Night-light Radio



Night-Light Radio is a forum for spiritual enlightenment, cosmic understanding and insight into those etheric realms that ever surround us. Host, Barbara DeLong and a wide variety of fastinating guests will be sharing with you spiritual information and philosophies that you can use to enlighten your lives and open you the creative sources you carry within. This venue allows me to reach out to greater numbers of you and to provide you with new insight and understanding to the times we are now experiencing. We will be covering everything from the mundane to the magical and will share all of these new paradigms with laughter and love.


  • Aleister Crowley in India with Tobias Churton

    27/01/2020 Duración: 01h34min

    Night-Light welcomesTobias Churton to share with us his book, Alister Crowley in India:The Secret Influence of Eastern Mysticism on Magic and the Occult.  For those of you who have only heard the rumors about Alister Crowley it's about time that some of the facts about him had light shown upon them.  This book :• Shares excerpts from Crowley’s unpublished diaries and details his travels in India, Burma, and Sri Lanka from 1901 to 1906• Reveals how Crowley incorporated what he learned in India--jnana yoga, Vedantist, Tantric, and Buddhist philosophy--into his own school of Magick• Explores the world of Theosophy, yogis, Hindu traditions, and the first Buddhist sangha to the West as well as the first pioneering expeditions to K2 and Kangchenjunga in 1901 and 1905Early in life, Aleister Crowley’s dissociation from fundamentalist Christianity led him toward esoteric and magical spirituality. In 1901, he made the first of three voyages to the Indian subcontinent, searching for deeper knowledge and experience.

  • Skyships Over Cashiers with Mary Joyce

    23/01/2020 Duración: 59min

    Mary Joyce returns to Night-Light to share articals from her website,  Tonight we'll be talking about crop circles, creative intelligence organizes the Universe, the need to fortify moral spines, Riding out the stormy sea of chaos and Proof that NASA  erased evidence of activity on Mars.  There has been further evidence that there has been activity on Mars and we will look into those features as wellIn addition to editing her website, Mary has worked for The Orlando Sentinel in Florida as an artist and columnist and The Oakland Press in Michigan as a Sunday magazine editor and then feature editor.Because of this her website and the books she has written, she has been a frequent guest on radio and TV shows including “Coast to Coast AM” which has an audience of about 3 million listeners, The Travel Channel and Internet TV shows in Ireland and Australia.In addition to writing,her career includes working for a major metropolitan air pollution control agency, a community college, eig

  • Orbs, Flying Humanoids and Keel with Zelia Edgar

    22/01/2020 Duración: 01h59min

    Paranormal researcher, Keelian scholar and talk show hostess ZELIA EDGAR makes her debut with us.  She has been presenting for the last few years at the Van Meter Visitor Conference.  We will get her views on this fascinating 1903 flying humanoid case.  Zelia has been studying the phenomenon of orbs.  What are they, and how are they connected to other paranormal events?  Obviously, there is a Keel influence. We will delve into her vlog trilogy on Victorian aircraft's and other documented waves of UFOs.  What can we learn from these patterns?  Zelia covers all of these topics on her "Just Another Tin Foil Hat" and speaking engagements.   

  • A Guide to Out-of-Body Experiences for the Astral Traveler with James Willis

    21/01/2020 Duración: 01h59min

    Jim Willis joins us tonight to share his new book, The Quantum Akashic Field: A Guide to Out-of-Body Experiences for the Astral Traveler,with us. He A first-hand exploration of how to consciously step out of your body and navigate the Quantum Akashic Field.• Details a step-by-step process of engaging extrasensory, out-of-body travel• Examines the quantum landscape of the Akashic Field, meetings with spirit guides, and descriptions of out-of-body experiences from the author’s personal journal and from world spiritual traditions, including the Bible and the Baghavad Purana• Explores current theories about the science of consciousness and sensory perception, including discoveries from quantum physics, and how these discoveries align with the traditional wisdom of shamans, dowsers, and mysticsHe details a step-by-step process centered on safe, simple meditative techniques, Jim shows how to bypass the filters of your five senses while still fully awake and aware and engage in extrasensory, out-of-body travel. Shar

