Don Woods

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Don is a great singer/songwriter who always has an ingenious take on a situation.Don has been a correspondent with Vince for many years. He is a member of the .Merseycats and on Wirral 'The Cheshirecats' bringing the musicians from the Merseybeat era together each week to get money for childrens' charities. Visit the Cheshire Cats website5th September Don tells us about the Police farce, Tony's Book and remembers Gerry Marsden Don Woods 2012Click picture to get Don's WebsiteDon has some wonderful items on his website and is a past master at creating unusual songs and making videos and DVDs. Please drop by and enjoy his work


  • Seen and Done it all


    Our wonderful couldn't make it up......I haven't got a clue what is going on and neither have they. I am enjoying the women's rugby league.......great win against France....and the England men's team were brilliant.....then we have the football with Liverpool beating Man City followed by fans throwing stuff at Klopp and him getting a red card on the touchline.............the game needs sorting ... it is slowly getting out of hand.................... stupidity is also creeping into the junior game with parents attacking the referee for giving a red card etc to one of their's a football match...that's all....mind you one town has cancelled certain games for the rest of the season because of low life behaviour....which is one answer.... I watched the TV Awards.....what a load of rubbish.....I had to laugh at the award for the best presenter with Bradley Walsh looking confident as he presents more programmes than anyone in history.......and guess who won it for the 21st consecuti

  • Bradley Walsh for Prime Minister


    I find it very strange referring to our new king as King Charles ....and to hear the National anthem as God Save The King......we haven't seen a lot of him up to now but I'm sure he will find his feet.....but it's a tough act to follow. Liverpool has been chosen to host the 2023 Eurovision Song Contest in place of that should bring a few quid into the city. Ken Bruce on Radio 2 has featured Brian Blessed as his guest and he picks his favourite records each day through the week.....what an interesting bloke.....apart from his amazing acting career he has climbed Everest amongst many other adventures....I remember him starting out in Z Cars back in the day. I also watched a documentary soon Diana Dors which was fascinating......I wrote a song for her, which she recorded, when I was signed to a London record company back in the 70s which I have only recently heard for the first time.....watching this documentary was quite emotional as I actually spoke to her on the phone. There is a new seri

  • The Power of the Media


    On the political front I'm afraid I have totally lost my way so you have the opportunity to voice your opinion so over to you........ We haven't heard much more about the rocket which is to take off for the moon....has it gone yet? Not forgetting the other thing the boffins have sent up which successfully changed the direction of an asteroid which is good so now we are safe should one actually threaten the earth as one did millions of years ago................what this lot costs doesn't bare thinking about....but I'm sure the poverty stricken and starving folk in the world are delighted with the "success" I would like to wish Mark Owen ...from the one man band Take That.....good luck with his latest come back.....I think. the lad is somewhat misguided with his long hair and earring etc......I'm sure he is a nice chap but there is a time to call it a day. Winter is here so we are inundated with quiz shows with the same old formats....what is annoying is the presenter always asks the same question to the con

  • Farewell Queen Elizabeth 11


    There has been endless coverage of the Queen lying in state with thousands and thousands of her loyal subjects queuing fo up to 24 hours to pass the coffin and show their respects showing how respected she was.....a wonderful lady .......and David Beckham has been praised for joining the line with everyone else instead of using his celebrity to jump the queue.....unlike Philip Schofield and Holly Willoughby who have taken some stick. Football has returned after being cancelled out of respect....which is a good thing unless you support Leicester. One of the satellite channels has started showing old Benny Hill shows.....they haven't aged well....I used to find him funny back in the day but not now.....the sexism is totally over the top....not that I am bothered about that....but it just isn't funny any more...sorry Benny. Out of interest I watched a film on TV about Laurel and Hardy....called "Stan and Ollie" which covered the later years of the duo when they went on the road.....Stan being played by Steve

  • Farewell to a lovely lady Queen Elizabeth


    The blanket coverage of the loss of our wonderful memories of the coronation. We have a new P.M. Liz Truss.....this has been overshadowed at the moment with the news of the Royals. I felt the women's football took a step backwards with the 10 Nil win over Luxemburg.....hopefully it will pick up when they play a decent team. I watched a very interesting Alfred Hitchcock film called "Rope".....I had never heard of it....what made it fascinating was the whole film was made with one single camera shot....amazing. I never thought our TV programmes could get any worse.....I was wrong......thank goodness we have.programmes like "Room 101" and "Would I Lie to you"....what is sad is that programmes like The Voice and The Masked Singer are very popular.....maybe it's just me. The song I would like featured this week in one that I remember around the time of the coronation..."Cry" by Johnnie Ray.......I became a fan of his after this song and have sung it many times in my band over the years.

