Joana Fatondji Testimony



Welcome to the Joana Fatondji Testimony podcast, where amazing things happen.


  • Are you ready to let your Dream Build you?

    17/06/2024 Duración: 30min

    Are you ready to let your Dream Build you? Realising a life you absolutely love living is possible - no doubt. But are you willing to let everything that is not in alignment with a bigger version of love - are you willing to let that go? Clean up your life and purify your womb, your heart and your mind? It´s not always gonna be happy and funny but its definitely worth it. Take care Joana

  • Test your dream and make sure its truely yours.

    16/06/2024 Duración: 23min

    Test your dream and make sure its truely yours. In this episode we are continuing to dive deeper into hoiw to create the life of your dream, from your soul - not some copy and pasted reality borought from Pinterest. What is within you is greater than anything outside of you - our job now is to bring what is within you forth into this reality through your imagination and creativity. Much Love Joana

  • What is within you is greater than anything outside of you.

    15/06/2024 Duración: 32min

    In this episode, I am taking you deeper into the core principles of creating a life from your heart, the center of your being and the essence of true manifestation which is not creating from ego desires but truely digging deep so it comes from soul and allows you to fulfill your lives purpose - which is to manifest your unique blueprint in the tapestry of life. I hope you enjoy this episode. Love Joana

  • Let go of the guilt of loving power, pleausure and money.

    12/06/2024 Duración: 18min

    Let go of the guilt of loving power, pleasure and money. In this episode we are talking about probably the biggest block for women who want to fully come into their authentic, divine self - and that is to let go of the guilt of loving - loving money, power and pleasure. Yes, we love the good and easy life this is what we are made off. So much more to come. Until then take care.

  • Was ich nach dem Tod meines Vaters gelernt habe.

    11/06/2024 Duración: 36min

    Was ich nach dem Tod meines Vaters gelernt habe. In dieser Folge spreche ich darüber, was ich alles durch den Tod meines Vaters gelernt habe. 1. Ich bin aus meiner Blase aufgewacht. 2. Ich habe erkannt, wie oft ich der Bösewicht in Beziehungen war. 3. Schattenarbeit bedeutet zurück zur bedingungslosen Liebe zu kommen und ohne Manipulation nach dem zu fragen, was man braucht. Ich freue mich auf deinen Kommentar. Love Jo

  • Freunde dich mit dem Tod an und fange an zu leben.

    22/03/2024 Duración: 01h05min

    Freunde dich mit dem Tod an und fange an zu Leben. Hey babe, in dieser Folge spreche ich über den Tod meines Vaters, meine Entscheidung meine Fülle zu teilen und über mein Geld liebe zu sprechen und welche Themen ich "nebenbei" auf meiner Reise zu Gott überwunden habe wie z.B. die Angst vor dem Tod, die Angst vor Verurteilung, die Angst nicht genug zu sein und einfach meine Wahrheit zu leben. Und ich kann dir dabei helfen, das Gleiche zu erreichen. Wenn deine Sehnsucht persönliche Transformation ist, dann hab ich was für dich. Mein großartiges Dream Builder Programm:

  • How to fall in love with making money as a woman.

    15/03/2024 Duración: 23min

    Hey Love, In this episode, we are talking about why we as women need to start thinking differently about making money - you have something valuable to share that other are happy to pay for to get their solution to their problem. Want to work with me on this topic contact me Find more on Or get straight to the Dream Builder Program Sending so much Love Joana

  • What nobody in the feminine energy space is talking about.

    08/03/2024 Duración: 17min

    Hey Love, In this episode we are talking about what noone in the feminine energy space is talking about. You have everything you need to create the life you love inside of you. This is what it really means. I am every women it´s all in me - so use everything you have. If you want to work with me on this topic contact me Find more on Or get straight to the Dream Builder Program Sending so much Love Joana

  • How to start creating the life of your dreams.

