Dr. Tommy Show

Old Donkeys, Establishment Covid Remorse, Musk Fumigates Twitter, Booster Fail



Broadcasting from the Free State of Florida where Ron DeSantis beat Charlie Crist like a rented mule pledging that the he would put "old donkey" Crist "out to pasture." John Fetterman debated Dr. Oz and it didn't start well or get any better. Who knows if Dr. Oz will be a conservative or another Mitt Romney, but he is better than another rubber stamp for the continued march to collectivist hell we are experiencing. NY Supreme Court rules against NYC, says covid mandates were unconstitutional and fired city workers must be given back pay and their jobs back. Hopefully this sets off a trend across America of lawsuits against purveyors of unjust action against Americans who didn't want a particular therapeutic, which is what the Covid vaccine is. Jake Tapper recognizes that children were harmed by Covid policies in schools but now we must move on, no place blame, work together. Wow that was easy. Not more than a year ago Jake and people who think like him wanted parents who went to school board meetings, to ar