  • Slice of Cherry Pieanchor Finish the Jigsaw Puzzle@Finish the PuzzleFinish the Puzzpodcastfile/neilcolbourne6septembert2022.mp3


    Newswatch is back which gives the opportunity for viewers to criticise the news coverage....the complaints ranged from the ridiculous coverage of our "heatwave" and the forthcoming energy price rises.....both being on at the top of the news day after day........and the unnecessary coverage of child violence on the 6p.m. news......needless to say there was no BBC News representative available to comment. Then we have the devastating floods in Pakistan watching the suffering and hardships it brings as they reach out for we watch the spaceship preparing to go off to the moon....say no more. The handwritten lyrics to David Bowie's "Starman" have been found which will sell for's a piece of paper .....but obviously it means so much more to those who see so much in it......or think they do. As there was absolutely nothing worth watching on TV last SaturdayI thought I would watch something I've never seen....The Masked Dancer.....where celebs dress up in costumes and hide their face a

  • The Legend of Bedgellert


    The news has done a U-Turn....we are not now going to fry and die of thirst...we are going to drown as we now have the scaremongering has changed direction. Along with all the strikes among the buses, trains and docks our Barristers are going on lock your couldn't make it up...does this lot have any consideration for anyone but themselves. There are a lot of complaints about bikes on the road and how idiots can't be traced.....electric bikes are being ridden at 30 mph despite the 5 mph limit.....and the lycra boys think they own the roads....answers simple ...make them require a licence like other motorists.....or is that too obvious. We have seen the last of donkey rides in New Brighton....the cruelty to animals brigade have been on the warpath.....I can't say I disagree but why has it taken so long to come to this conclusion....I remember having a donkey ride 70 years ago I have recently been approached by a company who are working on famous legends around the coun

  • Hello Mary Lou with Don Woods and James Burton


    The heatwave has struck the hosepipe bans are back....not to mention the empty reservoirs....the news is having a field day scaring everyone. Then we have the rising cost of our energy bills with the news telling us we could not only starve because we wont be able to afford food....we will also did we survive when we were young with no central heating etc? The main supermarkets are doing their bit....they have stopped selling those disposable barbecues.....which will prevent careless picnickers setting the country on fire.......I wonder which items on their shelves will quietly increase to cover their losses. In between the blanket athletic sport we have the return of the football.....withManchester noted bottom of the table with Everton close by.....I'd rather watch the young lady gymnasts showing the world what REAL talent is......Man U. should sign one of them up as a goalie. I watched a fascinating documentary on ABBA with an in depth chat with Agnetha.....the band produced

  • Seen and Done it all


    1.Overdosing on The Commonwealth Games....all good stuff....medals everywhere. 2.B.P. have announced their 13 billion or so profits.....I'm so delighted for them.....guess which petrol stations I will be driving past. 3.Modern fashion trends for the older generation standing up against the passage of time. 4.The usual hosepipe ban is upon us which means the floods are due.....we must save water because it's August.....because we always do. 5.My connection with Diana Dors and the song I wrote for her almost 50 years ago....and I have only just heard this week's song has to be "I've Seen an Done It All" by Diana Dors

  • Poor Little Fool


    1.The BBC have been receiving a barrage of complaints regarding their heatwave coverage. 2.The Open Golf.....bit of a damp squib? 3.The Liverpool/Man City game......including the poor commentary 4.The Ladies World Cup Final 5.Documentary on Jackie Kennedy 6.Elvis films and his comeback in Vegas..........with James Burton on guitar.....the song this week is a live performance of "Poor Little Fool" with me on vocals and James backing or what.

  • Heatwave Hits Hard


    Hi are this weeks subjects for discussion. 1.The two day heatwave and how we survived it without bursting into flames. 2.The fabulous World Athletics Championships and the great personalities involved. 3.The Great British Bake Off - The Musical....can you believe. 4.Bargain Hunt and Flog It.....with their fascinating historic inserts. 5.The interesting interview by Melvyn Bragg with comedian Frank Skinner. 6.Worst record of the week spot takes us back through the years to the Little Jimmy Osmond classic "Long Haired Lover for Liverpool" bad as it gets.....I was an admirer of The Osmonds and actually met Donny.....not sure how his little brother got away with this one

  • Imagine What I could do to you!


    I've attached an Adrian Street classic to discuss as record of the week....we'll have a laugh.Subjects for the chat 1.Boris is out but we had to wait to find out because of Wimbledon...which was far more interesting. 2.Wonderful Wimbledon....however perhaps a bit of gaffer tape in the commentary box would have been an idea. 3.Upskirting and Downblousing....the ladies are not happy.....I think I have the answer. 4.Evolution Records who I was signed up to thanks to your mate Leapy Lee. The record of the week is one I wrote and produced for Adrian Street entitled "Imagine What I Could Do To You"....which was the song he entered the ring to.

