Pro Church Podcast With Brady Shearer

Best Church Testimony Questions, Project Management Tools, & Email Signatures



Send in your question via text to 1-800-485-3139. Question #1 (03:23): What’s the best way to have kids and adults speak up more in testimony videos when doing baptisms or stories? Would this require more vocal coaching to the person who’s story we're filming or creating a more comfortable environment where they aren’t feeling so bashful?  Question #2 (18:50): Email signatures: how do you think about these for churches? There are a lot of options from simple plain text to more elaborate ones. What would you recommend a church do and why? Question #3 (23:55): I think you've mentioned that you use Notion. Is that something that just you, Brady, uses, or does the whole company use it? How do you use it? Question #4 (37:50): What would you tell your younger self in the areas of entrepreneurship and friendships?