Sandra Rea's Fiercely Spiritual Podcast

The Best Method to Master Your Vibration in 60 Seconds (or less)



In this video I’m going to give you a quick “hack” to master your vibration in 60 seconds or less. This method is pure genius and it works! You’ll instantly dissolve any resistance allowing your vibration to bounce back to it’s naturally high state. If you’d like to go deeper with this, to celebrate the solstice, Vibrate Higher, my 5 day energy reset is available for the next few days. You will kick start your frequency so you can effortlessly raise your vibration. I will walk you through the exact steps to work with your Angels and guides to release heavy energy so you can end suffering and struggle and experience more peace and ease in your life. Click the link below to get start straight away You’re Watching the Fiercely Spiritual Podcast. Sandra shares powerful tips, techniques and insights about all things Angels, Archangels, Guides, Spirit, Angel Signs, Connect with Angels, Abundance, Meet your Angels, Angel Guidance, Angel Numbers, Astrology, Alignment,