Mangala Shri Bhuti - The Link

Between a Rock and a Not-So-Hard Place (Link #636)



Speaker: Sasha Dorje Meyerowitz. Sasha addresses how he responds to the challenges that confront him as a practitioner. It is important to acknowledge unconscious self-doubts and to skillfully address the tendencies that undermine one's practice. The Dharma offers several remedies to work with these doubts and habits. We can choose to accept our experience fully without letting regrets distract us or using the Dharma to avoid pain. We can apply the wisdom of emptiness to remember that experience is not solid. We can recognize that our integrity is grounded in self-respect and nyingru ("the bone in the heart"), which fortify our motivation to persevere. And we can remember the rare and extraordinary blessing of being in the mangala of the guru.