Mckernan Baptist Church Podcast



Welcome to our podcast! McKernan Baptist Church exists to become a community of fully devoted and developed followers of Jesus Christ that reaches our world with his transforming love and truth.


  • Jesus is Immanuel, Confronting the Way of the World


    The arrival of Jesus to live among us was described by Luke (2:1-14) in details that set up a stark contrast between the human value system of Rome and the true value system of God. From His birth, the way of Jesus confronts the way of the world.

  • Jesus is the Resurrection and the Life


    In a world marred by death, Jesus claimed to be the resurrection and the life. He then miraculously raised Lazarus from the dead as a sign the he has authority over death.

  • Jesus Is the "True Vine"


    As we focus this fall on what it means to grow in our relationship with God, we're exploring how God reveals Himself to us. Today, we'll look at the implications of Jesus' statement, "I Am The True Vine".

  • Jesus is "The Bread of Life"


    A we focus this fall on the theme of being in right relationship with God, we recognize that part of being in any meaningful relationship is growing in our understanding of the other person. Thus, we are currently exploring what the Bible says about who God is.

  • God is the Lifter of my Head


    As we focus this fall on being in "Right Relationship with God," Pastor Lyle will continue a series of messages on the character of God as revealed in the Bible. Today we will focus on God as "the Lifter of my Head."



    As we focus this fall on the theme of being in right relationship with God, we recognize that part of being in any meaningful relationship is growing in our understanding of the other person. Thus, we currently exploring what the Bible says about who God is. Today we will look at God's holiness, with emphasis on how this holiness was revealed to Isaiah (6:1-8).

  • Who Are You Following?


    Welcome to McKernan Baptist Church! We are glad you have joined us. It has been our privilege this weekend to host a conference centred around "Keeping Company with God." Our keynote speaker for the event was Rob Loane, who has served with VantagePoint3 since 2004. VantagePoint3 is a ministry dedicated to helping the local church develop godly leaders by providing a pathway for Christ-followers to grow deeper in their relationship with Christ. Rob will be speaking at our services today around the theme, "Who are you following?"



    This fall we are focusing on the theme of being in right relationship with God. A part of being in any meaningful relationship is growing in our understanding of the other person. Thus, we are currently exploring what the Bible says about who God is.

  • The Goodness of God


    This fall we are focusing on the theme of being in right relationship with God. A part of being in any meaningful relationship is growing in our understanding of the other person.

  • MOBY Mexico missions report


    Pastor Dave speaking as a part of the missions report.

  • Team Preach on "Right Relationships" Theme


    Earlier this month, we launched our new ministry theme, "Right Relationship...With God, With One Another and With Our Neighbours." Today, various members of our pastoral team will share our morning message by providing their thoughts on how the Bible speaks to some aspect of this theme.

  • Tuning In to the God Who Speaks


    Today, we will explore what Jesus meant in John 10:1-8 when he said that those who follow him are like sheep that are able to hear the voice of their shepherd and follow his leading.

  • It's All About Relationship!


    We are glad you have joined us for Kickoff Sunday. Today, we launch our ministry year by focusing on the new statement of our chuech's values. At McKernan Baptist Church, we are committed to increasingly become a people in "Right Relationship... with God, with one another and with our neighbours".

  • A Godly "Labour Day" Perspective


    Today, Pastor Lyle will conclude our summer sermon series entitled "Great Questions of the Bible", looking at God's question to Moses, "What is that in your hand?" Moses could never have imagined how the simple shepherd's staff he was holding would be transformed by God into something that reflected His awesome power. You too may look at what an average workday or school day places in your hand and wonder how God could ever transform such an ordinary situation into something He uses for His greater purposes. His question remains the same, "What is that in your hand?"

  • God's Heart for the neighbourhood


    We are currently in a series of sermons looking at some of the "Great Questions of the Bible". Today we come to the question, "Who is my neighbour?"

  • God's Presence in Tough Times


    Today, Pastor Lyle will continue a summer sermon series on some of the "Great Questions of the Bible," looking at the question, "Is the Lord among us or not?" This is a question that the people of Israel asked when they found themselves without water in the desert. Unfortunately, they asked through the lens of fretful doubt. We'll see today how God invites us to ask this question through the lens of thoughtful faith, that our view of Him and our assurance of His presence may grow.

  • The God Who Restores


    Welcome to McKernan Baptist Church! We are glad you have joined us. Today Greg Garbutt, our Adult Minstries Assistant, will continue the summer sermon series exploring some of the "Great Questions of the Bible" by looking at the question, "Do You Love Me?" Jesus asked Peter this very important question after Peter had failed miserably and denied even knowing Jesus. In this context, we'll see that the question is an amazingly gracious invitation. Rather than leave Peter wallowingin his guilt and feeling disqualified for future ministry, Jesus intentionally had Peter face this very broken place of failure in his life and thus find forgiveness and restoration.

  • Freed To Live In Freedom


    Today, we continue a series of sermons looking at some of the "Great Questions of the Bible." In the book of Romans, Paul describes the amazing truth that we are restored to God, not by anything we do, but by what God has done for us. If this is the case, he anticipates the question, "Shall we go on sinning so that grace may increase?"

  • God's character in the midst of our struggles


    Today, we continue a series of sermons looking at some of the "Great Questions of the Bible." In Job 38, God asks Job in the midst of his suffering, "Were you there when I laid the earth's foundations?"

  • Do you want to be healed?


    Welcome to McKernan Baptist Church! We are glad you have joined us. Today, Pastor Daunavan will continue a summer sermon series on some of the "Great Questions of the Bible." This morning we'll look at the crucial question, "Do You Want to be Healed?" This question may seem like a 'silly' question at a quick glance, but upon deeper examination, IT is quite profound. Take some time to read these quotes and ask the Holy Spirit to prepare your heart for what He wants to do in you today.

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