Outrage Factory



We're the world's leading only internet outrage-related podcast, taking a good hard look at the things that made social media mad this week, and explaining why you're dumb for caring.


  • Trudeaunut

    27/01/2020 Duración: 01h04min

    What made the internet angry this week?We're 3 weeks into 2020, and the world is FUCKED! There's a pandemics in China, Australia is on fire, and Canadians are mad at Justin Trudeau for buying hipster doughnuts because we literally have nothing else to worry about. Tim Horton's is pure garbage and an affront to our great nation. Chicken sandwiches, ranked. Body shaming people is okay, if they're right wingers! Gun support rallies are just military cosplayers. Beloved NHL mascot Gritty has allegedly assaulted a child, and it only makes us like him more. Derek's tortured history as a former mascot. A guy loses his job for complaining about his employer on social media, and people are...surprised? Another guy loses his job for costing his employer half a million dollars, and people are surprised about that, too! People are dumb! Anyways, listen to our podcast!

  • A Decade in Outrage

    13/01/2020 Duración: 01h59min

    What made the internet angry this decade?The ROARING TWENTIES promise to be our angriest decade ever, and we kick it off by taking a lengthy look back at the decade that was in internet culture. We look at where we were TEN YEARS ago, and then dig into the major outrage-inducing events of the past decade, covering all the 'oh yeah, THAT happened' moments you probably don't remember because you've been too busy yelling on the internet about plastic straws or Donald Trump. Join us for this VERY SPECIAL TWO-HOUR EPISODE!

  • Merry Christm-ass

    12/12/2019 Duración: 01h18min

    What made the internet angry this week?This just in: social media is bad for your brain, but great for your butthole! Inappropriate terms for lady parts. Hockey culture might be toxic after all? Rap music has no place in the dressing room. Always bring doughnuts wherever you go. Kid Rock gets kicked off stage at Kid Rock's Big Ass Honky Tonk Rock 'N Roll Steakhouse! This is now a pro-sweatpants podcast. Black Friday shaming is classist and we should all stop doing it. Should we make Santa more inclusive? Dale shares a very racist Dutch holiday story with us. All this and more, on an extra Christmasy podcast!

  • Tanksgiving

    28/11/2019 Duración: 01h20min

    What made the internet angry this week?Tim Horton's is garbage! Controversial food opinions! Food racism! Thanksgiving dishes, ranked! Canadian cuisine: what is it?! CYBERTRUCK! Baby Yoda! A whole lot of other stuff, on a podcast!

  • Cherry, Popped

    17/11/2019 Duración: 01h18min

    What made the internet angry this week?A Canadian civil war is about to break out over the firing of beloved/behated cultural icon Don Cherry. We discuss Don Cherry's greatest hits (misses), is Don Cherry a xenophobe, #FireJessAllen, what is Canadian culture exactly, why it's time to revoke Derek's citizenship, and more Canadian content than you can shake a maple leaf at, on a very Canadian episode of an extremely Canadian podcast!

  • Boomer Bust

    08/11/2019 Duración: 01h01min

    What made the internet angry this week?Halloween has come and gone, which means it's officially  time for people to start complaining that we get excited for Christmas too early. Air travel tips. Kony Koni Koné. War: what is it good for, other than podcast fodder? We attempt to explain why different ethnic groups hate each other, very poorly! Millennials find the ultimate clapback to bitching about avocado toast. A bunch of stats about masturbation! It only took A HUNDRED YEARS, but we finally beat Daylight Saving Time. All this and more on your favorite hip millennial podcast!

  • Hairy Stories To Tell In The Dark

    31/10/2019 Duración: 01h21min

    What scared people online this week?In an EXTRA SPOOOOOOOKY Halloween edition of your favorite internet outrage-related podcast, we cover a bunch of truly horrifying topics. LIKE: energy drinks are bad for you, mouthkissing your friends, Derek's chest hair, reasons to exercise, the definition of 'blackface' has now been expanded to include anything black and with a face, Dale won the election, there is nothing scarier to Albertans than four more years of Justin Trudeau, CASCADIA, Canadian tacos. All this and more, on a very terrifying podcast!

