Magical Theory, a Harry Potter podcast

Lesson 3-20: Shooting Star, Full Moon, and The Dementor’s Kiss



Turn to Page 378, The Dementor’s Kiss. Today’s lesson is called Shooting Star, Full Moon The chapter begins with the slow trek back through the tunnel connecting the Shrieking Shack and the Whomping Willow. Most of the attention is simply on being able to move with an unconscious Snape, an injured Ron, and a dangerous Pettigrew. Harry and Sirius do have an important conversation about living together when Sirius is exonerated. Harry is jubilant as they exit the tree, only to quickly become terrified as Lupin transforms into a Werewolf. Sirius transforms into his dog form to fight and distract Lupin, and Pettigrew transforms into a rat and escapes again. Ron is petrified on the ground, and Harry and Hermione run to help a yelping Sirius, who turns back into his Human form and is under siege by the Dementors. They try to save him with the Patronus charm, before eventually succumbing to the Dementors’ effect and being subjected to the Dementors’ kiss. Just before all is lost, a powerful Patronus charm rolls thro