Stick with and Deepen Meditation
56: Awareness of both Thoughts and Presence
26/05/2016In this whole world that is your life there are thoughts and busyness, emotions and sensations, but there’s also something else here. Something that is always present. This guided meditation points towards that awareness of life, living as you, and here all along. A meditation to recognize this and be present. The post 56: Awareness of both Thoughts and Presence appeared first on I Should Be Meditating.
55: Hanging out with Yourself
23/05/2016The pure pleasure of hanging out with yourself! Find the most direct way to enjoy the inwardness that meditating on a regular basis provides. Through this guided lesson you will get closer to that inner refuge that is within us. A simple way to connect yourself with what is already there and bask in the […] The post 55: Hanging out with Yourself appeared first on I Should Be Meditating.
54: Appreciating Presence
19/05/2016Thoughts and worries can seem to distract you. By practicing this simple exercise you are reminded of the power of feeling your breath. Staying with the breath allows your inner mental attitude to brighten. Appreciating your presence. Being at home in your body and mind. The post 54: Appreciating Presence appeared first on I Should Be Meditating.
Meditation on Loyalty to Life
15/05/2016When we think about life we often make judgements about it, have ideas of how it is, or how it should be. In this guided meditation we commit to life as it already is. Through this practice we move from what our idea of being present is, to simply being present. This easy to practice […] The post Meditation on Loyalty to Life appeared first on I Should Be Meditating.
Relax with the Breath All Over the Body
31/01/2016 Duración: 21minUse this guided meditation to connect with the breath in all kinds of ways you haven’t tried before. Playing with the Breath hones our skills in relating to what feelings and emotions arise in our experience later. Practice now to get ready for when you’ll need calm presence and a calming breath. The post Relax with the Breath All Over the Body appeared first on I Should Be Meditating.
Pleasant Breath Now For Hard Times Later
30/01/2016 Duración: 16minThere is a powerful breathing technique for facing hard times, but you must practice it now if you want to use it later. It’s not always a good idea to try and zap your problems with meditation while they are happening. Instead prepare for them by practicing mindfulness of the pleasant breath so that you […] The post Pleasant Breath Now For Hard Times Later appeared first on I Should Be Meditating.
Panic Attacks, Anxiety, and Breathing Meditation: Talk 17
08/11/2015How should one breathe for panic attacks and how to breathe for regular worry? Panic Attacks and every day worry have some things in common, but also a big difference. We can learn a lot from panic attacks, whether we have them or not, because they point us in the direction of the right attitude […] The post Panic Attacks, Anxiety, and Breathing Meditation: Talk 17 appeared first on I Should Be Meditating.
53: Guided Compassion Meditation Formula
01/11/2015This classic formula for cultivating compassion is an excellent way to bring us back to the fact that mindfulness attention is a kind attention. It is also a great meditation to use at bedtime to sleep great!! Mindfulness is not a neutral or clinical or objective attention. This guided meditation takes us through several layers […] The post 53: Guided Compassion Meditation Formula appeared first on I Should Be Meditating.
53: Guided Compassion Meditation
29/10/2015This classic formula for cultivating compassion is an excellent way to bring us back to the fact that mindfulness attention is a kind attention. It is also a great meditation to use at bedtime to sleep great!! Mindfulness is not a neutral or clinical or objective attention. This guided meditation takes us through several layers […] The post 53: Guided Compassion Meditation appeared first on I Should Be Meditating.
52: Being Simply As You Are
26/10/2015This guided meditation is very simple and short, giving you the space and pause to do nothing but remain as you are. Simply being is a refreshing, restful pause that brings us back to ourselves, from one point of view, but really dispels a whole lot of extra stuff that when gone reveals what we […] The post 52: Being Simply As You Are appeared first on I Should Be Meditating.
Talk 16: Surrender or Self-Improvement?
22/10/2015Meditation is about more than Self-Improvement. That is only its possible side-effect. If we bend meditation to our will and make it serve us, the only definite side-effect is frustration. At some point the meditator will have to make the switch over to something bigger than their sense of “Selfyness” and to a longing for […] The post Talk 16: Surrender or Self-Improvement? appeared first on I Should Be Meditating.
50: Surrender to the Breath
19/10/2015In this guided meditation on the breath the emphasis is on receptivity, sensitivity, and opening. By offering up the breath sensations to the world to which they belong, we also cultivate an attitude of allowing everything to be as it is. The post 50: Surrender to the Breath appeared first on I Should Be Meditating.
49: Playing with Being and Breathing
11/10/2015If you play with the edge between conscious deliberate attention and open awareness, your meditation in enhanced so that you can quickly find yourself in a state of ease. The post 49: Playing with Being and Breathing appeared first on I Should Be Meditating.
48: Breathing with Intention, and Not
05/10/2015This breath meditation explores the difference between when we consciously, deliberately feel the breath, and when we let it go and allow it to appear by itself. These two flavors of attention are great to recognize, and are easier to recognize by contrast. This meditation will make this clear on an experiential level and give […] The post 48: Breathing with Intention, and Not appeared first on I Should Be Meditating.
47: Connecting the Breath with the Inner Mental Attitude
29/09/2015A connection with the inner mental attitude is made, and then sustained, with this guided meditation that makes a sense of the inner mental attitude vivid and clear, and then helps you to maintain and sustain it. This is a great way to remain present, close and intimate with your home in this body and […] The post 47: Connecting the Breath with the Inner Mental Attitude appeared first on I Should Be Meditating.
46: Exploring the Breath from the Inside and Out
22/09/2015This guided meditation begins with a 3 step settling process and then explores feelings of exchanging the breath between the interior feeling of alive presence, and the greater world beyond the body, surrounding the body. It contains a balance and exchange between active enjoyment of the breath and surrender to whole world and universe in […] The post 46: Exploring the Breath from the Inside and Out appeared first on I Should Be Meditating.
45: Three Levels to Relax into Presence
18/09/2015Whenever possible, it is very powerful to recognize and confirm our effortless and fundamental right-ness. Some meditators have yet to catch a whiff of this, while all of us can vary in how easily it comes forward to our attention. This guided exploration moves through different levels of relaxing into presence. Each level is important […] The post 45: Three Levels to Relax into Presence appeared first on I Should Be Meditating.
44: Three Steps to Focus in on Your Presence
17/09/2015This guided meditation training is a great introduction to a basic tool in the mindfulness toolkit. It pinpoints a three step process which you can use repeatedly to bring you to focus. Train this a few times with this audio and it will stick with you as you go forward. And hint: it is great […] The post 44: Three Steps to Focus in on Your Presence appeared first on I Should Be Meditating.
Talk 15: It is Way Easier Than You Think
15/09/2015Season 2 is Back with a Point that Cuts Straight at one of the Biggest Obstacles stopping us from getting what we want in meditation. It is a belief, a thought lodged in the mind, and if we just get past it a whole new world opens up for us, whether what we want is […] The post Talk 15: It is Way Easier Than You Think appeared first on I Should Be Meditating.
43: Meditation for Seeing Beyond a Wandering Mind
27/10/2014This guided contemplation points to something essential that every meditator must see and understand if they are to go beyond worry over wandering mind. There are many ways to deal with wandering thoughts, but the most important and most powerful is to see the knowing that is beyond wandering or not-wandering. Recognize this and your […] The post 43: Meditation for Seeing Beyond a Wandering Mind appeared first on I Should Be Meditating.