Christ Church Bartlett

Nimrod and the Tower of Babel



Nimrod and the Tower of Babel Genesis 10-11 I. Nimrod was a rebel king who was attempting to establish an evil empire on earth — Babylon. [Genesis 10:8-11] II. The Tower of Babel was not some technological attempt to reach outer space but was an attempt to interact with and worship the evil principalities and rulers in heavenly places. [Genesis 11, Isaiah 14, Ephesians 6:12] III. God confused the languages and dispersed the nations as an act of mercy.[Genesis 11] IV. As an act of divine judgment, the LORD handed the nations over to be ruled under the authority of other gods. [Deut 32:8-9, Psalm 82] V. The LORD then chose and called Abram out of Babylon and started his own nation. [Gen 12, Deut. 32:8-9] VI. When the Spirit came down at Pentecost, God was beginning to reverse the rebellion at Babel. [Acts 2:1-13] Putting the Word into Practice When we speak the truth in love, we speak the language of God! Let us Go and make disciples of all nations.