Voices On Fire For Christ



We were born to burn with blazing passion for Christ. Come hear truth that fans the flames, shatters the shackles and sets captives free!


  • PYFNJNY Conference Day 2: Building on the Cloud

    10/08/2019 Duración: 01h23min

    The kingdom of God on earth may suffere violence; but tonight we take it back by force! Looking unto the Jesus the author and finisher of our faith and building upon the great cloud of witnesses that has gone before us, we see our callings, giftings and purpose in this world and respond to the call of Christ to go and proclaim the kingdom.

  • PYFNJNY Conference Day 1: Contending for Kingdom Glory

    10/08/2019 Duración: 01h27min

    We have been called to proclaim a Kingdom; but in much of the world that kingdom is found in disarray and under attack.  God is looking for born again believers, true disciples and warriors to contend for the Kingdom and live for His glory.  Are YOU among that number?

  • Church without Wall: Ready for the Finish Line?

    27/07/2019 Duración: 01h53min

    We plan for so much; but are we ready for that most critical of all days, that day that is both our last and first?  Your last day on earth will be your first in eternity: Are you ready to stand before the King? Come join KQC Ministries and friends around the globe for worship, prayer, praise and a Word from the throne of Grace that refocuses and repositions everything.

  • Church without Walls: Forgiven Much Loves Much

    20/07/2019 Duración: 01h54min

    As we return to our series on the Parables of Jesus, we are confronted with a story that gives great insight into the dangers of modern "churchianity" where forgiveness comes without repentance, grace without holiness, and Christ without a cross. Find out why the love of the most grows cold in these last days and insulate your heart against the frigid chill of apostasy this week on Church without Walls.

  • Church without Walls: Thoroughly Blessed in Christ

    13/07/2019 Duración: 01h41min

    Ephesians 1:3 is one of the most misquoted, misinterpreted verses in scripture. The failurte of believers today to understand the depth, wealth and voracity of this verse leads many astray either into carnality and excess on the one side, or poverty and pwerlessnes on the other. But there is a far better, balanced, scripturally sound approach to this critical scripture that will at once humble, elate and empower you for the journey wherever life takes you. Come worship with believers around the world. Then, hear this life empowering word.

  • Church without Walls: Not Many Fathers

    29/06/2019 Duración: 02h07min

    KQC Ministries invites you to worship the greatest of all fathers, Our Heavenly Father as we come together for to celebrate and enter into the presence of our King.  Hear a call to arms for men of this generation to reclaim your relevance and position in society. What makes KQC Ministries so special? We a re a FULL GOSPEL ministrythat's balanced. That means all the power of God without the hype and hyperbole of man, all the glory of God revealed in its fullness with only nameless, faceless servants and children of a great King who desire to bask in rather than grasp at His glory.  So, come join us and find strenth, faith and fellowship for the journey.

  • Church without Walls: Necessity and Relevanceof Baptism

    08/06/2019 Duración: 01h29min

    In the Christian faith, two practices above all others bring individual members into the fellowship of believers: the Lord's Table and baptism.  Each of these is essential to the Christian faith. Yet, each is shroud in mystery and meaning. Join KQC Ministries and believers around the world as we worship the one true God and seek His guidance to more fully understand the necessity and meaning of baptism.

  • Church without Walls: Invited but Choosing not to Abide

    01/06/2019 Duración: 01h34min

    Is it enough to pray the "prayer of salvation" then you're saved for all eternity or is there something more?  Jesus spoke of the difference between the called (those invited to the feast) and the chosen (the elect who remain and abide therein.  Join KQC Ministries and disciples of Christ from around the globe as we worship, pray, take communion and wrap up our series on the parable of the wedding feast.  Come, find out what it means to abide in Christ.

  • Church without Walls: The Measure of a Christian

    18/05/2019 Duración: 01h44min

    In the Parable of the Wedding Feast, Christ speaks of those invited guests who did not measure up to the invitation reminding us that it is not enough to be called to the table.  You must be chosen and thereby made worthy to sit at the feast.  What does all of this mean?  How can you make your calling and election sure? Join KQC Ministries this Saturday for Church without Walls as we worship and seek the face of God.  There, in His presence, we will be challenged and edified by His Word.

  • Church without Walls: The Invitation

    11/05/2019 Duración: 01h28min

    In Matthew 22, Jesus tells the parable of a great King who made a wedding feast for his son. But those who were invited "made light of it."  What about us?  There is a feast prepared and the invitations have gone out.  We say that we have accepted; but have we taken our reservations to the feast too lightly? Come join KQC Ministries as we gather with believers across the globe to worship, praise, pray and to hear from the throne room of grace a message to direct and empower our journey. Don't miss this vital moment of preparation for eternity.  Make plans to join us LIVE!

  • Church without Walls: Reverence the Son

    04/05/2019 Duración: 01h52min

    Perhaps the most powerful parable Jesus ever told was one of His last, the parable of the landowner.Therein lie precious pearls of wisdom and warning for a Church that may have grown too comfortable in waiting for her Lord.  Come worship with believers from around the world and hear a timely word from the throne of grace that is sure to challenge, exhort and empower!

