Thread With Dr. Chuck Quinley

Thread Season 4, Episode 1: Overview



Hi! Welcome to Thread, Season 4! We're back with more verse-by-verse Bible study so you can build spiritual muscle through God's word.  For this season, we're choosing to go carefully  through Ge. 1-12 because it's the place to begin if you want to understand the message of the whole Bible properly.  Western Civilization, with its emphasis on the worth of each individual and the equality of all persons, is birthed with one verse in chapter one of Genesis, "So God created man in his image. In the image of God created he him, male and female created he them."Genesis has teaching about ecology, the dominion of mankind upon the earth, the spiritual war in the heavenlies, and the forsaken tree of life, the scene of the original rebellion that spoiled the creation and set in motion God's plan to reclaim the world He had created.I've spent the last 2 years studying Ge 1-12. It's been an amazing journey! I feel like I'm just now understanding the core story of the Bib