Hall of Blue Illumination

Episode 54, “Festivals and Wizards



Welcome to The Hall of Blue Illumination, the podcast dedicated to the fantastic world of Tékumel.  In this judiciously-timed episode, our hosts discuss and compare Tèkumeláni holidays.  Then they take up the “graduate level” Tékumel subject of the Undying Wizards. Show Notes: [00:00:30] Holidays in the Five Empires!  The Intercalary Days are five days at the end of the year and are a major event across all of the Five Empires.  (S&G 1 §1.1050, p. 127) [00:01:20] Holidays have cultural significance.  They’re associated with different temples, and even the same days are celebrated differently depending on the temple and the city. [00:02:22] The Sourcebook provides a list of holidays across the Five Empires.  (S&G 1 §1.1050, p. 125). [00:03:18] The list of holidays in the Sourcebook is one of the few times a Tsolyáni word is given alongside its equivalents in other languages.  You can see the kind of linguistic drift that has taken place. [00:04:29] James notes Ikáner (the 1st Intercalary Day) is celebr