Dr Pieter DeWet Live



Dr. DeWet has spent his entire career in medicine starting from the time he entered medical school to search for the most effective, least harmful and the most cost effective methods to treat patients with complex health challenges, and currently treats patients from all around the country and worldwide for diseases and health conditions ranging from the most simple to some of the most complex. Dr. DeWet approaches all patients holistically, which means he focuses on body, mind and soul and routinely addresses and assists in the treatment of patients physical, emotional, social, mental, environmental and spiritual issues as it relates to their overall health situation. He is determined to find and treat the root causes of illness in each patient that he sees which is one reason why Dr. DeWet is credited for getting very good results with the majority of his patients, especially those that are willing to make the commitment to heal all aspects of their health challenges.


  • “Watergate of Eye Care: The Misrepresentations of Injections for Wet Macular Degeneration.”

    12/12/2014 Duración: 57min

    Listen to this show if you are interested in learning more about macular degeneration and the treatment options available for it, both conventional and integrative. According to the Archives of Ophthalmology, age-related macular degeneration affects more than 1.75 million individuals in the United States. This number will increase to almost 3 million by 2020. There are 200,000 cases of wet macular degeneration that are diagnosed each year in North America. The most common conventional treatment strategy for treatment of macular degeneration is injections into the retina with injectables that quite often are ineffective and can even destroy vision. Unfortunately most people taking these injections have no clue about these controversies, but on this show we will be discussing this treatment strategy, the controversies surrounding them, and alternative treatment strategies that can make a huge difference in stopping progression of this disease and even reverse it. On this show I will be interviewing Dr. Ed Kondr

  • Holiday Blues!!! How to deal with emotional challenges and common psychological illnesses naturally and effectively

    28/11/2014 Duración: 58min

    This time of year we see more people dealing with depression, anxiety and many other psychological conditions. On this show me we will be discussing common sense solutions other than drugs to conquer them! Will also be reviewing the roots of psychological diseases including the underlying conflict programs, the nutrient deficiencies, toxins affecting moods, diet, lack of exercise. We will be discussing the best and the worst treatments for these conditions. For review of treatment options, contact us at QHI Wellness: 903 939 2069, or check out our package specials on www.shopqhi.com including our basic detox package and other supplements used for treatment of various conditions. Also check out my book, Heal Thyself - transform your life, transform your health and Gilbert Renaud's book called Recall Healing - pyramid of health and our numerous Recall Healing DVDs covering various subjects.

  • Adrenal fatigue

    21/11/2014 Duración: 58min

    Adrenal fatigue – How to discover and resolve adrenal problems stealing your energy and vitality Is your energy failing you? Are you Just plain exhausted? Have you lost your mojo? If so, listen to this show so you can gain the knowledge you need to figure out what is going wrong. You will learn how to figure out the cause of your problem. What your specific symptoms tell you about what might be wrong? What tests can be done? And what do you do about it if your adrenals are failing you or you are just sick and tired of being tired, and want to do something about it today! Books: DVD’s: Recall Healing Level 2 Supplements: Adrenal Support, Adrenal, Neo40, Neo40 professional, NOx support, magnesium malate, Life Force Naturals, IntraMax, Energy Boost 70, Inner Vitality, Inner Balance HA, Ultra Clear Renew www.shopqhi.com

  • SoulMating - The Secret to Finding Everlasting Love and Passion 11-14-2014

    14/11/2014 Duración: 57min

    We all dream about finding the “perfect mate” and living happily-ever-after in eternal bliss. Unfortunately, no matter how hard you try to get love right, many of you suffer in finding and maintaining the life partner you yearn for. On today's show we have Dr's Jeffrey and Basha Kaplan who together have written their latest book. SoulMating: The Secret to Finding Everlasting Love and Passion. Step-by-step, this book offers a unique and innovative way of looking at partnership, with tools and skills that not only guarantee a more fulfilling life, but that naturally leads to finding a nurturing and loving life partner. Married and working together for years, Dr's Basha and Jeffrey Kaplan are popular lecturers, coaches and experts in the fields of love and relationships. They have appeared on International TV and radio shows, as well as in major print publications like the Washington Post and and Cosmopolitan. Basha is a clinical psychologist and coauthor of Soul Dating to Soul Mating. Jeffrey holds doctorate

