The Food Heals Podcast with Allison Melody and Suzy Hardy

210: Kerri Kasem Shares Her Secrets for Ageless & Healthy Beauty PLUS How to Stop Sugar Cravings For Good



Kerri went vegan at the age of 12. But she wasn’t a healthy vegan. Pasta, sugar, gluten, soy, and junk food all featured in her diet, causing drastic mood swings, low energy and skin issues. After 24 years of that kind of strict veganism, she felt like crap. She had constant sugar cravings, was tired all the time, was anemic, started losing her hair, and her brain didn’t work. And all the doctor did was… prescribe medicine. He didn’t even ask Kerri about her diet. He just diagnosed her with ADD and handed her some pills. At that moment, Kerri had a breakthrough. It wasn’t about veganism. It was about health and eating right. The food choices you make dramatically affect your mood and your physical health. Your gut isn’t called your second brain for nothing – that’s where your immune system is, and where most of your serotonin is produced. So if you’re eating foods that cause poor digestion and inflammation in your gut, then of course that this is going to affect your mental health, and increase your risk of