Wisdom Teachings - Sat Yoga, Costa Rica

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editor: Podcast
  • Duración: 243:22:38
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Spiritual teachings by Shunyamurti, the founder and director of the Sat Yoga Institute - a wisdom school, ashram and the home of a vibrant spiritual community based in Costa Rica.


  • Perfection of Ones Love for God – 08.11.11

    11/08/2011 Duración: 10min

    Excerpt:  “The idea of Christian perfection was the perfection of one’s love for God….We don’t care whether you believe in duality or nonduality here, the point is let the love which ultimately is nonduality isn’t it, isn’t love union?  Whether it achieves an actual ontological dissolution on the boundaries between the soul and God is irrelevant, but the experience that you will have if you allow yourself to sit with that intention of dissolving in love with God and it’s sincere, as the first commandment in the old testament says, ‘love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, all thy soul and all thy might’.  If you will do that and with that consistency of attention that is focused within, not on an imaginary God on a cloud somewhere, but within as the Self, you will break through the duality and enter into a state of grace...”  Recorded on the evening of Thursday, August 11, 2011. 

  • Seeing the Divine in Everyone – 08.11.11

    11/08/2011 Duración: 04min

    Student Question:  I had a question about projections.  We talk about projections a lot.  In thinking about the question I came to some conclusions but I wanted to run if by you just for validation.  Let’s say for example we have a new employee at work and this guy drinks and cusses and swears and everything else, but it is not necessarily projecting if you can see this behavior happening.  It seems that this is all feedback information for you, which you kind of have to accept.  The other night in one of the lessons you said that people change everyday so you don’t have to store anything.  The next day when you see him you treat him the same way without any projections and just respond in whatever is appropriate for that person on that day.  So the conclusion was that fine they can act however they want to but you are just holding your space and not projecting and that is all you have to do?

  • Recollection of Experience – 08.11.11

    11/08/2011 Duración: 01min

    Student Question:  Do you think that once we leave this experience on earth that we will ever have any recollection of it or when our soul moves to other realms will this just be another lost layer in the unconscious that we won’t be able to remember?

  • A Natural Rebellion – 08.11.11

    11/08/2011 Duración: 04min

    Student Question:  What do you think the significance is of the world being able to observe the death of societies in different places versus in times when there wasn’t technology and people in different countries and continents who were unaware on this physical level of what was happening in other places?

  • What is the Unconscious? – 08.11.11

    11/08/2011 Duración: 04min

    Student Question:  What is the Unconscious?

  • The Role of the Rescuer – 08.11.11

    11/08/2011 Duración: 57s

    Student Question:  You mentioned that often a lot of people’s unconscious urges manifest themselves in close relationships and families and what not.  It makes me think of a friend that I guess I would say is caught up in his egoic existence and around a lot of family issues and a lot of family pressure to do certain things and to be a certain way.  Now just for the background this individual was raised with Buddhist beliefs so he has some leanings that way but still is totally immersed in the egoic existence right now.  Now my question is, to what extent can a friend help someone like that out of the spiral and the problems he is in.  Are there really ways to help someone who is not ready to make that move?

  • Soul is the Vehicle of Spirit - 08.11.11

    11/08/2011 Duración: 43s

    Student Question:  What is the connection between the soul and awareness?

  • Archetypal Energy – 08.11.11

    11/08/2011 Duración: 03min

    Student Question:  I was thinking about the violence that has occurred just most recently in England and we have studied the archetype of the apocalypse.  Is this a manifestation of that?  We talked about archetypes having their own energy and drawing people into it to act in a certain way. Is that what is occurring?

  • Overcoming Fear – 08.11.11

    11/08/2011 Duración: 02min

    Student Question:  Could you give me some tips on overcoming fear while in meditation, or I guess more along the lines of reaching deeper states of meditative experience?

  • What is Self Inquiry? – 08.04.11

    04/08/2011 Duración: 07min

    Excerpt: “So the good news is that we don’t have to wait until we leave the body to attain liberation, we can do it here and now….So it is important to recognize that what we mean by the self and by self inquiry, is not seeking an image or a concept of the self; not seeking an object of any kind…but leaving behind all levels of objectification and conceptualization....And what we discover when the mind has been completely stilled and emptied of thought and emptied of the continuing flow of images and the flow of memories or the flow of emotions.  When you have attained the witness state in which there is simply purified silent awareness….And so there is within each of you that core of being that is deathless and birthless and that cannot be given a form…”  Recorded on the evening of Thursday, August 4, 2011.

  • Beyond Self-centeredness – 08.04.11

    04/08/2011 Duración: 04min

    Student Question:  During the retreat you taught about the five obstacles which the Bhagavad Gita speaks of but specifically regarding the fifth one, Ahankar.   One translation of that is self- centeredness.  What recommendations could you give to towards healing this obstacle?

  • Understanding Mathematics, Imagery and Language within Maya – 08.04.11

    04/08/2011 Duración: 05min

    Student Question:  We were just now in the study group studying the “MILAGRO” theory and I was wondering about the “MIL” and what we were studying at the retreat about how Prakriti and Purusha get together or would you say this is the stage of the MIL, or am I confused or can you talk about it?

