Christ Church Bartlett

Table of Nations: One Race–One Blood



One Race — One Blood — Genesis 10 • The Table of Nations reminds us that there is only one race — the human race — and only one blood. [Genesis 10:1, 32, Acts 17:24-28] • Only the Bible provides the true history of the human race and provides a legitimate explanation for the origin of nations and languages. [Genesis 10, Acts 17:24-28] • While the Gentile nations rebelled in pagan idolatry and devoted themselves to other gods after Babel, the LORD chose for Himself a people for His own possession and created the nation of Israel. [Genesis 12:1-3, Deuteronomy 4:15-20, 32:6-9] • The entire story of redemptive history is the good news that the Most High God — through Christ — is reclaiming for Himself a people for His own possession from every nation and language. [Matthew 28:18-20] • The primary mission of Jesus Christ is that by shedding His own precious blood for sinners, He paid the purchase price to redeem us and make us into a holy nation and a kingdom of priests forever! [Revelation 5:9-10] Putting th