    06/03/2024 Duración: 16min

    Hey Love, In this episode we are talking about 3 Steps of starting to create your dream life. 1. Get clear on what you want. 2. Decide for it and stand firm in it. 3. Break through the glass ceiling and keep going. Get straight to the Dream Builder Programm If you want to work with me on this topic contact me Find more on Sending so much Love Joana

  • This is your confirmation divine feminine

    03/03/2024 Duración: 28min

    This is your confirmation divine feminine Hey dear, in this video we are talking about how at this point of your journey, there is no further "book learning" or outside confirmation that will give you that assurance that you seek. It is time for you to step on to your throne from within. Now is the time for you to deeply trust yourself and your desires. Step into your authority and your position as a divine feminine. If you want to work with me. Write me Find me on And If you are ready to commit to your next level get the dream builder mystery school.

  • Why it is so important to love money

    02/03/2024 Duración: 49min

    Hey Love, In this episode we are talking about why it is so important to love and especially allow money to come into your life to support you living your purpose. If you want to work with me on this topic contact me If you want to work with me on this topic contact me Find more on Or get straight to the Dream Builder Program

  • The creative process - short analogy

    18/02/2024 Duración: 38min

    Hey Girlfreind, in this episode, we are talking about why creative entrepreneurs need breaks and how the creative process can look like for you. I am back to create more amazing content for you and share what has and is helping me on my journey to my own highest self. So much love Joana

  • Become the eye of the tornado.

    09/02/2024 Duración: 40min

    Hey Ladies, in this episode we are talking about money, business and how to stay emotionally grounded in a world that is seemingly becoming more and more wild as we look into the future. Have no fear - I hav a soulution for you. Peace and love your Joana

  • What is paining you?

    02/02/2024 Duración: 17min

    Hey Empress, do you know this pain inside, knowing that you are stuck or literally boxed in, and you can't fully expand into who you truly are? This pain is a signal from your soul and sometimes even your body that you have to get into an environment that will allow you to grow. If you would love me to be your support structure, I am here for it. Contact me and let me know what your biggest challenge currently is? I am looking forward to hear from you. So much love Joana

  • The feminine side of creation and success

    02/02/2024 Duración: 40min

    Hey ladies, in this episode we are talking about the feminine side of creation and success. As I am always speaking about coming into wholeness this is what we need - both parts of ourselves - the feminine and the masculine. Today we are diving into the feminine part a little more. The feminine is the beginning of all creating - the desire - this feeling of I want more... more love, more money, more success. What ever it is, allow this desire to express itself and the secret here is - you don't even immediately have to know how it gets to come about. You don't have to know the how right away. The universe will reveal the next steps, and then it's up to you to follow the breadcrumbs. This is the beautiful unfolding of the next level of your life experience. So much love Joana Step into your power now: Website: LinkedIn: Instagram:

  • Are you following your Souls calling?

    01/02/2024 Duración: 14min

    Hey Empress, in this episode, we are talking about listening to the still small voice of truth within you to decern if you are actually living in alignment with your heart's desire and your truth or if there is something greater calling you. If you hear the call, and you want to follow, learn and realize what is waiting for you on the other side, let me be your guide. Contact me at I am looking forward to hearing from you. So much love Joana

  • Why holistic health is everything!

    31/01/2024 Duración: 54min

    Hey Ladies, in this episode, I am sharing a little conclusion about why basically everything should be about holistic health = holistic success! If we are speaking about creating the life of your dreams, it's nothing less than creating a life where you love most of what's in it - you take control of the things that you can take control of. And while creating that life things will come up that you might find harder to implement then others and this is where we'll take a deeper look at your conditioning and how to create a new more empowering story around what it is that you are capable of :) We have this life - let's make this one worth living! With so much love Joana

  • Letting go of perfection is a part of femininity.

    30/01/2024 Duración: 37min

    Hey Empress, in this episode we are talking about how showing up for what you love doesn't have to be the same every day and to be honest can't look the same every day especially if you are an authentic woman. Women are cyclical in nature - we go with the ebb and flow of energy, and being true to who we are looks different every day. But know - this is where your magic lies! If you learn to overcome the man made concept of perfection you will thrive as a woman - more and more as it is your birthright and blessing to humanity. Infinite Love Joana

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