Alter Everything

119: Problem solving in Alteryx and beyond



How would you go about solving a math problem in a language that you don't speak? Alex Gross, ACE and Alteryx Lead at Alteryx partner M2, did just that in his research on historical math. Through translating the unpublished book "Grosse Arithmetic" by mathematician Anton Neudörffer (1571-1628), Alex has developed a well-rounded problem solving mindset that he uses with Alteryx.Tipps Tuesday blog seriesAlteryx German CommunityAlteryx User GroupsWeekly ChallengesAlteryx CertificationsAlex's book (available in German): Anton Neudörffer (Nürnberg 1571 - 1628 Regensburg) und seine "Grosse Arithmetic"Check out the full show notes on the Alteryx Community, where you can comment and join in on the conversation, or use the #AlterEverythingPodcast on social media.Want more from Alteryx? Follow @Alteryx on Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn. You can also register for an Alteryx Community account, and download a free Alteryx trial to begin breaking through your analytic and business challenges.