  • Staying in the Silence – 08.04.11

    04/08/2011 Duración: 01min

    In this one, I would reword the question a little: “Student Question:  You talked earlier about disidentifying, with I guess anything ultimately, and just going into the silence as the answer to disidentifying.  I am frequently finding myself wanting to convince the unconscious fragments instead of going into the silence.  I feel like I end up avoiding that or ignoring it.  How can I get past that?”

  • What is the Merkabah? – 08.04.11

    04/08/2011 Duración: 02min

    Student question:  During the retreat you spoke about the Merkabah.  I was wondering if you can explain a little bit more about what is the Merkabah?

  • The Act of Not Doing – 08.04.11

    04/08/2011 Duración: 01min

    Student Question:  I have been thinking a lot about not doing, not trying to silence the mind or trying to do this or that.  I can see that, or from what I think I have learned is that it will maybe seemingly get us closer to what we are trying to do but won’t get us there because it is an act of doing.  Tonight you mentioned dissolving any thoughts or any sense of understandings of the ego or language or anything.  So I was trying to figure out, I was trying to use language and figure out, if you’re not doing something, what would be the opposite of that?  Not doing implies doing in some way and then maybe being is maybe a better word but it’s just a word that I’m trying to ask for that maybe it will help me understand the concept of dissolving because even dissolving implies something?

  • Presuppositions Plague our Past – 08.04.11

    04/08/2011 Duración: 06min

    Student Question:  I know this is not related to what we are talking of this moment, but I still have a lot of enigmas and unanswered questions.  Although I keep informed of some of these matters I still make the same question that Einstein made when he said that, “does it mean that if I am not looking at the moon, the moon is not there”?  Well that’s something that still bothers me inside of my head and I don’t have an answer for that.  And questions like who was watching at the moment of the big bang?  But there is something that happened one day here and I mentioned something related with Paleontology and evolution and I heard you very decided and very sure, affirm that the way Paleontology has presented things is not correct.  Even today if you see any analysis that they present to you at schools with the Carbon-14 dating, they can say when it was that people were living and you can see a path, although I don’t want to use the word evolution.  What are your thoughts on that?

  • I Am Not the Doer – 07.26.11

    26/07/2011 Duración: 13min

    Excerpt: “There is one sentence that sums up the essence of every spiritual path and it seems very simple, and yet to live it is the most difficult thing in the world. . . . ‘I am not the doer.’  The ‘I’ does nothing.  The ‘I’ is only a witness and yet how hard it is for us to give up the illusion of doership.  Isn’t that strange?  So the question is how do we get out of this illusion that I am the doer?  In the Bhagavad-Gita it says very clearly that the first step is not to be attached to the fruit of your actions, not to be attached to the results. . . . And so perhaps one of the first stages is the realization that we can’t control reality. . . . So it requires disidentifying from both the bodily organism and the mind.  The mind may continue to think but you are not the mind. . . . And when we are realizing that we are not the body or the mind, the other benefit is that if the body and the mind have any dis-ease or if there is any pain or discomfort in the body, it doesn’t pertain to us.  You can witness

  • Indra’s Net – 07.21.11

    21/07/2011 Duración: 10min

    Excerpt: “The ancient yogis had a realization that Indra, the Supreme Intelligence, had a net that is the universe. And at each focal point of the net, each cross, each place where the threads met, was a jewel, a diamond. And each jewel in the net of Indra reflected every other jewel; the entire net was reflected in each gem. And the net is infinitely large, with an infinite number of these diamonds. And each of these jewels is perfect. And it reflects the perfection of all beings, all diamonds . . . all manifestations of the One Self that appears as this infinite multiplicity. But the net unifies all of us. And in the minds of each of us is the entirety of the All, the Absolute. And every other diamond that is reflected in your consciousness is a reflection of your own perfect beingness. But each diamond is slightly different than the next; they are all unique. Each shines with a slightly different color, different facets, different shape, different and unique beauty, and yet the beauty is perfect in each on

  • Perfect Buddhahood – 07.14.11

    14/07/2011 Duración: 12min

    Excerpt: “Each and every one of you here is already a perfect Buddha. Do you know that? When we meditate, what we are doing is simply letting go of our forgetfulness of that minor fact. And when we begin to remember that minor fact, our life transforms forever. And we gain the courage to live from our heart instead of out of fear and a need to conform, to be approved of by others, to follow the conventional way of living to get some sense of identity and approval, because once you realize that you are the perfect Buddha, then whatever you choose to do comes out of the perfection of wisdom. . . . Why lose your bliss when, in fact, for the perfect Buddha, who is functioning through the body, nothing ever goes wrong? This is a perfect universe. And you can trust that because you’re the perfect Buddha. And your being here as a perfect Buddha is essential to the perfection of this universe. You are a necessary ingredient to make this world function. So never forget your essential importance.” Recorded on the eveni

  • The Zero-Point – 07.07.11

    07/07/2011 Duración: 12min

    Excerpt: “The mind is called ‘the realm of representation,’ re-presentation. But I have often thought [that] this is a very false word in itself. It should be the re-absentation, because what language does is make you absent again from your Real Self. . . . And it is that absentation from the Self that has to be healed by returning to the Source, silence, the zero-point. . . . That’s the point of power. It’s not the vacuum of space but the vacuum of our minds when there is silence that we penetrate into the noumenal realm of our essence. . . . And when we silence the mind and enter the zero-point, that is the power point; that is the jyoti bindu, the point of light from which all that is emanates.” Recorded on the evening of Thursday, July 7, 2011.

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