  • Prehistoric Climate Change at Poverty Point with TR Kidder

    15/01/2020 Duración: 01h17min

    We are honored to have Archaic specialist and environmental scientist DR. TR KIDDER for this show.  We will be examining the often overlooked subject of prehistoric climate change across the Gulf Coast area over 3000 years ago and the Poverty Point, Louisiana archaeological site.  How did such a preeminent ceremonial center become suddenly abandoned and what climatic events were associated with its demise?  How did the Archaic peoples respond to the loss of their "Vatican" and the environmental devastation?  What can we learn from that time period that is applicable to our environmental issues of today?

  • Point of Origin - Gobekli Tepe the Spiritual Matrix for the World’s Cosmologies

    14/01/2020 Duración: 01h59min

    Laird Scranton explains how the carved images on Gobekli Tepe’s stone pillars were the precursors to the sacred symbols of the Dogon, Egyptians, Tibetans, and Chinese as well as the matriarchal Sakti cult of ancient Iran and India. He identifies Gobekli Tepe as a remote mountain sanctuary of higher knowledge alluded to in Sakti myth, named like an important temple in Egypt, and defined in ancient Buddhist tradition as Vulture Peak. Scranton reveals how Gobekli Tepe’s enigmatic “H” carvings and animal symbolism, symbolic of stages of creation, was presented as a kind of prototype of written language accessible to the hunter-gathers who inhabited the region. He shows how the myths and deities of many ancient cultures are connected linguistically, extending even to the name of Gobekli Tepe and the Egyptian concept of Zep Tepi, the mythical age of the “First Time.”• Details how symbolic elements at Gobekli Tepe link a pre-Vedic cult in India to cosmological myths and traditions in Africa, Egypt, Tibet, and China•

  • Talking With Bears with Gay Bradshaw

    07/01/2020 Duración: 01h59min

    Gay Bradshaw has written an amazing book called, "Talking with Bears, Conversations with Charlie Russell". She shares her experiences and conservations with this unique man who lived and merged with these noble creatures and came to not only understand  them but merge and know them in a way not many have.  I urge you to read this book for it will give you a different perspective to the animal kingdom and the delicate blance they provide and the lessons that can be learned from them that apply to humanity as well.  The many life forms constantly around us that are not seen and how they as well contribute to the balance we all rely on, the integraton we are a part of and often fail to realize.Gay is the founder and director of the Kerulos center for Nonviolence, a non-prfit established in 2008.  The center's mission is to inspire radical change in human culture by translating the understanding of animal sentience into practices and ethics of nonviolence,  Living as one - we are kin under skin, fi

  • Free Let-R-Rip readings with Barbara for New Years

    31/12/2019 Duración: 01h59min

    Barbara gives free Let-R-Rip readings for those who call in as a New Years Gift.

  • The Tayos Caves and the Metallic Library with Alex Chionetti

    28/12/2019 Duración: 01h59min

    ALEX CHIONETTI is an explorer, filmmaker, and journalist who just published his book "Mysteries of the Tayos Caves."  Rumors of a metallic library and subterranean dieties emerged about this cave system, located in the Ecuadoran jungles.   There is a precedence for such libraries (the copper plates that were the foundation of Mormonism); there is the legend of El Dorado; or could these ideas be part of an Incan or pre-Incan mythology or even artifacts from Atlantis?   These legends attracted notable explorers, who returned empty handed.   Alex personally investigated, and we'll learn what he ascertained.  Don't miss this one!!!!    

  • Ancient sounds and ancient mystics with David Collis and Lenora Pfeffer

    18/12/2019 Duración: 01h59min

    LENORA PFEFFER and DAVID COLLIS are our guests for our Christmas show.  Lenora, a sound healer, is making her debut on "Night-Light" and will be playing a variety of singing bowls and singing.  She is a pioneer in sound therapy, and we need to learn to relax during the hectic holiday season.  David Collis returns to look at the family dynamics in his "Interviewing Jesus:  The Man."  Is the reason for the season still relevant and how do we start with the new beginnings?  We hope you enjoy the variety of uplifting messages. 

