Mckernan Baptist Church Podcast

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editor: Podcast
  • Duración: 1:22:15
  • Mas informaciones



Welcome to our podcast! McKernan Baptist Church exists to become a community of fully devoted and developed followers of Jesus Christ that reaches our world with his transforming love and truth.


  • A Prayer that we Might "Walk with God"


    We are currently in a series of sermons from the book of Colossians we're calling "The Immanuel Agenda: Life with God." Today we come to Paul's prayer for the people in the Colossian church. When we look closely at his prayer we see that it is based on what he knows to be true of walking with God and reflects his desire that the Collisions grow ever deeper in their experience of life with God.

  • Colossians: The Immanuel Agenda; Walking With Christ part 2


    After his initial greetings, Paul begins this letter with a prayer thanking God for how the Christians in Colossae were walking with Him (1:3-8). His description of of their Christian walk provides some helpful "footprints" to follow as we look for direction in our journey to experience life WITH God.

  • Colossians: The Immanuel Agenda; Walking With Christ


    We kick off our new series, "WITH", by looking at Paul's description of those who will receive his letter.

  • Knowing or Knowing About


    Micah was a prophet in Judah during an especially turbulent time. God's people wavered between obedience and rebellion. Micah brought a message from God to His people during a time of rebellion that challenged whether God's children really knew their God or merely knew about Him. In response to God's questions, as to whether are rebelling against Him the children of Israel ask the question, "With what shall I come before the Lord?" Micah brings God's reply in Micah 6:8. This reply helps us see what is near and dear to the heart of God.

  • Joaiah: A Man of the Word


    Today we conclude a series entitled "Summer Classes in the Kings' Court", in which we have explored the stories of Israel's lesser known kings, by looking at the reign of King Josiah.

  • Faithfulness 101


    Today we will look at the reign of King Hezekiah, whose good reign is summarized with the statement that he "trusted in the Lord" (2 Kings 18:5). There is a prayer of Hezekiah recorded in Isaiah 38 where he specifically praises God for His faithfulness (v. 19-20).

  • Nehemiah 1


    A look into Nehemiah 1 and Pastor Isaac from Mexico City & Huixuilucan shares with us.

  • Influence 101


    Today we will look at the reign of King Joash, whose early years led to a very godly period in an otherwise bleak era in Judah's history. Unfortunately, after such a good start, the reign of Joash ended poorly

  • Ahab: Focused on the Wrong Appetite


    Today we will look at the reign of King Ahab, who is introduced as the ruler that significantly promoted the worship of Baal in Israel. In many ways, the worship of Baal was a religious form of materialism, which can be seen as the pursuit of well-being through the accumulation of external "stuff".

  • Jeroboam: The Danger of Compromise


    We begin today with King Jeroboam and see how life offers a very important lesson on the subtleties ad dangers of compromise.

  • A Straight Path to "Straight Street"


    The bible tells us that if we trust in God with all our hearts, He will make our paths straight. Today we will look at the story of Ananias and how he was faced with what he perceived to be a potentially life-threatening challenge. We will see how Ananias responded to this task with trust and obedience and how God made his path straight. We will look at how this story is relevant to us today. It gives us a glimpse into the importance of trusting in God. Our obedience opens the doors for God to work through us.

  • Compassion Rooted in Holiness


    Over the last number of weeks we have given attention to being in right relationship with God, one another, and our neighbour. Along the way, we have had opportunities to have our own life changed as we faithfully follow God's leading. Today we will look closely at how God's compassion towards us allows us to be empowered to compassionately come alongside others.

  • Reaching Out Without Reaching Down


    Jesus shared the Parable of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37) to a group of people who were looking for an easy answer. His answer wasn't what hey expected, and it gives us a glimpse into how we called to reach out to our neighbours.

  • Sent with Direction Part 2


    Looking at the directions Jesus gave us to go out and impact the neighbours around us.

  • Sent with Direction Part 1


    As a church, we have purposed to be in "right relationship with our neighbours." We are currently in a series of messages exploring a passage (Luke 10: 1-24) where Jesus sent out seventy-two of His followers to the neighbouring towns in what proved to be a very influential venture. In Jesus' instructions to those He sent, He offered important teaching what is involved in effective outreach. Over the next two weeks, we will look at how His timeless words continue to direct us today.

  • Sent With Urgency


    As a church, we have purposed to be in "right relationship with our neighbours". We are currently in a series of messages exploring a passage (Luke 10:1-24) where Jesus sent out seventy-two of his followers to the neighbouring towns in what proved to be a very influential venture.

  • Sent From the Heart of God


    As a church, we are currently exploring what it means to be in "right relationship with our neighbours." In the coming weeks, we'll look at passage in Luke 10 where Jesus sends His followers into neighbouring towns to forge relationships through which people could come to know His transforming love and truth. We begin today by looking at the compassionate heart of God that is the starting point of how we need to enter into the lives of the people around us.

  • The Focus of Our Christian Lives


    If your neighbour were to ask you "What is the Christian life all about," how would you respond?

  • Where do I Belong?


    As a church, we want to be in "Right Relationship with our neighbours." This can easily lead to conversations that raise questions about our faith. We are currently in a series exploring some of these questions. Today we take a closer look at the question on our hearts and those of our neighbours: "Where do I belong?"

  • How Can I Believe God Exists?


    Romans 1:20-23, Eccl. 3:11, Acts 19: 16-34

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