Magical Theory, a Harry Potter podcast

Lesson 3-19: The Price of Loyalty, and The Servant of Lord Voldemort



Turn to Page 358, The Servant of Lord Voldemort. Today’s lesson is called The Price of Loyalty The chapter begins with Snape interrupting Lupin’s story, triumphant that he has caught Black and Lupin. Our trio, now desperate to hear the story in its entirety, attack the deranged Snape - who is planning to deliver Sirius and Lupin straight to the Dementors - and incapacitate him. Lupin and Black continue the story, including how Black recognized Wormtail in the Weasley’s Egypt photo. Sirius claims that Wormtail cut his own finger off as he killed those muggles and framed Sirius. He was terrified that Wormtail was positioned perfectly to attack and betray Harry at an opportune time. He broke out of Azkaban by transforming into his Padfoot form and slipping by the Dementors. When he arrived at Hogwarts, he befriended Crookshanks, who understood there was more to both Padfoot and Wormtail. In final proof, Sirius and Lupin turn Wormtail back into Peter Pettigrew, Harry’s father’s old friend, and the true betrayer o