  • Manifest Your Miracle, Part I of this 6 Part Series

    07/11/2014 Duración: 56min

    Manifest Your Miracle: The 12 week Action Plan: Part 1 – Week 1 and 2 Listen to this series of 6 radio shows to learn how you can manifest YOUR miracle!! (airing every other Friday, beginning 11-07-14) The foundation of healing begins with understanding and implementing certain basic principles outlined in my book “Heal Thyself”. Not only is it critical to understand these principles but it is also critical to get and stay motivated and focused, like a laser beam, on the health goals that you want to achieve. Join me in this educational and inspirational journey as we provide you with the knowledge and inspiration to take charge of your health. We will be covering the following keys: The 12 Week Action Plan to Manifest Your Miracle from “Heal Thyself” – each show will cover two weeks of the 12 week action plan Recall Healing Basics The 5 Levels of Healing Correcting Erroneous Beliefs Stress, Negative Emotions and Your Health Relationships and Your Health Spiritual Roots of Illness The 18 Basic Steps to

  • NSA for a Healthier Spine 10-31-2014

    31/10/2014 Duración: 57min

    It is a well documented fact that stress and how our bodies internalize that stress is one of the biggest causes of disease in our world today. Under chronic stress, the nervous system becomes “stuck” in defense. Muscles tighten, the spine becomes rigid and prone to damage and arthritic change, the immune system is suppressed, blood supply to the digestive organs, kidneys and reproductive organs is reduced promoting dysfunction of these systems. The brain gets stuck in reactive mode and is less able to access the higher parts of the brain that make it possible to see the bigger picture in life and be creative, compassionate and loving. If this is not addressed, the body breaks down, disease becomes prevalent, and progress in life becomes difficult or impossible. Network Spinal Analysis (NSA) involves gentle and precise contacts to the spine to promote awareness and connection of the spine and body. The healing pathways of the nervous system are activated and the body is able to move out of being “stuck” in st

  • Healthy Bones & Joints 10-24-2014

    24/10/2014 Duración: 57min

    Bones and Joints – How to Heal Naturally Do you suffer from osteoporosis, arthritis and other bone/joint health challenges? Join us October 24 on Toginet.com for the Dr. Pieter DeWet Live show as we discuss how to have healthy bones and joints. There are a reported 10,000 deaths each year that are due to the damaging effects from NSAIDS that actually contribute to even more thinning of the bones. And many people end up taking narcotics to deal with the pain. We will share with you today some of the natural alternative choices available to you to help promote healthy bones and joints as well as reduce pain and inflammation. Auto-immune diseases such as Lupus, Scleroderma, RA and even Crohn’s Disease play in role in joint disease. Thermography is a useful functional method of determining the areas of the body where inflammation is prevalent. Proper hormonal levels are critical for bone health. At QHI Wellness we incorporate natural hormone replacement therapy, Bio-Density and Power Plate therapies to he

  • Ebola-Code Red! No cure but YOU DO HAVE OPTIONS! 10-17-2014

    17/10/2014 Duración: 57min

    Listen to this show as we discuss what has now become a massive public health concern in the US. Are we on the threshold of a major public health disaster? There is no cure for Ebola! But what CAN you do to limit your risk? On this show you will learn about how to build a massively powerful immune system, and about natural antimicrobials effective against viral and other infections. And yes, does stress make you more or less vulnerable? The answer I think is obvious. Instead of worrying, take prudent action NOW. Many listeners have requested that we also discuss EBOLA and BIO-TERORISM. Is there a risk of Ebola being used to attack people in the US and to spread panic? How does Ebola compare to other bio-terrorism threats? Learn today what you need to know about Ebola and how to prepare to maximize your chances of staying healthy with Ebola and a whole series of infectious health threats out there, not just Ebola. There is no cure for this disease right now and yet a lot can be done to reduce the likelihood o

