Spiritual teachings by Shunyamurti, the founder and director of the Sat Yoga Institute - a wisdom school, ashram and the home of a vibrant spiritual community based in Costa Rica.
The Icon’s Secret Code Describes the Way to Liberation - Classic Shunyamurti Teaching
19/11/2024 Duración: 10minThe Immanent-Transcendent Real can be recognized and attained through the help of symbols. The traditional iconography related to the most ancient portrayals of the Supreme Beingness in the form of Shiva—whether as lingam, as yogi, or as the Lord of Dance. Recorded on the evening of Thursday, August 13, 2009.
Do You See Your Destiny Ahead?
16/11/2024 Duración: 19minIt is crucial to have a conversation with your future Death while you are still alive. Only once you are at peace with Death can you live a truly fulfilling life. What happens when you let go of identification with the body is then explained, revealing important esoteric information.
Many Problems, One Solution - Shunyamurti Questions and Answers
14/11/2024 Duración: 33minIn this selection of recent questions asked in satsangs, every ego’s doubts, confusions, agonies, and theoretical speculations orbit around the same illusory premise that the ego mind’s ontological status is real and has a grasp of the true nature of reality, rather than emerging as a bubble monad entranced in a dream. The solution is always to awaken and pop the bubble.
Overcome All Confusion ~ Shunyamurti Questions and Answers
12/11/2024 Duración: 13minThe application of reason and Self-enquiry will cut through all confusion about the nature of reality and unveil the truth of the omnipresent power of the God-Self and the fact of nonduality. One will be moved spontaneously to serve God by performing good works and accumulating merit that nullifies the tendencies to egocentric behavior and thus completes the process of atonement leading to attunement and re-absorption in the great bliss of the zero point of the Supreme Real.
An Important Revelation
09/11/2024 Duración: 15minWe read and reflect upon a teaching poem written ten centuries ago by the great Kashmiri sage Sri Abhinavagupta reveals the functions of God-Consciousness in these final days of this holographic presentation we call the world. Even more importantly, the difficulties of spiritual seekers are explained, as well as the way out of the illusion of individual existence.
Our Holographic Matrix is a Mathematical Equation
05/11/2024 Duración: 18minManifest reality can be perceived through the language of words, illuminating the symbolic meaningfulness and aesthetic qualities of its subtle spiritual nature. But the world can also be translated into the language of number. In the last ten centuries, human consciousness has become increasingly mathematized. Capitalism is all about quantity: how much is something worth, how many are available, what will be the amount of return on my investment, how large will be my profits in the coming year, etc. Mathematics is the main instrument of social control, military power, and economic policy. Without higher mathematics, there could be no weapons of mass destruction, no electric grid, no digital surveillance, no nanotechnology for biowarfare, no geoengineering, and no agents operating with artificial intelligence. The Word creates, Number destroys. Mathematics has no meaning, no heart, no mercy. We have all become mere numbers in the social order, dehumanized and devalued as useless eaters. But there is a third l
Your Soul Will Shed its Ego Skin
29/10/2024 Duración: 20minConsciousness must go through the gateway of language without getting caught on the barbed wire of beliefs or paralyzed by paradox. To reach the Supreme Real, our attention must abandon its identifications with name and form and its attachments to the imaginary and the symbolic. To attain nonduality, the ego and its inherent fear of aloneness must be shed. To reach the Infinite, all concepts produced by the finite mind in its longing for certainty must also be dropped. Only in total Emptiness and surrender will the grace of God be granted.
We’re Actors in Paradise Lost
26/10/2024 Duración: 16minThe ego suffers from nostalgia for the lost pseudo-paradise of the womb and the adoring mother at birth. The soul suffers from gnostalgia for the lost ecstasy in the Heart of God. The God-Self laughs, as nothing real was ever lost.
All Fear is Based on Illusion
23/10/2024 Duración: 10minThe ego is the shadow of fear that haunts our lives and creates our suffering, increased by the ego’s addition of the compensatory defenses of anger, envy, hatred, avoidance, and other emotional tendencies that produce unhappiness. Inner work culminates in the recognition that the ego is unreal and obsolete as an operating system. Consciousness is then free to realize its unborn, formless, loving, and infinite nature.
Don’t Get Caught in the Collective Crack-Up!
