing and more!

  • 4E Dungeons and Dragons – The New World Campaign Game 16 – This is Border Town!

    23/12/2009 Duración: 03h50min

    The war to stop Cortez is underway and the Water Barons try to rack up more allies and prepare for the final battle against the vile horde marching on Border Town. A cunning plan to destroy the enemy's supply train is hatched. The water barons lead a small force of 100 grippli warriors in a daring raid. But in order to make sure at least some of the grippli make it out alive, the players must guard a narrow pass for 10 rounds against Cortez's vanguard. Find out if the gambit works on episode 16 of the new world campaign!

  • Monsters and Other Childish Things: Pastoral Manor Playtest

    18/12/2009 Duración: 03h58min

    I am currently writing a campaign for Monsters and Other Childish Things, themed around a summer road trip around the USA to save the world from an evil cult. A group of kids with their monster friends must fight the bad guys at many different places including Pastoral Manor, a quaint New England farm with a unique quirk: every animal on it is intelligent and can talk. Of course bad things are brewing there as a rabbit is leading a revolt against the human owner of the farm. What is the evil cult up to and what side should our heroes take? Find out in the first playtest of Pastoral Manor!

  • RPPR Actual Play: 4E Dungeons and Dragons – The New World Campaign Game 15

    10/12/2009 Duración: 03h53min

    The contest between the Water Barons and Cortez the Tyrant is underway! The player characters must rebuild a great Lemurian shipyard before Cortez completes his project. Furthermore Bright Eyes the gnome rogue has resurfaced under the control of guest player Brian. The water barons need to find an architect to lead the construction, defend the work camp from marauding monsters and more! Find out what other complications our heroes get entangled with in episode 15 of the new world campaign!

  • Call of Cthulhu – Delta Green: Night Shift Playtest

    01/12/2009 Duración: 02h14min

    Guarding a mall is a strange assignment for a cell of experienced Delta Green agents, especially with the heavy machineguns, body armor and other tactical equipment they've been given. Yet as they fight off murderous gangs and encounter unexplained sounds and sights, they realize they aren't in a mall. They are in another realm entirely... This is a playtest of a scenario called Night Mall based on ideas developed by members of the Delta Green Email List and the Delta Green scenario called Night Floors (PDF) written by Dennis Detwiller. I ran this scenario 4 more times: twice at Gencon 09 and twice at Dragoncon 09. I will post each game, as every single time I ran it, it turned out quite differently. If you enjoy this scenario, you should check out the original King In Yellow or the King in Yellow wiki.

  • RPPR Actual Play: 4E Dungeons and Dragons – The New World Campaign Game 14

    24/11/2009 Duración: 03h37min

    The Paragon tier of adventure continues with the Water Barons fighting their way to the peak of the mountain to converse with the Ant Spirit. In order to defeat Cortez and prove that civilization is better than tyranny, they shall undertake a great contest. Furthermore, the warlock Kuthin makes a dark deal with the Water Spirit.  All this and more in the 14th session of the New World campaign!

  • RPPR Actual Play: Call of Cthulhu – U-Boote Heraus Part 2

    16/11/2009 Duración: 06h17s

    The epic conclusion to Adam Scott Glancy's World War 1 Call of Cthulhu scenario, featuring all of the players except Shane Ivey. The players have learned that the rescued orphans have been taken by a mysterious group. Who can they trust and what can they do to save the children and put a rest to the ancient evil that dwells on the island? Find out in U-Boote Heraus part 2!

  • RPPR Actual Play: Call of Cthulhu – U-Boote Heraus Part 1

    09/11/2009 Duración: 05h25min

    Courtesty of Adam Scott Glancy U-Boote Heraus! Part 1 of a Call of Cthulhu scenario Run at Gencon 2009 by Adam Scott Glancy of Pagan Publishing U-boat warfare in World War 1 was a grim, grisly affair but one crew will find themselves embroiled in a struggle far darker than the war to end all wars.  What secrets does the strange cargo ship with its odd crew hold? How do you use a potato masher grenade? What does a Maxim machine gun do to a rowboat full of sailors? Find out the answer to some of these questions and more with part 1 of U-Boote Heraus. Players: Shane Ivey, Greg Stolze, Tom Church, Frank Frey, Hansrainer Peitz, Ross Payton Please note that this is an epic scenario and the first part is about five and a half hours.

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