Questionable Personalities Podcast

Episode 29. How to be an actor part 2. Working Actors, Emaline Williams & Chris Young share their insights into the acting process.



Actors, Emaline Williams and Christopher J. Young share their insights into the acting process - what is it, how and why they do it? We discuss the stage, film, technique, various roles and the casting/audition process. This is the part 1 of our conversation.Christopher J. Young is an actor and a Centenary Stage Company General manager. He earned an M.F.A. degree from the Professional Actor Training Program of Ohio University. His recent stage credits include; Bram Stoker's Dracula, The Learned Ladies, Start Down, The Nether, and Harvey, Christopher’s recent film credits include; Hunter's Weekend, My Dad and Bob Todd, Hotel, Jess Archer Vs. and Star Crossed Lovers. In addition he is an adjunct faculty member of the Centenary University Theatre Department and a member of Actor's Equity Association. Emaline Williams is an actor & a graduate of Ohio University's BFA Performance Program. She studied Meisner, Linklater, Fitzmaurice, View Points, Michael and Anton Chekhov, Shakespeare, and L