  • Wirral Wonderland


    Wimbledon....doing well at last despite a bumpy start with Murray and Raducanu Mo Salah has signed up for Liverpool for another 3 years......and only gets 350 grand a WEEK.....a joke or what. The Captain Tom charity money has come under in pile the media as usual The media keep referring to "experts" when coming up with global warming or various medical issues......we never seem to find out who these "experts" are....I wonder why. More sporting news!!!.....a Welsh rug by team went to Cape Town to play a match and their bags didn't arrive....shock horror....and they had to train in their stocking feet!!....and THIS was NEWS.....have the media got rugby mixed up with ballet dancing? Steve Wright has been replaced on Radio 2 by Scott Mills because the boss (a woman) wants changes.....I think radio has had its day. I watched the whole of McCartney on Glastonbury......brilliant. I have to laugh when I see music producers being interviewed behind a huge 20 foot long mixer desk.......the song th

  • Don's Skiffle Trip to Finland


    Hi Vince....I have attached the song for the end chat about the Finland is "The Story of Skiffle" by "Skiffle" John Lomax..which I wrote and produced for him.....this is the version which got us the gig...... 1.The train strikes and the one sided biassed reporting 2.In parts of Spain it is now illegal to pee in the sea..... enforcement should be interesting. 3.Complaints about Facebook accepting "upskirting" 4.Idiots who do and say stupid things are not the problem... the problem is the media for giving them publicity....obviously REAL problems are not news. 5.The Glastonbury Festival is getting full coverage which I have managed to avoid.....modern music has lost its way. 6.Strange things which happened on a gig I once did in Finland.....which includes this week's song selection "The Story of Skiffle"

  • The Wirral Peninsula


    Heatwave Alert for The Wirral Peninsula with Don's Song The two day heatwave has put us all on full alert with instructions as to how to handle it and the fear of draughts or floods....not forgetting how to apply suncream.....yep our few days of Summer has arrived......... all carried out from the new £5 million pound BBC studio. England cricketers have restored my interest in the game...whereas the footballers have removed what little interest I had in the game. Tyson Fury is going to tour around helping people with their mental health showing what a great bloke he is. I must mention a day at the races with Prince Charles and Camilla parading around in the royal horse and cart.....someone should have a word with his royal highness regarding the hideous top hat. I watched a fascinating programme on films which go horribly wrong featuring ,among many, Rachael Welch as a BLOKE....and The Life Of Brian..... The mis-use of "I" and "me" will be explained. The song this week is one I wrote and produced whi

  • The world's shortest song!


    The Shortest Song in the World Don Woods 12th June 2022 Complaints about the coverage of the Jubilee Complaints about little Prince George's behaviour Petrol prices still on the rise but apparently Boris's Xmas party is still more important Cliff Richard pushing for new laws to protect those accused of sexual offences until after the case....go Cliff! !It is now DOCTOR Sir Ringo A move to issue fines to New Zealand farmers for the release of methane from their sheep and cows The week's worst record selection..... The Shortest Song In The Duncan Reid and The Big Heads

  • The Queen's Fantastic Jubilee


    1.The Queen's Jubilee 2.Archbishop of Canterbury asking whether we should be more forgiving....and mentioning Prince Andrew 3.Is it right that prisoners should be shouted at? 4.Wrexham's failed bid to be the Capital of Culture....which was won by Bradford. 5.Should we go back to imperial measurement instead of metric? 6.My answers to cancelled flights and overpriced eating and drinking out. 7.Modern dance music belongs in night clubs not on "mature" example is a song I had to suffer on my car radio on a recent long drive.....I switched the radio off after a few minutes ...I would suggest you do the same....the song is "I'm in love with your body" Ed Sheeran.......the record has zero production and I've estimated must have cost about 2 quid to make.....I would like to suggest this as my weekly worst record choice.....I know millions would disagree as he is very popular...I might have liked him when I was 13....but probably not.

  • They're Coming to Take Don Away


    After facing the pandemonium of cancelled flights and police tear gas outside the stadium the Liverpool fans were left with a hard to to take defeat in the Euro final.....some even hired a speedboat to get there....a bit of a damp squib to end the season on with a game they tactically should have won...and would have done had the Spanish goalie not played a blinder. Boris and his Christmas party is still headline news....will we ever move on?.....and there's nothing more annoying than someone shouting to the Prime Minister as he walks to his car "Are you going to resign Prime Minister?"....which Boris rightly ignores.....and it would make a nice change if the Labour Party actually came up with something constructive instead of constantly criticising the Government. Also the horrific shooting of school kids in America has had blanket coverage on the is difficult for people who live in countries where guns are illegal to comprehend the American viewpoint. The rolling headlines underneath the BBC N

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