  • Ebola Epidemic in America? - Fear Mongering or REAL THREAT 10-10-2014

    10/10/2014 Duración: 57min

    Listen to this show to find out the truth about Ebola in the US. With an Ebola pandemic raging in West Africa with exponential increases in the numbers of people that getting sick from it and dying and with no viable solutions on the table now that the virus has gotten into the bigger cities in West Africa, the likelihood of more cases making it to our shores is very high! In fact the first case has already been reported in Dallas with as many as a 100 people exposed. On this show, we will be discussing what you need to know about Ebola and how to prepare to maximize your chances of staying healthy with a whole series of infectious health threats out there, not just Ebola. There is no cure for this disease right now and yet a lot can be done to reduce the likelihood of exposure and to keep the immune system as strong as possible to make it less likely that God forbid we get exposed that it would be a terminal event. We will review nature’s most potent antivirals, immune boosters and health promoters. From n

  • Thermography - A Valuable Tool to Track Inflammation 10-03-2014

    03/10/2014 Duración: 57min

    Thermography – A Valuable Tool to Track Inflammation and Pathology. Inflammation is a precursor to many diseases and forms an integral part of many if not the majority of the health challenges we face. But here's some good news: early detection of inflammation may help you prevent or even reverse many health challenges including some of the most life threatening. For example it is estimated that the average human develops cancer an average of 7 times in their lifetimes. Fortunately most of these resolve or reverse spontaneously and before they are ever detected. In other words before they can lead to a major health scare as inevitably happens when we are diagnosed with a for example a malignancy. Listen to this show to find out more about Thermography. The supplements recommended on our show today include Flam Away, Burbur, Parsley, Condura, Kaprex, Magnesium Malate, Life Force Naturals. You can purchase these products on shopqhi.com. If you would like to schedule a Life Coaching appointment with Dr. D

  • Part 2 - Your Bowels and your Health 09-26-14

    26/09/2014 Duración: 57min

    In this two part series we will be discussing integrative approaches to addressing common bowel condition. Statistics reflect how widespread bowel dysfunction and bowel condition are in the US. The good news is that drugs and surgeries are not the only option to managing these conditions. If you would like an appointment for Health Coaching please contact our office at 903-939-2069 and we will be happy to schedule your time with Dr. DeWet. And don't forget to join us again next Friday for Part 2 of this series. You can find the supplements we have recommended on today's show at our website at shopqhi.com for the supplements that we recommended to address these health challenges; Natures Probiotic, Saccahromycees, OrthoBiotic, Digestion Optimizer, Mega Million Acidolphilus, Chlorella or Spirulina, Glutagnics, Magnesium Malaate, OxyPlus, Potent C Guard, Bowel Cleansing Formula, Vitamin C Powder, Omega 1000, Evening Primrose Oil, GLA-Borage Oil, Relaxoforce, Hydrageaplex, Hepatatox.

  • Part 1 - Your bowels and Your Health 09-19-2014

    19/09/2014 Duración: 57min

    In this two part series we will be discussing integrative approaches to addressing common bowel condition. Statistics reflect how widespread bowel dysfunction and bowel condition are in the US. The good news is that drugs and surgeries are not the only option to managing these conditions. If you would like an appointment for Health Coaching please contact our office at 903-939-2069 and we will be happy to schedule your time with Dr. DeWet. And don't forget to join us again next Friday for Part 2 of this series. You can find the supplements we have recommended on today's show at our website at shopqhi.com for the supplements that we recommended to address these health challenges; Natures Probiotic, Saccahromycees, OrthoBiotic, Digestion Optimizer, Mega Million Acidolphilus, Chlorella or Spirulina, Glutagnics, Magnesium Malaate, OxyPlus, Potent C Guard, Bowel Cleansing Formula.

  • High Blood Pressure 09-12-2014

    12/09/2014 Duración: 57min

    One out of three adults today have High Blood Pressure. Anyone who may be overweight is definitely having this problem. Our society has pesticides in our foods and our soils are depleted of minerals, causing High Blood Pressure to become an epidemic.

  • Stress and Anxiety 09-05-2014

    05/09/2014 Duración: 57min

    Our modern lifestyle predisposes us to great amounts of stress. We are traveling more, doing more sedentary activities, and feel more overwhelmed.Stress is a normal physical response, and in cases of severe danger we need that "fight or flight" reaction from the adrenal glands. The CDC tells us that stress causes most of the diseases treated today. Visit our website at qhiwellness.com or call us at 903-939-2069 if you would like to schedule a Life Coaching appointment with Dr. DeWet and learn how to reduce the stress!