  • The Cryptic Code with Scott Wolter

    17/12/2019 Duración: 01h57min

    Forensic geologist Scott Wolter is the host of the Travel Channel’s hit show American Unearthed,™ which follows him on his quest to uncover the truth behind historic artifacts and sites found throughout North America. Scott is also the author of several books, including The Kensington Rune Stone: Compelling New Evidence,The Hooked X: Key to the Secret History of North America, Akhenaten to the Founding Fathers: The Mysteries of the Hooked X and  Cryptic Code of  the Templar's in America: Origins of the Hooked X Symbol. Scott has been president of American Petro­graphic Services, Inc. since 1990, and has been the principle petrographer in more than 7,000 investigations throughout the world, including the evaluation of fire-damaged concrete at the Pentagon following the attacks of September 11, 2001.Tonight we're going on an amazing journey with Scott through his newest book, Cryptic Code of the Templar's in America.  This third in the Hooked X series,  explores new scientific findings and recent

  • Night-Light with Mary Joyce

    12/12/2019 Duración: 59min

    Mary Joyce returns to Night-Light to share several articles from her amazing website, Spaceships Over Cashiers.  "Puzzling structures recently found in deep space", "Major Northwest quake - sooner than later",  "Could this be a  HAARP array in Antarctica?"  and " : Planet X is not a planet".  Time permitting we'll touch on all of these, if not check out the website.Mary A. Joyce has worked for two major metropolitan area newspapers as a feature editor, Sunday magazine editor, columnist and artist. On the side, she s written magazine articles and books. Currently she is editor of the Sky Ships Over Cashiers website which features a variety of cutting-edge topics. Her career includes working for a Fortune 100 company coordinating art and printing for talking children s books. In that capacity, she worked directly with many creative teams including those at Marvel Comics, Golden Books, Mr. Rogers, Berenstain Bears and Steven Spielberg s ET book staff. Early in her car

  • Enigmatic East Coast, Precolumbian Sites

    11/12/2019 Duración: 01h59min

    America's Stonehenge's owner, DENNIS STONE, joins us to discuss their recent forestry project.  The crew is working on widening the views of the celestial alignments.  Has this project allowed for any new insights into the purpose of the site?  Dennis will also discuss the upcoming winter solstice celebration.  STEVE DIMARZO and PATRICK SHEKLETON join us for the second hour to discuss the connections, if any, between the Newport Tower, Narragansett Rune Stone, Spirit Pond Rune Stone and Westford Knight.  Are these artworks indicative of medieval, Atlantic crossings long before Columbus?  We'll also get into their research of ancient maps and deciphering some of the messages on these rocks.  Let's reevaluate American history.

  • "When God had a Wife" with Lynn Picknett and Clive Prince

    10/12/2019 Duración: 01h59min

    Night-Light welcomes Lynn Picknett and Clive Prince to share their new  book with all of us.  'When God had a wife' is an amazing book and fills in a lot of blank spaces for those of  us who would like more answers as to the beginning of the Major religions and before they became main stream.  They address how Judaism originally had more than one much-loved goddess, and how they very nearly lost her – but not quite – and how she resurfaced in early Christianity in rather unlikely form… LYNN PICKNETT and CLIVE PRINCE have worked together on non-fiction books about religious and historical mysteries for over 25 years. Their most influential book – so far - is The Templar Revelation (1997, revised 2007), which was a major inspiration for The Da Vinci Code – indeed, they were given cameos in the movie.A major theme of their work has always been the suppression, but persistence of the Sacred Feminine, and now they present their most explosive evidence for the lost goddess in both Judaism and Christianity

  • Mark Twain, his adventures and Halley's Comet with Laura DeMarco

    06/12/2019 Duración: 01h59min

    LAURA DEMARCO makes her debut with us to discuss her just published and wonderful biography "Mark Twain's America:  Then and Now."  She uses photos of places where Twain visited and how the same place looks today.  During a time when most people did not travel too far from home, Twain visited Hawaii to Italy, often for long periods of time.  How did these adventures shape the man who gave America and the world some of the greatest literature?  Laura is also the arts and culture reporter for the "Cleveland Plain Dealer."  One of her annual stories is covering "The Christmas Story" house.  We'll find out if the leg lamp is in the window.  And if there is time, Laura might provide us with some Cleveland ghost stories.  Don't be fragile.  This one is going to be fun and informative.

