Christ Church Bartlett

The God who Hears Me and Sees Me



Genesis 16 The God who Hears Me and Sees Me I. We are most tempted to doubt God and take matters into our own hands when we forget that His ways are not our ways and His timing is always perfect. [Genesis 16:1-4] II. Sin will always yield painful consequences and damage our most valued relationships in life. [Genesis 16:4-6] III. Despite our bad choices, God is full of mercy and compassion and comes to find us and comfort us in our most desperate times of need. [Genesis 16:7-10] IV. Our God hears us when we cry out to Him and sees us when we feel invisible to the rest of the world, knowing us better than anyone yet still loving us more than everyone. [Genesis 16:11-16] As we Go … No matter how far you’ve run, turn to Jesus today — the One who hears you and sees you and knows you and loves you!