Pro Church Podcast With Brady Shearer

Facebook Jail, YouTube Handles, & Increased ACH Giving Fees



Send in your question via text to 1-800-485-3139. Question #1 (01:14): Recently our church's FB page was put into "FACEBOOK jail" based on content from a recent sermon. Is this something that we should be concerned about or take it as an object lesson on the "suppression of truth"? Question #2 (19:01): I just received an email about YouTube changing their username/url look up to something call Handles. What is this? And how can I prepare my church to stay ahead of the game on this?  Question #3 (24:43): Just got this email from Planning Center Giving and would love to hear your thoughts. PC uses Stripe as their processer and Stripe has a new bank verification service that apparently costs more. Stripe has "retired" the old system.  For churches this means ACH transfers now cost $.30 instead of $.25.  One, I'm curious if this is affecting nucleus giving?  Two, does this feel like a money grab by Stripe or necessary increase in a world of inflation? Question #4 (29:42): Brady, if I someone were to ask me what y