  • Ghosts at the Webb Library with Tonya and Joey Madia

    04/12/2019 Duración: 01h59min

    TONYA and JOEY MADIA have had extensive travels as paranormal investigators, and Tonya is a psychic medium.  Their latest book is "Watch Out for the Hallway."  During a two year span, they investigated the hauntings of NC's Webb Library.  We'll be examining some of the variety of ghosts they encountered.  We will be getting into earlier NC history with their interest in pirates and Blackbeard.  We will take time to acknowledge Rosemary Ellen Guiley, who mentored them, and her vast contributions to paranormal studies.  If there is any remaining time, we will cover their 10 year anniversary of a sighting at the TNT area of Pt. Pleasant, WV and paranormal patterns from other investigations.  Tune in if you dare.

  • Road 2 Ruins visits "Night-Light"

    27/11/2019 Duración: 01h57min

    Documentary filmmakers Dave Sheldon and Rob Whitworth make their debut with us.  They produce and host their videos on their "Road2Ruins" series.  They just returned from an exploration of Central America.  We will hear about the sacred places they visited and what they learned.  Did what they learn from the locals differ from what the "authorities" claim?  Their information will be laying the foundations for another South of the Border topic we have coming up.  They have also traveled to the UK and interviewed other "NL" guests at renowned sacred circles.  Dave and Rob have also extensively toured the US and examined her hidden history.

  • A Journey through time with Graham Phillips

    25/11/2019 Duración: 01h59min

    Graham Phillips takes us on am amazing journey through time this evening.  He takes us first on a mystifying adventure of paranormal and psychic phenomena to the discovery of a green stone and a sword once owned by Mary Queen of Scott's and how they help to dispel an evil that has been awakened and threatens the present.  He next takes us on a journey that leads us to the holy Grail and its travels through the centuries through the ancestors of Joseph of Arimathea and the legendary King Arthur to present day where it becomes  The Chalice of Magdalene. History takes on new light as we explore two of his intriguing books. The Green StoneThe Chalice of Magdalene: The Search for the Cup That Held the Blood of Christ

  • Headhunters and "Night Gallery"

    20/11/2019 Duración: 02h04s

    SCOTT SKELTON and GREG MARTIN are our special guests.  Scott will be discussing what seemed like a promising series after Rod Serling's hiatus from TV and why "Night Gallery" did not achieve the critical acclaim that the "Twilight Zone" did.  However, "Night Gallery" does have a loyal cult following and left an underappreciated legacy.  Recently, Scott has been working with the paintings used in the series.  Grammy Award winning guitarist Greg will be discussing the release of the Kentucky Headhunter's recording "Live at the Ramblin' Man Fair."  How did this English audience receive American country-blues?  Greg will talk about working with Rock and Roll Hall of Fame inductees Johnnie Johnson, Lynyrd Skynyrd and the Rev. Billy F. Gibbons.  How can we use the blues to make the world a better place? http://nightgallery.net

  • Who were the Watchers? with author Gary Wayne

    19/11/2019 Duración: 02h15s

    Gary Wayne, author of The Genesis 6 Conspiracy: How Secret Societies And The Descendants Of Giants Plan To Enslave Humankind.  He joions us tonight to enlighten us about the Watchers, Who were they  as it pertains to the Bible, polytheist accounts, as it relates to aliens and the New Age, and the end time.Gary is a Christian contrarian who has maintained a lifelong love affair with biblical prophecy, history, and mythology. His extensive study has encompassed the Holy Bible and Gnostic scriptures, The Qur'an, the Bhagavad Gita, Gilgamesh and other ancient epics, language etymology, and secret society publications.his websitegraphics from

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