Mr. Stillman's Opus

Learning From Grandma’s Financial Wisdom



Even if she wasn’t directly talking about money, Grandma said a lot of smart things that we can apply to financial planning. We might not have known it then, but looking back on wisdom that was imparted to us can teach us lessons years later. On this episode, let’s take some classic Grandma sayings and see how they relate to our financial lives.   Here’s some of what you’ll learn on this episode: How ‘when it rains it pours’ applies to the way the market behaves. (1:33) ‘You never know’ is used quite a bit in financial planning. (4:19) ‘A bad apple spoils the whole barrel.’ (6:43) Why it’s important to get information ‘straight from the horse’s mouth.’ (8:49) Yes, ‘if your friend jumps off a bridge, would you do it too?’ applies to finances. (10:00)   Connect with us: 919-391-3446