Love And Courage

Kathy Kelly - renowned U.S. humanitarian & peace campaigner



Kathy Kelly is a renowned U.S peace activist, author, a founder member of Voices in the Wilderness and now Coordinator for Voices for Creative Non Violence. Kathy is a long-time resident Chicago where she is heavily involved in community organizing. She has travelled to Iraq over twenty five times, including during the early days of the Iraq war and she has spent time in war torn Afghanistan and Palestine. In the course of her activism Kathy has been arrested over 60 times for her non-violent actions and has served several prison sentences. Now in her mid sixties she continues to travel the world as a courageous voice for peace and a justice. ........... About the podcast The Love and Courage podcast features interviews with inspirational people who are making a real difference in the world today. Guests are typically people passionate about social justice, and who have demonstrated courage and conviction in their lives. Host Ruairí McKiernan is leading Irish social innovator, campaigner, writer and public s