American Snippets

American Privilege with Alma Ohena-Apare



Alma Ohena-Apare was born and raised in Accra, the capital of  Ghana. He remembers the stories his mom told of her year in New York, as an exchange student. He remembers how exciting life sounded there, and how crazy it seemed that people did things like add milk to soup. Those stories ignited a spark in the young boy. When his father returned from a business trip and shared stories of places like SeaWorld, that spark erupted into a burning desire to experience America, himself. Alma had dreams that were bigger than Ghana. As much as he loves his family and  his homeland, Alma was not content living his life in a place where his dreams have limits.He jumped at the opportunity to participate in a ministry trip to Los Angeles. Once in LA, Alamo didn't let slamming doors get him down. Instead he changed his tactic and threw himself into the conversations he had with the residents of Los Angeles, as he spoke about God. Eighteen years later, Alma's dream came true and he became a proud citizen of the United States