  • Church without Walls: Talk is Cheap

    27/04/2019 Duración: 01h36min

    Life and death are in the power of the tongue; but do all words have power over our lives? There is an antinomy in scripture regarding words whereby on the one hand Jesus warns that we will give an account for every word uttered and on the other we are taught that the Kingdom of God does not consist in Words but in POWER (1 Corinthians 4).  Come join KQC Ministries as Pastor Pete unravels the clear and uncontradictory truth about words, your salvation and your testimony before God and man.   Don't miss a moment of the movement that is Church without Walls!

  • Church without Walls: Did not our hearts burn?

    20/04/2019 Duración: 01h53min

    On the road to Emmaus, Jesus revealed the power of the resurrection to be the fulfillment of scripture in the arrival of fire-baptized preaching.  Because Christ suffered, died and rose again, there is POWER that is to accompany and testify to the validity of our preaching.  So, why are so many of our pulpits filled with less?  Why is so much preaching dead, dry and powerless?  How do we recapture the fire that Christ died to deliver unto His Church? Join KQC Ministries for Church without Walls as we worship, pray and seek the face of Jesus.  There, we will find answers to these and other pressing issues of our day.  WHATEVER your personal need from Christ, it will be met IN Christ here! So, don't miss the #moveofGod.

  • Church without Walls: Treasures New and Old

    30/03/2019 Duración: 01h41min

    What are the issues of YOUR heart?  What flows from your heart in light of the scriptures?  In Matthew 13 after concluding a series of parables, Jesus asked His disciples if they had understood these precious teachings.  After answering Him in the affirmative, Jesus told those followers one more parable likening any true student of scripture and honest disciple to a householder who brings forth treasures both new and old.   Join us this week as the Holy Spirit unfolds the deep meaning of this parable allowing us to examine our own hearts and storehouses in light of God's word.  Don't miss the #MoveofGod

  • Church without Walls: A Kingdom Catch

    23/03/2019 Duración: 02h04min

    Like Peter and Andrew of old, we who are in Christ are commissioned to be fishers of men.  But what does our fishing expedition look like and to what may it be compared? Join KQC Ministries and beleivers from nations, tribes and peoples far and wide as we celebrate the glorious Messiah of God and delve dep into Christ's teachings to make our calling and election sure.

  • Church without Walls: Treasure and a Pearl

    09/03/2019 Duración: 01h35min

    To what may we liken the Kingdom of Heaven?  What is it like to find the glory of the Christ? to truly seee the cross with all of its significance, demands and benefits? What is the value of salvation and how do you know that you have found it?  The Kingdom of Heaven is like treasure and pearl of unparalleled perfection.  The one who has seen is knows that it is worth everything you have and more. Come, join us on a journey as we seek out this great treasure and wondrous pearl.  Join us for worship and a transformative word that liberates and empowers.  Join KQC Ministries and believers around the world for Church without Walls.

  • Church without Walls: Mustard Seed and Leaven

    23/02/2019 Duración: 01h47min

    What does it take to live the superabundant life of the overcommer in Christ? Jesus made clear and simple what it would take. It's not about programs, steps, self-help, visualizations or any of the other nonsense that modern churchianity has tried to make it. Come, find simple, gospel truth to transform and empower your witness for Christ. Join KQC Ministries and believers around the world for Church without Walls THIS Saturday at 6 pm EST.

  • Church without Walls: A Wake up Call to the Church

    16/02/2019 Duración: 01h41min

    The Book of Proverbs warns of how just a little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands to sleep can bring great poverty and great hardship.  We live in an age of sleepy Christians brought on by a generation of watchmen that slept at their posts thus allowing the enemy to sow in the fields of the Lord.  What then are we to do?  Are we to continue on at a weary pace perpetually sleep walking and lulling others to sleep?  Or is it high time for the Church to arise and awaken to true God consciousness and impact a lost world? Join KQC Ministries and believers from around the globe as we worship the Lord, seek His face and sound a most desperate alarm to awaken the sleeping giant called the Church.  

  • Church without Walls: Sower 3

    09/02/2019 Duración: 01h47min

    The sower sowed the Word.  What are YOU sowing? Join KQC Ministries for a time of worship, prayer, refreshing and reconnecting as we celebrate Jesus.  Pastor Pete will be bringing us to the final installment in the Sower series as we consider both the mandate to sow the gospel of Christ into the hearts of others and the potentially dire consequences of sowing strange seed in the fields of the Lord's harvest. Jon us LIVE this Saturday at 6 pm EST.

  • Church without Walls: The Sower 2

    02/02/2019 Duración: 01h43min

    Come join the movement that is connecting believers of like precious faith across national, cultural, denominational and physical barriers.  Come join KQC Ministries for Church without Walls as we worship, pray, honor the Lord and hear truth that liberates, empowers and makes alive. This week, part two of the Sower.  Come learn about the impact the Word of God is meant to have in YOUR life and about the hinderances that keep us from bearing fruit for the Kingdom.

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