16/10/2024 Duración: 16minEveryone is cracking up and going mad before our eyes—including the ego behind our eyes. If you do not want to be flooded with anxiety and dread, as you witness politicians and whole nations act insanely, and as loved ones are overcome with grief and fear, and your own mind plays tricks on you, the only power that can extricate you from this fragmenting matrix is inner silence, pure awareness free of thoughts, images, and affects. Meditating in the early morning hours is the best practice to attain salvation.
The Radical Shift from Delusion to the Real
15/10/2024 Duración: 12minThe true Self has nondual vision—perceiving the unity of samsara and nirvana, immanence and transcendence, form and emptiness. Once the split mind of the false ego has gained the courage to withdraw into stillness, the One Light is perceived within and in the many outer forms. The supreme will and intelligence who is dreaming this apparent world—your infinite Self—is now bringing a merciful end to the delusional hell realm that it has become, and will then dream a heavenly world to replace it. In the world to come, all will abide in our divine nature.
How to Read a Text on Enlightenment - Shunyamurti Book Group Teaching
12/10/2024 Duración: 21minIn this opening class on the analysis of a Buddhist book of poems on the attainment of enlightenment, we learn to focus on the unspoken implications of the text, to unravel metaphors, and to perceive contradictions and points of incoherence. The Flight of the Garuda An Exploration of That Which You Are with Lama Shabkar 14 Session Book Study Group with Shunyamurti
Choose the Highest Wavelength!
09/10/2024 Duración: 15minThe different wavelengths of the mind transmit a wide spectrum of levels of consciousness and thus of happiness and freedom. You can change the station you are currently attuned to, and that will change your life. The sky is the limit of how high you can choose to fly into the Infinite Intelligence of the all-encompassing Self.
The Secret of the World’s Self-Destruction
01/10/2024 Duración: 11minAs we approach the Omega Point, destructive tendencies are increasing until they explode in total global war as well as massive upheavals of Nature, bringing this world cycle to a close. Before that, we have the opportunity to resonate with the highest wavelength of absolute consciousness and be absorbed into the deathless rapture of the Infinite Blissful Self. Consider this a test of how you deploy your inner freedom now, in the very short time that remains.
Karma is God’s Way of Getting Our Attention
24/09/2024 Duración: 17minWe are constantly receiving messages from God via the world, via dreams, and via meditative attention to our Being. If we modify our thinking and our plans in accord with the information that comes through synchronicities, and if we resonate with the vibrational frequency of the Supreme Real, karma drops away in nonduality.
The Power of Grace is Here Now
10/09/2024 Duración: 13minWe are acrobats of the Spirit! Our final and greatest performance is to transform from human to divine, from bodily beings in a material world to wondrous formless Presence in a Field of Supernal Light. Now is the moment for our latent powers to awaken!
Are You Dreaming? Or Being Dreamed? Or Both?
07/09/2024 Duración: 11minYou may think you are living in an existent world, but all is the imagination of an infinite intelligence. Your ego may believe it is in control, but that is only God’s joke. However, after the ego illusion drops away, You will realize You are the Joker.
The Secret to Attaining Perfection
05/09/2024 Duración: 16minYou are on a dream journey from the Self to the Self. The journey is undertaken by the Self, through the valley of forgetfulness and apparent imperfection and suffering, in order to transform experience into wisdom and the power to awaken. That journey enables you to joyously regain the awesome splendor of the Infinite Light and Blissful Intelligence of the Self as the product of your own work of art.
The Yoga of Total Escalation Dominance
01/09/2024 Duración: 14minOnly the intensity of constant tapas, the white heat of the Fire of Yoga, brings the ecstasy of sahaja samadhi—and the power to overcome all obstacles. We must be victorious over the escalating chaos, depravity, and destruction that are laying waste our once unspoiled world. The purification of consciousness is the only means to dominate the death drive—and dream a new world into Being.
Timely Questions, Timeless Answers - Shunyamurti Answers Your Questions
29/08/2024 Duración: 19minA potpourri of questions (and sometimes strange or shocking answers) on a variety of subjects related to the contemplative life is shared in this small harvest of crazy wisdom transmitted by Shunyamurti. Do you have your own question for Shunyamurti? Join Online to Break Through to the Blissful Light! Online Weekend Intensive Guided by Shunyamurti September 6 - 8, 2024