  • Hunan Rights Violation

    26/10/2019 Duración: 01h14min

    What made the internet angry this week?Derek doesn't care about his carbon footprint. Neither does Qatar, which now has to air condition the outdoors due to climate change. We determine how hot balls actually are. A human centipede, but made out of Reser's burritos. People who wear earplugs to concerts are dorks with great hearing. Concert etiquette 101. We relive the glory days of the internet (Bumfights and Girls Gone Wild). It's China vs the NBA, as explained by two guys who understand nothing about either. 'Serious' actors have 'serious' opinions about comic book movies. Our favorite Marvel storylines, explained. Why are there so many war movies? Dale is becoming his father. All this and more, on a podcast!

  • Turn On, Thunberg In, Drop Out

    12/10/2019 Duración: 01h08min

    What made the internet angry this week?A sixteen year old Swedish girl has become public enemy number one for the right, and not for the reasons you might think, you weird pervert! Climate responsibility tips from the experts, explained by two dudes who understand nothing. Dale is amped on a climate protest for possibly the first time ever. We eat canned Beanie Weenies and Easy Cheese, for 20 minutes, into a microphone, for SCIENCE! A tone-deaf wedding photographer does something stupid, and then doubles down on doing something stupid with metaphors from that TV show that everyone likes. Scotch pods are jello shots for rich idiots. All this and more!

  • Blackfacing the Music

    01/10/2019 Duración: 01h08min

    What made the internet angry this week?Justin Trudeau did something dumb a number of years ago, and an inordinate number of people are rushing to defend him! Politics are godawful and we want no part of them anymore, which is probably good news for this podcast. Americans are not particularly fond of Canadians! A comedian is CENSORED by AN EXTREMELY POPULAR AND REVERED LATE NIGHT WEEKLY COMEDY INSTITUTION for saying RACIST AND SEXIST THINGS. THANKS, LIBERALS. Evolve.

  • Keeping It 100

    13/09/2019 Duración: 01h41min

    What made the internet angry this week? Ladies and gentlemen, we've officially produced 100 too many episodes of this podcast, but thanks for sticking with us. We revisit some of our favorite moments, get woke, and profess our eternal love for each other in this jam-packed 100 MINUTE LONG EPISODE. Also: Andy Ngo deserved to get his ass kicked, twin flames vs soulmates, the things you were mad about: where are they now? Thanks for joining us on this wild ride, we love you!

  • Who Watches the Watch Men?

    23/08/2019 Duración: 01h04min

    What made the internet angry this week? Errant sneezes! Human trafficking: more serious than you might think, and you probably already think it's pretty serious! Notorious mass murderer Hillary and/or Bill Clinton is at it again! We'd make the world's worst muggers! Derek's a gun guy now! We learn things about Greenland! Libertarianism: great in theory, stupid bullshit in principle! Climate change is OFFICIALLY a partisan political issue instead of a universally accepted scientific fact! It's almost Canadian Election Szn, the least interesting federal election on the planet! Kids are awful little shitheads. All this and more on an almost milestone episode of your favorite dumb podcast!

  • M-ass Shootings

    07/08/2019 Duración: 01h09min

    What made the internet angry this week? In the wake of an uncharacteristically shooty week for the U.S. (that's irony, folks!), we take a look at some bonkers stats that prove how batshit crazy the U.S. gun violence epidemic really is. Also: it's hot, and we don't have shirts on, so you're lucky this is just a podcast! Also: what's a bigger scourge to the U.S. right now: guns, or feral hogs? YOU MIGHT BE SURPRISED BY THE ANSWER, BUT YOU MIGHT NOT? Also: two girls wanted big asses so badly, they sacrificed their kidneys to get them! Also: rich people hate socialism, until they can game it in their favor! Also: dating is garbage and if you're single now you'll probably be alone forever! Also: Derek does a really great Seth Rogen impersonation! Also: a bangin' 98 Degrees soundtrack! Also: listen to this podcast!

  • A.C. Hater

    02/08/2019 Duración: 01h07min

    What made the internet angry this week? Derek's back! Dale is old as FUCK! Beef with inaccurate time-travel movies. Teleportation problems. Everyone has imposter syndrome except you, you fucking fraud. Listen to Club Soda Club! Wanna see Dale and I french kiss? Hit up our Patreon. Who is the most successful Saved By The Bell alumnus? Mario Lopez has opinions about gender fluidity in children, LOOK OUT! Overwoke parents. Dale's preoccupation with gut flora continues. Libraries are amazing. The Vancouver Pride Society thinks their parade is VERY IMPORTANT—so much that they're willing to try and use it to bully two publicly-funded institutions into changing their policies. Everyone is the hero in their own culture war story. Officially over politics. The scourge of a messy tupperware drawer. All this and more, on probably our rantiest podcast ever!

