Dr Pieter DeWet Live



Dr. DeWet has spent his entire career in medicine starting from the time he entered medical school to search for the most effective, least harmful and the most cost effective methods to treat patients with complex health challenges, and currently treats patients from all around the country and worldwide for diseases and health conditions ranging from the most simple to some of the most complex. Dr. DeWet approaches all patients holistically, which means he focuses on body, mind and soul and routinely addresses and assists in the treatment of patients physical, emotional, social, mental, environmental and spiritual issues as it relates to their overall health situation. He is determined to find and treat the root causes of illness in each patient that he sees which is one reason why Dr. DeWet is credited for getting very good results with the majority of his patients, especially those that are willing to make the commitment to heal all aspects of their health challenges.


  • Auto-Immune Diseases

    14/10/2011 Duración: 57min

    Today we discussed various auto-immune disease such as Sjogren's,hair loss, liver, kidney, rebuilding the immune system, inflammation, oxygen therapy We also discussed how viruses, bacteria and fungi are contributing to auto-immune disease, Asea, supplements to support your immune system, toxicities and detoxing the body. You can reach QHI Wellness at 877-484-9735 and theproducts listed below are available through our website at shopqhi.com. "Heal Thyself, Transform Your Life, Transform your Health", Basic Detox Package, Immune Boost Pro Package, D3-5, Radiation Protection Package, Trace Mineral Relax, Invaders Detox Package,Flam Away, and the Pain & Inflammation Package. If you wish to purchase Asea, IntraMax, and IntraMin you can cll us at 877-484-9735 and we will be happy to assist you.

  • Autism & Other Neurological Diseases

    13/10/2011 Duración: 57min

    Reviewed auto-immune diseases affecting the brain and spinal chord including Parkinson's, MS, ALS and Myasthenia gravis. We also discussed autism and had guest Lindsey and her mother Juanita. They shared their experiences at our clinic, and the great improvements Lindsey's son has shown under our care. We also covered immunizations, toxins, diet and detox strategies.

  • Lupus

    12/10/2011 Duración: 57min
  • Rheumatoid Arthritis

    11/10/2011 Duración: 57min

    Today we discussed devaluation and the root cause or program conflict for RA, support supplements, reversing RA, inflammation, the presence of microbes in patients with auto-immune disease. You can reach QHI Wellness at 877-484-9735 and the products listed below are available through our website at shopqhi.com. "Heal Thyself, Transform Your Life, Trasnform Your Health", Basic Detox Package, Immune Booster Pro Package, Iodoral, D3-5, Indolplex, Weight Loss Package with Beta HCG, Flam Away, Condura, Invaders Detox Package.

  • Thyroid Auto-Immune Disease

    10/10/2011 Duración: 57min

    Today we discussed Hypothyroidism, Hyperthyroidisn, Hashimoto's, the root cause or program conflict for thyroid disease, Iodine deficiency, supporting the immune system, detox,chronic fatigue, hormones, thyroid resistance and adrenal exhaustion. You can reach QHI Wellness at 877-484-9735 and the products listed below are available through our website at shopqhi.com. Basic Detox Package, Iodoral, Immune Booster Pro Package, "Heal Thyself, Transofrm Your Life, Transform Your Health". You can also call our office for the Thyroid Support Package, Asea,IntraMax, and IntraMin products.

  • Cancer Now Effects 1 in 2

    07/10/2011 Duración: 57min

    Can you overcome health chaleneges, even ones as severe as cancer? Learn today how emotional conflicts program and trigger the body for disease and illness and how by resolving these conflicts the body can heal. We also share how generational "downloads" of emotional conflicts impact your health. You can reach QHI Wellness at 877-484-9735 and the products listed below are available on our website at shopqhi.com. Basic Detox Package Cancer Support Package (call our office for this package) Weight Loss Package with Beta HCG

  • Colon Cancer

    06/10/2011 Duración: 57min

    Today we discussed the root cause or program conflict for colon cancer, cancer support supplements, bio-oxidative therapies, inflammation in the digestive tract, H-Pylori, and obesity.

  • Prostate Cancer

    05/10/2011 Duración: 56min

    Today's show explored the symptoms, emotional and root causes and cancer support supplementation. We discussed alternative treatment options and resources. You can reach QHI Wellness at 877-484-9735 and the products listed below are available through our website at shopqhi.com. Basic Detox Package, Life Force Naturals, D3-5, Lugol's Iodine, Immune Booster Pro Package, Wellness Support Package. You will need to call our office at 877-484-9735 to purchase the Cancer Support Package, Asea, IntraMax, and IntraMin.

  • Breast Cancer

    04/10/2011 Duración: 58min

    Today we discussed the root cause or program conflict, thermography vs. mammography, iodine deficiency, hormonal imbalances, stress, excessive estrogen, obesity, detox, and cancer support supplements, supplement. You can reach QHI Wellness at 877-484-9735 and the products listed below are available through our website at shopqhi.com. Basic Detox Package, Life Force Naturals, D3-5, Idoroal, Immune Complex, Wellness Support Package, Weight Loss Package with Beta HCG, Immune Booster Pro Package, Radiation Protection Package, Progestafem, Indolplex and to purchase Asea, IntraMax or IntraMin you will need to call us at 877-484-9735

  • Cancer

    03/10/2011 Duración: 58min

    Today we discussed the war on cancer, reducing the risk of cancer, your immune system, basic detox, Asea, Iodine deficiency. You can reach QHI Wellness at 877-484-9735 and the products listed below can be found on our website at shopqhi.com. "Heal Thyself, Transform Your Life, Trasnform Your Health", Basic Detox Package, Life Force Naturals, D3-5, Lugol's Iodoral, Immune Complex. To purchase IntraMax, IntraMin or Asea please call our office at 877-484-9735.

  • Miracles

    30/09/2011 Duración: 58min

    Today we discussed the 5 Levels of Healing (physical body, energy body, mental body, intuitive body and spiritual body, the 12 Week Action Plan referenced in Dr. deWet's book "Heal Thyself" and epigenetics. You can reach QHI Wellness at 8770484-9735 and please visit our website at shopqhi.com.

  • Invoking your health miracles

    29/09/2011 Duración: 58min

    Today you will hear the story of Jason Ford, a child with Autism. His mother tells the story with Dr. De Wet, and why she feels he came down with Autism.

  • Thyroid Disease

    28/09/2011 Duración: 58min

    Learn today the emotional conflicts that program the body for thyroid disease. We discuss Hyperthyroidism, Hashimoto's Disease, Thyroiditis and how the body attacked itself. You will also leanr about the most important nutrient that support your thyroid.

  • The Battle of the Bulge

    27/09/2011 Duración: 57min

    Learn today about emotional conflicts that program the body for obesity and how be resolving those conflicts you can lose weight and keep it off. We discuss the Beta HCG weight loss program and other ways in which you can promote weight loss.

  • Dr. DeWet's Debut show!!

    26/09/2011 Duración: 55min

    Today we discussed the health care disaster, why are more people become ill, chronic disease and illness, diabetes and other health problems on the rise. We also share how you can get down to the root causes of your health challenges. You can reach QHI Wellness at 877-484-9735 and plase visit our website at shopqhi.com

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