Magical Theory, a Harry Potter podcast

Lesson 2-3: A Life Unlived, and The Burrow



Turn to Page 24, The Burrow. Today’s lesson is called A Life Unlived. The chapter begins with Harry face-to-face with his friend, Ron Weasley. After his father reported that Harry had a notice for underaged magic, Ron and his brothers, Fred and George, had apparently flown a car in order to free Harry. They barely escape Uncle Vernon’s desperate attempts to stop Harry from leaving. During the flight back to the Burrow, Harry recounts his conversation with Dobby, and suspects maybe that the Malfoy’s sent Dobby to mess with Harry. When they get to the Burrow, Mrs. Molly Weasley berates her sons over their recklessness, but softens the more she learns of Harry’s rough summer. The boys set about their chore of de-gnoming the garden, and eventually Mr. Arthur Weasley returns from his work at the Ministry of Magic, and becomes the newest target of Mrs. Weasley’s ire. After a wild night and morning, Harry goes up to Ron’s room and settles down. Music: Happy Haunts by Aaron Kenny #MagicalTheory #HarryPotter #podcast