Stick with and Deepen Meditation
Talk 14: Reality and Illusion in Meditation
18/10/2014What does “Life is an Illusion Mean” and what does it have to do with your electricity bill? I mean, you have your real life, while there are many spiritual statements that seem to indicate there is an ultimate reality and it is different than what we see as real and true now. In this […] The post Talk 14: Reality and Illusion in Meditation appeared first on I Should Be Meditating.
42: Quick Body Scan Guided Meditation
06/10/2014Making the body more accessible to us gives us a base point with which we can get perspective on excessive thinking, explore our emotions, and get communication from our body that leads us in beneficial directions. The body scan opens these lines of communication! Use it early and often. The post 42: Quick Body Scan Guided Meditation appeared first on I Should Be Meditating.
Talk 13: Balance Striving and Being
03/10/2014The huge question of how to balance our striving in meditation practice opens a whole lot of possible things to say. In this talk however one very important point is made that before trying to work all that out, it is crucial to fully explore and surrender to single moments of allowing everything to just […] The post Talk 13: Balance Striving and Being appeared first on I Should Be Meditating.
40: Feel Your Way into Your Being
30/09/2014This guided meditation starts with a soothing breath to feel your way into the core of the breath-body and from your alive, sensitive presence, and then guides you to remain there, to enjoy your being now and to more easily return to it in the midst of busy life. The post 40: Feel Your Way into Your Being appeared first on I Should Be Meditating.
Talk 11: Feel the Natural Joy
26/09/2014There is a natural joy always here. Where is it? This question is an important one that requires radical honesty to answer, yet it is otherwise simple and natural to get into contact with this fount of aliveness. The post Talk 11: Feel the Natural Joy appeared first on I Should Be Meditating.
38: Simply Being Short Meditation
22/09/2014Without having to do very much at all, simply being as you are is a very powerful meditation that uses our intention and attention in just about the most skillful way possible, which is to say, in the slightest, easiest, and simplest way. Practice this guided meditation and then apply it in your life to […] The post 38: Simply Being Short Meditation appeared first on I Should Be Meditating.
Talk 10: The Quiet
19/09/2014The real Quiet is not the physical quiet of sounds, nor is it even a quiet from thoughts or a quiet mind. What is it and how can we recognize it? This can be a sticky point for meditators, but this sticky point cannot overpower the quiet itself, a silence greater than sound or thought […] The post Talk 10: The Quiet appeared first on I Should Be Meditating.
36: The Vivid Body Scan
15/09/2014This guided tour through the body sensitizes you to all the flavors of feeling in the body, and brings you to the vivid enjoyment of subtle breath sensations interacting with whole body sensations. This is a profoundly accessible and healing meditation that leads us toward the shift into a mindful life. The post 36: The Vivid Body Scan appeared first on I Should Be Meditating.
Live Call-in Show! Sept. 10, 2014
11/09/2014The tensions between meditation and our natural state are explored through great questions about restlessness, how to begin a practice, and what the “inner mental attitude” is all about . This is the straight raw recording of our live online video stream with call-in questions. You can join the next one! The post Live Call-in Show! Sept. 10, 2014 appeared first on I Should Be Meditating.
34: Giving Yourself a Gift in Meditation
08/09/2014This guided meditation leads you to discover the light-hearted, warm-hearted feeling that is already there, and from that place give a gift to yourself and the world. Very simple, very easy, very good. The post 34: Giving Yourself a Gift in Meditation appeared first on I Should Be Meditating.
Talk 8: After I Meditate, It Goes Away
05/09/2014The states of mind we generate through meditation are like all states that come and go. If they don’t last, what’s the point of meditation? This talk explores two reasons why temporary states of equanimity through meditation help us to recognize our fundamental, always present and unshaken stillness, and also break the cycles of negativity. […] The post Talk 8: After I Meditate, It Goes Away appeared first on I Should Be Meditating.
32: Intimate with Your Inner Mental Attitude
01/09/2014This guided meditation focuses on the inner mental attitude, on becoming intimately familiar with it. By reinforcing our connection of attention with the inner mental attitude, we head off cycles of negative thought and emotion sooner, naturally, and effortlessly. This practice sets this positive influence in our lives in motion. Practice it often! Good thing […] The post 32: Intimate with Your Inner Mental Attitude appeared first on I Should Be Meditating.
31: Short Guided Meditation on the Breath
28/08/2014Use this when you don’t have a lot of time but want to be consistent with your practice and not skip a day. Or as a quick pick-me-up anytime you need to re-establish intimate contact with your breath again. Then again, when is that not a good thing to do? The post 31: Short Guided Meditation on the Breath appeared first on I Should Be Meditating.
30: Guided Meditation for Focus and Presence
25/08/2014Use this meditation to stabilize the mind and focus in on a single meditation point. While this classic meditation is understood in the west to be merely for enhancing ones mental powers of concentration, in fact it has a direct connection to the development of wisdom and insight into our presence and freedom. This guided […] The post 30: Guided Meditation for Focus and Presence appeared first on I Should Be Meditating.
Talk 7: Chattering Thoughts and Loud Thoughts
21/08/2014A Questioner asks: what’s going on with chattering little thoughts all the time while feeling the breath? Should we attend to these chattering thoughts? The practical answer to this question parallels the very purpose of meditation and the very meaning of freedom. This talk points in this direction even alongside the related issue of long, […] The post Talk 7: Chattering Thoughts and Loud Thoughts appeared first on I Should Be Meditating.
28: Continuity of Sensation Shows Us What is Mindfulness
18/08/2014A guided meditation on sustaining the presence of sensations also leads us deeper into understanding the practical meaning of “mindfulness” and what is awareness. This meditation practices the ability to keep a meditation object present by getting clear on what is the precise action that we do to make that happen. At the same time, […] The post 28: Continuity of Sensation Shows Us What is Mindfulness appeared first on I Should Be Meditating.
Talk 6: What is Awareness?
14/08/2014Mindfulness and Awareness can mean two very different things– what is the benefit we meditators can have from drawing this distinction? What does it point to? The post Talk 6: What is Awareness? appeared first on I Should Be Meditating.
26: Letting Awareness Do the Work of Meditation
11/08/2014This guided meditation focuses on the natural support we already have in our practice, on recognizing the awareness that is always there. Meditation need not be a lot of striving and effort– we can recognize this and relax into awareness and relax into the fact that it can do the work of mindfulness for us. The post 26: Letting Awareness Do the Work of Meditation appeared first on I Should Be Meditating.
Talk 5: Knowing your Inner Mental Attitude
07/08/2014Half guided meditation, half talk, this intro to the inner mental attitude explores something that colors all of our experience. While we can’t monitor our attitude indefinitely, even by knowing it only sometimes we can turn our whole life around. The post Talk 5: Knowing your Inner Mental Attitude appeared first on I Should Be Meditating.
24: Follow the Path of the Breath guided meditation
04/08/2014Scan the breath with this meditation that travels along the core path of breath sensations. It’s a massage for the body, from the inside! And it also helps us explore the inner regions of our body where we store emotional traces. This can be a key tool in finding your bridge between breath and intimate […] The post 24: Follow the Path of the Breath guided meditation appeared first on I Should Be Meditating.