Christ Church Bartlett

The Curse of Canaan



The Curse of Canaan Genesis 9 I. God’s word never embellishes the truth but often portrays the heroes of faith in an embarrassing light. [Genesis 9:18-23] II. Upon closer examination, Ham’s sin against his father Noah most likely was sexual in nature. [Genesis 9:18-29, Leviticus 18, 20] III. Noah’s pronouncement of both blessing and cursing carried significant weight as the patriarch of the family! [Genesis 9:24-27] IV. The consequences of the curse of Canaan become a primary thread that is woven throughout Scripture. [Genesis 9:24-28] V. The good news is that through Christ Jesus, all the nations of the earth have been blessed! [Genesis 9:25-28, 12:1-3, Galatians 3] Putting the Word into Practice  We either remain under the curse of Adam and are condemned by the law, or we have been redeemed by the work of Jesus Christ through faith. Are you still under God’s curse or are you enjoying God’s blessing of salvation?