Astrology Bytes With Theresa Reed

Saturn Transits Through the Signs



Episode 168. Saturn spends about two years in a sign. Saturn transits show where we might feel limited. This is where the hard work and discipline need to happen. Let’s go through each sign: Aries - When Saturn is in Aries, we must be willing to take responsibility for ourselves. This is not the time to point the finger. Instead, you must look at your choices with care and find the courage to do the right thing. You might take on more work - or start working more on yourself. You can find success now, provided you take calculated risks. Taurus - When Saturn is in Taurus, you can get your finances in order. This period requires great fiscal responsibility, but if you’re willing to knuckle down, you can create lasting security. The economy could be a bit stressful during this time, so it’s best to be prudent with investments. This transit may also find your values going through a shift. Gemini - When Saturn is in Gemini, you can learn new things, master a subject, and excel at communication. Focus on your studi