Hoarding Specialist and Extreme Cleaner Rachel Seavey discusses how to help yourself when you are overwhelmed with clutter. Rachel is the owner of Collector Care Professional Organizers located in the San Francisco bay area. Rachel and her team have been featured on the CBS Sunday morning show, The Hoarders show, and the Lady Brain Show. This podcast features organizing tips and hacks as well as true stories from within the trenches. Learn how to tame your clutter so that you can gain control of your life. The first Sunday night of each month!
What's Your Story?
22/07/2019 Duración: 26minOn this episode of The Hoardganize Podcast, Professional Organizer Rachel Seavey discusses how your life story can relate to your clutter and personal organization. What's your story? Tune in for more insight on your personal clutter situation ...
Hoardganize - Sparking Joy
17/06/2019 Duración: 13minOn this weeks episode of The Hoardganize Podcast, Professional Organizer Rachel Seavey discusses three tips on how to help you de-clutter when everything sparks joy. Tune in ...
Hoardganize - Defy the odds
03/06/2019 Duración: 12minOn this episode of The Hoardganize Podcast, Professional Organizer Rachel Seavey discusses what it takes to beat the odds of getting and staying organized. We create our own odds and our own destiny, learn three tips to help you defy the odds and start changing your story today!
Hoardganize - The Paralysis of Analysis
20/05/2019 Duración: 12minOn this episode of The Hoardganize Podcast, Professional Organizer Rachel Seavey defines the term "The Paralysis of Analysis" in regards to decluttering and organization. Learn 3 strategies to help you learn decision making skills that will help you clear away clutter.
I'm back ... Season 3 Episode 1 airs TONIGHT! 6pm
19/05/2019 Duración: 06minOn this episode Rachel discusses what the heck she has been up to and what you have forward to listen to in the future! Make sure you tune in to Season 3 Episode 1 tonight at 6pm where Rachel discusses the Paralysis of Analysis and strategies to help you overcome overwhelm.
Death, Taxes and Change
03/12/2018 Duración: 24minOn this episode of the Hoardganize Podcast, Professional Organizer Rachel Seavey discusses the 3 certain things in life death, taxes, and CHANGE. Change can be exciting and it can also be downright scary. How do you get out of playing a victim and find the fortitude to accept change? Tune in ...
Hoardganize - Abandoned Again
19/11/2018 Duración: 11minOn this episode of the Hoardanize Podcast Professional Organizer Rachel Seavey is candid about her recent breakup and shares the tools that she personally used to get out of a a funk and to step up and move on ...
Life Coaching - What it means to me
03/11/2018 Duración: 12minOn this episode of the Hoardganize Podcast, Professional Organizer Rachel Seavey discusses her passion of becoming a life coach - and what that means to her. Support her in her education, growth, and commitment. Tune in to hear why, how, when, and what this means to her listeners.
The Hoardganize Podcast - Making Your Bed
22/10/2018 Duración: 13minOn this episode of the Hoardanize Podcast, Professional Organizer Rachel Seavey discusses making your bed. Rachel discusses different methods, suggested bed washing routines and inspiration on making your bed! Experience the joy of resting in a clean bed made with the intentions of bringing you comfort. #cleaning #organizing #clutter #hoarding #tips #podcast
Creating lasting organizing habits
08/10/2018 Duración: 13minOn this episode of the Hoardganize Podcast Rachel discusses the art of creating long lasting organizing habits and the fact that it is not that easy. Do you find yourself wanting to change too many things and then only giving yourself a day to master them? You have got to tune in ...
Collection of Gratitude
24/09/2018 Duración: 16minOn this episode of The Hoardganize Podcast, Professional Organizer Rachel Seavey discusses trading in your collections of bad habits and limiting beliefs for collections of gratitude. How feeling grateful allows you to feel good, even when you are used to feeling bad. Tune in to join in on the challenge! Follow Rachel on Facebook, Instagram, Youtube and Twitter to see the countless things that Rachel is grateful for! !
Declutter Products that Animal Test Challenge
10/09/2018 Duración: 14minOn this episode of The Hoardganize Podcast, Professional Organizer Rachel Seavey invites you to join her in decluttering products and cosmetics that still animal test. With thousands of cruelty free alternatives, there should be no reason to support (and hoard) items that animal test. image: Eco Minerals Learn how to be mindful and aware of the purchases you make by researching their impact on the environment. Stop supporting companies that use cruel archaic testing on helpless animals. Plus - 3 Tips on how to become cruelty free ... tune in! *Join in on the challenge on Rachel's Facebook, Instagram, Twitter or Youtube page
Hoardganize Podcast - Clutter Tipping Point
03/09/2018 Duración: 15minOn this episode of The Hoardganize Podcast, Professional Organizer Rachel Seavey delves into the land of ambivalence and invites you to measure just how ready you are to get organized. Are you completely fed up with your clutter? Or are you just a little bit fed up? What's it going to take to make that shift? Tune in ...
Clutter Free Summer Challenge - VHS Tapes #8
13/08/2018 Duración: 11minOn this episode of the Hoardganize Podcast, Professional Organizer Rachel Seavey kicks of the final week of her Clutter Free Summer Challenge by discussing different ways to recycle VHS tapes. If you find yourself hanging on to VHS tapes because you don't know how to get rid of them and/or you are going to convert them "one day" you have got to tune in ...
Clutter Free Summer Challenge - Expired Food #7
06/08/2018 Duración: 10minOn this episode of The Hoardganize Podcast Rachel welcomes week #7 of her Clutter Free Summer Challenge by getting rid of expired food! Do you feel wasteful throwing out food that "could" be good, even though the expiration date has long passed? Tune in to learn how your limiting beliefs are holding you back from the organized life you desire ...
Hoarding Poetry Slam
05/08/2018 Duración: 07minHey Collectors! I hope you enjoy my Poetry slam I wrote about helping people with hoarding disorder/excessive amounts of clutter. This poem was written with no judgement and intended to provide a small amount of organizing insight in a non traditional way.
Clutter Free Summer Challenge - Ill Fitting Clothing #6
05/08/2018 Duración: 11minOn this episode of the Hoardganize Podcast, Professional Organizer Rachel Seavey kicks off week #6 and gets rid of Ill Fitting Clothing. Clothing that makes you feel frumpy and dumpy are only negative reminders lingering in your closet. Tune in to learn how to make your wardrobe a happier place ...
Summer Clutter FREE Challenge! Linens #5
23/07/2018 Duración: 10minOn this episode of The Hoardganize Podcast, we join Professional Organizer Rachel Seavey during week five of the Clutter FREE Summer Challenge! Rachel discusses how to get rid of your old sheets and towels! If your closet is jam packed with linens you haven't used in decades, you have got to tune in ...
Hoardganize Summer CLUTTER FREE Challenge - Mix Match Socks! #4
17/07/2018 Duración: 12minOn this episode of the Hoardganize Podcast, Professional Organizer Rachel Seavey encourages you to re-use or recycle your mix match socks! Do you have piles of socks that don't match? Are you afraid of being wasteful so you just hang on to them, telling yourself you will match them up one day? Learn 7 tips on how to re-use your mix match socks instead of hoarding them. Also, learn how to ethically dispose of mix match socks, holey socks and textiles!