Pro Church Podcast With Brady Shearer

The Next Big Thing On YouTube, Traditional vs. Contemporary Services, & Social Media For Church Camp



Send in your question via text to 1-800-485-3139. Question #1 (01:40): How do you see Shorts fitting into the future of YouTube? How do you see vertical video fitting with YouTube’s future? Question #2 (13:30): My church currently has two services with an average attendance in each of about 450. We are going to end up going to a combined service style in the upcoming months, which will lead into a massive renovation (an expanded sanctuary, heightened choir loft, balcony seating, two new life group wings, etc.)  How can we properly and effectively communicate and execute this plan with as little misunderstanding as possible? The older generation is not as understanding to change, so how can we aid to their likings as well? Question #3 (29:14): Have you ever put together a social media plan for a church camp?  Where would you begin if you were in my shoes? Question #4 (35:19): What is your brushing and flossing regimen?