Hoarding Specialist and Extreme Cleaner Rachel Seavey discusses how to help yourself when you are overwhelmed with clutter. Rachel is the owner of Collector Care Professional Organizers located in the San Francisco bay area. Rachel and her team have been featured on the CBS Sunday morning show, The Hoarders show, and the Lady Brain Show. This podcast features organizing tips and hacks as well as true stories from within the trenches. Learn how to tame your clutter so that you can gain control of your life. The first Sunday night of each month!
7 Tips For An Organized New Year
06/01/2020 Duración: 11minOn this episode of The Hoardganize Podcast, Professional Organizer Rachel Seavey discusses 7 easy tips to help you create the organized lifestyle you truly desire. Are you tired of living in filth? Are you tired of being overwhelmed, and feeling embarrassed or shameful? Are you finally ready to raise your standards and do whatever it takes to get organized? Rachel covers seven strategies and ideas that will help you throughout the de-cluttering process.
Ancestry and Geneaology with Janine Adams
30/12/2019 Duración: 44minOn this episode of The Hoardganize Podcast Professional Organizers Rachel Seavey and Janine Adams discuss using and how to research and organize your genealogy. Tune in to: Learn tips and tricks on how to navigate Learn about other valuable resources that will help you trace your roots Discover how to record and track your ancestry findings in an organized fashion
Organizing Tips for People With ADHD with Ellen Delap
23/12/2019 Duración: 45minOn this episode of the Hoardganize Podcast, Professional Organizer Rachel Seavey and Ellen Delap discuss: Organizational tips for people who have AD/HD or ADD. What to do if you think you have ADHD. Stories about client success and struggles with ADHD. Personal struggles and how to overcome perfectionism. How to ask for help, and who to ask. Certified Professional Organizer Ellen Delap launched in 2000 in Houston, Texas. Ellen works one on one with clients, streamlining their environment, creating effective strategies for an organized lifestyle and helping clients realize their organization and productivity goals. Her niche is working with individuals and families with ADHD in their home and at work. She holds specialist certificates in ADD, Chronic Disorganization, Life Transitions, Work Place Productivity, Household Management, and Team Productivity. She is an Organizer Coach having completed the Coach Approach curriculum. Ellen’s work has been featured on Smead podcasts
Holiday Gift Tips for People Who Clutter
16/12/2019 Duración: 05minOn this episode of the Hoardganize Podcast, Professional Organizer discusses holiday gifting for people who struggle with clutter. Whether you have clutter yourself or you know someone disorganized, these two tips will help you figure out what to gift. This holiday season collect moments not things. Give away what you are not using and spend time with people you love instead. To see this episode on video check out my youtube channel at
Scheduling = Organization
02/12/2019 Duración: 18minOn this episode of the Hoardganize Podcast Professional Organizer Rachel Seavey discusses scheduling, and how dynamic your calendar can be at getting you organized. If it isn't scheduled it most likely will NOT happen. Taking the time to strategize your organizational planning will make getting your home organized a breeze. On this episode Rachel Discusses: 1. Identifying tasks that need to be done, and breaking them down in bite sized pieces. 2. Being realistic on how long it actually takes for you to get a task done. 3. Scheduling tasks electronically or manually in your calendar. 4. Showing up to do the work. 5. Trading expectation for appreciation.
Creating a Curated Closet with Organizing Expert Geralin Thomas
04/11/2019 Duración: 41minIn this episode of the Hoardganize Podcast organizing consultant Geralin Thomas discusses how she’s helped clients from around the globe create curated closets. Tune in to hear Geralin's tips, techniques, and tactics for letting go of clothing that doesn’t fit or flatter. Listeners will enjoy her strategies and words of wisdom about building a better wardrobe. WHAT YOU WILL DISCOVER in Ep #100 Geralin's passion for helping people build better wardrobes. Geralin's tips for more mindful shopping. How to start the decluttering the clothing process. Hilarious strategies for figuring out which garments aren’t needed, loved, wanted, or worn. Why numbers matter. Connect with Geralin: Hoarding + Decluttering books by Geralin: Decluttering Your home: From Hoarding to Hope: Geralin’s Wardrobe Wisdom Workbook: https:
Hoardganize - Emergency Preparation List + Podcast
28/10/2019 Duración: 15minOn this episode of the Hoardganize Podcast Professional Organizer Rachel Seavey discusses all of the dangers currently going on in her neck of the woods. Currently California is under fire and has had recent earthquakes. Due to a power shut off Rachel is late putting this important information out there ... Tune in to learn how to prepare for an emergency while you are living in all of your clutter. Its often that lives, pet lives, crucial documents, photos, medication, are all left behind because people were unprepared.
Hoardganize - Clutter Mindset
21/10/2019 Duración: 15minOn this episode of the Hoardganize Podcast, Professional Organizer Rachel Seavey discusses how your Clutter Mindset is keeping you from living the organized life you truly desire ... tune in to hear a few limiting beliefs that are holding you back. If you don't start letting go of stuff now its VERY likely that in the next five or ten years you will be BURIED IN CLUTTER!