  • 10 Ways to Getting Healthier NOW 08-29-2014

    29/08/2014 Duración: 57min

    Top 10 things you need to do to get healthy now! Our listeners have asked for us to cover this information again so join in and get health NOW! Listen to this radio show if you are struggling with frustrating health challenges and are not getting answers or results. Whether you are struggling with poor energy or have ongoing aches and pains. On this show you will learn about the most important steps you can take TODAY to get your health back on track. First and foremost, we will be talking about overcoming four key blocks to healing. We will also be discussing goal setting, another key to healing. Other subjects that will be covered among the 10 things you need to do to get healthy now, includes: Discover and clear the conflicts programming for disease; figure out what your body needs as far as food and nutrition; increase physical activity and learn how to overcome locks to healthy eating and increasing activity; improve gut health; detox or die; balance your hormones; reduce toxin exposure; reduce exposur

  • Colonics - The Journey Towards Better Health Starts with Healthy Intestines 08-22-14

    22/08/2014 Duración: 57min

    Joining us today is Donna Otey, the owner of Alpha Cleanse in Fort Worth, Texas. Millions of people in this country who suffer all manner of health problems may never even consider that the source of their problem is a toxic, sluggish colon. This is not surprising. The traditional treatment of health disorders, disease symptoms and disease management (using pharmaceuticals and surgery) may completely obscure the root cause of recurring or chronic health problems. Bowel dysfunction may be the root cause of a multitude of chronic health problems, sickness and disease. Remember, the road to wellness is paved with health intestines. Supplements that will be featured on this show include: Glutagenics, Saccharomyces Boilardii, OrthoBiotics, Natures Probiotic, Bowel Cleansing Formula, Digestion Optimizer, Azeo Pangen and Metagest. These products can be found on our website at Shopqhi.com. Call us at 903-939-2069 for more information on our mission at QHI Wellness or to schedule your Wellness Coaching appointme

  • Overcoming Traumatic Life Events

    15/08/2014 Duración: 58min

    Almost everyone has been through traumatic life events, whether physical or emotional in nature. These traumas can leave scars, either physical or emotional or often both. Often the trauma leaves its mark on the body indirectly through the brain downloading emotional traumas to the body when threatened with overwhelm. Listen to this program to learn more about the impact of traumas on health and how to overcome their emotional, mental and physical consequences.

  • Part 2:Steps to transforming your health and life: Permanently

    08/08/2014 Duración: 56min

    Steps to transforming your health and life: permanently; Part 2 There is no shortage of books, videos and programs on how to get fit, be healthy and live a happy life. So why is it that so many people struggle in this area? What can we do to prepare ourselves for success? Who should we listen to and what system should we follow? In this talk, I am going to share what I have learned from a lifetime of inconsistency, inefficiency, and trial and error, and share how I finally got into the BEST shape of my life both physically AND emotionally, after the birth of my daughter last year. And the answer is not because I am special. I have had circumstances that are NOT in my favour: I have struggled with my own set barriers including addiction, post-traumatic stress, and attention-deficit. I have learned that I must consciously create on a daily basis the rituals that support my entire being. There are no short-cuts, but there are strategies to making it work for you. So please join me as I share the game-changing p

  • Part 1; Steps to transforming your health and life: Permanently

    01/08/2014 Duración: 56min

    Steps to transforming your health and life: permanently, Part 1 There is no shortage of books, videos and programs on how to get fit, be healthy and live a happy life. So why is it that so many people struggle in this area? What can we do to prepare ourselves for success? Who should we listen to and what system should we follow? In this talk, I am going to share what I have learned from a lifetime of inconsistency, inefficiency, and trial and error, and share how I finally got into the BEST shape of my life both physically AND emotionally, after the birth of my daughter last year. And the answer is not because I am special. I have had circumstances that are NOT in my favour: I have struggled with my own set barriers including addiction, post-traumatic stress, and attention-deficit. I have learned that I must consciously create on a daily basis the rituals that support my entire being. There are no short-cuts, but there are strategies to making it work for you. So please join me as I share the game-changing p

  • Re-run of 3/23/12 "What's Bugging You?" With guest host Dr. Gilbert Renaud

    25/07/2014 Duración: 57min

    Re-RUN~ On this show we will discuss the organisms and the associated conflict programs that underlie dozens of chronic illnesses including Lyme’s Disease, MRSAs, Ecoli infections, AIDS, Influenza, TB and others.

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