  • Throwin' Cats From a Glass Horse

    23/07/2019 Duración: 01h19min

    What made the internet angry this week? Kynan Foster joins Dale this week because Derek is out living his best life and we should all be bitter about it. More outrage aimed at a live action movie adaption, this time it's cats and Dale is the angry one. Dale stumbles through explaining 'uncanny valley' to Kynan and how it's causing the new Cats trailer to creep you out. Jason Momoa's still clearly visible 8 pack isn't good enough. Look the guy is still ripped to shit and his "fat" summer body still makes Dale feel body shamed because he just wants to be hot too. Horses can't run without dying. The Calgary Stampede's Chuckwagon races had more horse fatalities this year and not surprisingly people are pissed. Storm Area 51 could work! I mean, have you ever been Naruto Running lately? Totally faster than bullets.

  • Born on the Fourthskin of July

    09/07/2019 Duración: 01h05min

    What made the Internet angry this week? A riveting tale of how two white guys in the suburbs spend their weekends. Will Smith's worst movies, ranked. Disney gets woke. What's the proper race for a mermaid? At least one of us doesn't know how foreskin works. Stop amplifying the hashtags of the things you don't agree with. People are disproportionately upset over a deleted Toy Story 2 outtake. Everything wrong with the United States, in one lengthy rant. A new front opens in the Starbucks vs Cops War. All this, and foreskin, on your favorite dumb podcast!

  • His Horniness

    04/07/2019 Duración: 01h13min

    What made the internet angry this week? When you're too woke for Canada Day! Camping is for drunks and children. Global warming is...good? The Dalai Lama is in shit for saying his successor should be attractive. We learn about Winnie-the-Poohing. An unintended consequence of weed legalization: dogs are getting high...from...human feces. People in the sober community are mad that sobriety is popular! (Also check out Derek's new sobriety podcast, Club Soda Club, dropping on July 4th). We learn where the phrase 'dark horse' comes from, and it's more boring than you'd expect! The punchline of the Canadian Football League, which is itself the punchline of professional sports, has a new mascot that looks like it escaped from a furry convention. The guys who chose a profession based solely on the fact they get to keep Mexicans out of the country are racist, and we are shocked as hell. Happy podcast day!

  • Ridesharing is Caring

    26/06/2019 Duración: 56min

    What made the internet angry this week? Derek has a new podcast, and it's way better than this one! We have VERY different ideas about what 'sexual experimentation' means. The NHL Draft came to Vancouver, and 'people' (sports journalists) were really mad that we don't have ridesharing. Uber and Lyft suck ass, and you're awful for supporting them. Instagram influencers are back on their bullshit. An unintended side effect of our phone addictions is WE ARE LITERALLY GROWING HORNS OUT OF THE BACK OF OUR SKULLS. All this, and more, on what is now your second-favorite podcast featuring Derek Bolen.

  • Flip Flop Szn

    21/06/2019 Duración: 01h13min

    What made the internet angry this week? Some people may find this shocking, but we are not professional athletes. Dale finds out what a TERF is and he is NOT pleased. Are people getting gender changes to be more successful at sports? One host thinks so! Get your prostate checked! Why we don't see doctors. Justin Trudeau loves oil, but hates plastic. Dale gives a riveting play-by-play of the Transmountain Pipeline saga. Single-use plastics are banned, the environment is saved, hooray! Why Australia sucks, reason #1,000,072. Pants and sandals are the true mark of the beast. All this and more, please listen to our podcast.

  • Balloon Boy

    12/06/2019 Duración: 01h16min

    What made the internet angry this week? Derek took an entire week to upload an episode again! More British accents than you can shake a deep-fried Mars bar at! If you could go back in time and stab a Baby Trump balloon, would you do it? One woman would, with hilarious results! YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter care deeply about free speech, as long as it makes them money! A modest proposal for the modern age. Nature is amazing, and gross, and too real for some people, apparently. Is a seal a meal for a whale? RIP civility in politics, you had a good run. All this and more, a week late and a dollar short, it's a not particularly timely podcast!

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