Hoardganize Podcast - Visual Threshholds
14/10/2019 Duración: 11minOn this episode of the Hoardganize Podcast, Professional Organizer Rachel Seavey discusses a method of organization that she has coined the visual threshhold. Do you have a lot of clutter? ADHD? Tune in to learn a simple strategy that can create and maintain organization in your life. #organization #organize #professionalorganizer #clutter #podcast #hoarding #cleaning #clearing #tidyingup #visual #threshhold #organizational #coaching #lifecoach
Hoardganize Podcast - The Crazy 8 Pattern with Jill Collins
07/10/2019 Duración: 24minOn this episode Professional Organizer Rachel Seavey and Relationship Coach Jill Collins discuss the crazy eight pattern and how it affects your lives and your clutter. Discover how this emotional pendulum is creating chaos in your home and in your relationships. Learn how to funnel up, identify your safe problem and get to the root of why you clutter.
Hoardganize Podcast - Understanding Chronic Disorganization
30/09/2019 Duración: 46minOn this episode of The Hoardganize Podcast, Professional Organizer Rachel Seavey discusses the differences between Chronic Disorganization and Hoarding Disorder. Do you wonder whether you suffer from hoarding disorder? Are you not sure what type of disorganization you have? Tune in for expert advice on identifying the difference between the two, and success strategies for both. This is episode is for Collectors, Professional Organizers, Therapists, Code Enforcement, Law Enforcement, In home support services or anyone working with the overly cluttered population. It's important to know what it is you are looking at and who it is you are working with to come up with the ultimate success strategy.
Hoardganize Podcast - Ambivalence
23/09/2019 Duración: 53minOn this episode of The Hoardganize Podcast Professional Organizer Rachel Seavey and Dr. Regina Lark discuss how ambivalence is a key factor in holding people back from getting organized. This episode is great for Collectors, Professional Organizers and anyone interested in hoarding or excessive clutter. Learn tips and tricks from the experts in the field ... #professionalorganizer #lifecoach #clutter #hoarder #hoarding #podcast #free #tips #rachelseavey #reginalark #aclearpath #collectorcare #bayarea #losangeles #california #westcoast
Hoardganize Podcast - Six Human Needs - Contribution
16/09/2019 Duración: 26minOn this episode of the Hoardganize Podcast, Professional Organizer Rachel Seavey and Coach Ivonne Lynch discuss the 6th human need, the need for contribution. When you donate your belongings you are contributing to your local area. You're helping people who are less fortunate. You are also clearing clutter in your home! Do you collect? This could be the most important human need to help you get organized ... tune in to learn why! Are you ready to be challenged? Email me at to let me know how it feels to go to a homeless shelter and donate food or goods.
Hoardganize Podcast - Six Human Needs - Growth
09/09/2019 Duración: 17minOn this episode of the Hoardganize Podcast, Professional Organizer Rachel Seavey discusses the fifth human need, the need for growth. If we are not growing, we are dying. How can your organizational growth help you achieve fulfillment? Tune in to hear an in depth discussion with Coach Cindy Andrews and Rachel Seavey as they discuss this important human need ...
Hoardganize Podcast - 6 Human Needs - Love and Connection
02/09/2019 Duración: 25minOn this episode of The Hoardganize Podcast, Professional Organizer Rachel Seavey continues her discussion on the six human needs. This episode covers the fourth need, the need for love and connection. Do you use your stuff to make you feel loved and connected? Tune in to learn decluttering tips while exploring your need to acquire and save ...
Hoardganize Podcast - 6 Human Needs - Significance
26/08/2019 Duración: 29minOn this episode of The Hoardganize Podcast, Professional Organizer Rachel Seavey continues discussing the six human needs. Rachel and guest Coach Jimmy Kay discuss the third human need which is the need for significance. Are you attaching significance to your belongings? Tune in to hear decluttering tips when this happens ...
The Hoardganize Podcast - 6 Human Needs - Uncertainty
19/08/2019 Duración: 21minOn this episode of The Hoardganize Podcast Professional Organizer Rachel Seavey discusses the second human need which is for uncertainty and variety. Do you have a variety of different likes and interests which is causing you to clutter? Does your uncertainty hold you back from the organized life you truly desire? Tune in ...
Hoardganize - Are you a hoarder?
12/08/2019 Duración: 21minOn this episode of The Hoardganize Podcast, Professional Organizer Rachel Seavey interviews hoarding and chronic disorganization experts Diane Quintana and Jonda Beattie. Have you ever wondered if you are a hoarder? Do you tend to label yourself as one? Tune in as I chat with my Atlanta colleagues about this exact topic. Often we are called into a "hoarding situation" which once we have worked with the Client, discover is not. Tune in to hear stories about people in the same situation, who were not technically hoarders (albeit they had tendencies). DSMV Definition of Hoarding Persistent difficulty discarding or parting with possessions, regardless of their actual value.
The 6 Human Needs - Certainty
05/08/2019 Duración: 15minOn ths episode of The Hoardganize Podcast, Professional Organizer Rachel Seavey discusses the human need for certainty and why it makes you clutter. Through her training with Tony Robbins, Magali &Mark Peysha, and Cloe Madanes of Robbins Madanes Training and Strategic Intervention, Rachel has learned that there are six human needs. There is the need for certainty, uncertainty, significance , Love, growth and contribution. Today she will be going more into depth about the human need for certainty and how it relates to the clutter in your home.
The Six Human Needs - And Why You Clutter
29/07/2019 Duración: 27minOn this episode of the Hoardganize Podcast, Professional Organizer Rachel Seavey explains the Six Human Needs and how they relate to your clutter. Tune in to learn about each need individually, learn about Strategic Intervention, and learn the difference between Life Coaching and Therapy...